HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/17, 03/05/17, & 03/08/17 !~; ._ ~ ~ _ .. !_! ..~_. a L ~ ~
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` No.~ ~ J
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Proceedings, City of Paducah smrah lAt 191.2
At t- palled meeting of the Hoard of Commieaionsre held in the Counoii Chamber
' of the Oity Hatl, on Baroh Ist, 1917, upon pall of the mil the ~llotring answered >,
their names= Burns. Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4.
i On motion of Bomber Barton, that the monthly allowtmos of $12,02b.8b 1Por the
1ino,~t'. ~ ~ ~
~ ~ .
month of February 1917, ae per report of the Oom'r of Finanos and ruditor hereto
J'~ h
i! o
e or
dram on.
reasury for lama. par
upon pa
taohsd, bs allowed sa
• :~ of 4he roll by 4 yeas.
' ..Q~-Y~~. On motion of the above.. that the City of Padnoah purchase the $3,000. Ci$t ate
I~a~ ' "Paducah 4~ Street Empravement Hoed from Jae. 0. W1lleon 8o Co. of bonisville, $q. O
• •,lN~`*'' ;^ '96} sad. interest- parried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yee~e.
~ On motion of Lteyor Burns, that the transfer of saloon license of A. A. Nio&ells.
:' ,°~'~'r ~~~
0{•-+ to Roy Randolph at T00 Hroadwoy.. be greeted ea regneste.d- parried neon Dell oY thi roll
~ ,.
~ 4 yroae.
' 11A~"T"
. ~i
~ On motion of Bomber Barton; that the retail coffee hones lioenae of Geoo
. p
Se.PaaR ,~,,,~.,,:a.' •,; 9ohulte at 701 Jaokson-St. be transferred to Betlook & Aalton, as per request hereto.
~^~~ f ~ attached- oarrisd upon pall of the roll by 4 gees. ` .
~~~ot~4 ~~ On motion of Bayor Hume. that the aommunioation.oY 0. F. Fuller, of the Paducah
~ Butter Co.. regarding the establiefiment of a milk distributing station. be reoeivsd
' ''
'ruck, $~+o:
C~w.u~+IwLe.~'.~' snd•filsd, oarrisd upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas.
\, On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the rBll by the following votes _ .
Yeas, Hums, Gardner. Bt-rtoa and Washington- 4.
i ,
- S~'_t;1:.~,,,, _'B~}~1'' C` ..r D ~'
Ai• ,,too 3
' ^
~• cn, ~ ~ ` JSTA~UTi- '
~; • Bash 6th .. 1917. _ .
~ '
rT a regular meeting of the Board of Correniaaionere held in the Council Chamber
of the Oily Ha11,.Paduoah, Ky. on Baroh.b, 19]'7, upon sell of the roll the itiilowing
eaewered their names: 'Borne, Gardner. iiarton and WeahinEeton- 4.
On motion of Bomber Barton. the minutes of. a regular meeting held on Feb. 2b~
'' and apeoiel meeting of Bar. 1st were adopted ea read upon pall of the roll by 4 geae.
:~ On motion of the above. that the Report of the nnditor & Com'r of Finance ot'.
p __ f ! Receipts and Diabureemectte for the month of Iebruary 1917 be received, filed and
published in the offiolal newspaper- parried upon pall of the roll by 4 ysaa.
(~;~„ ~°_ e • .-- ''
~ On tration of the above. WHEREa3, the poet of living has advanced and wages I •
~- n have remained the same, I move that the City 3olioitor be iaetruated to bring in an
,~` ~s~~lw omendment to the retention ordinaaoe vdiere atux ie required inoreasina the salary of
~ the following city employees: ~ a
~Wui:~.r-w.. POLICi•; DEPai~^aL~cPiT '
f~ N Chief o Po oe ............From X100. t0 ~12b.
Patrol drivers
" 60
., ~
1 .............
:IRE' :)F~aBiL'.EI1a^
r'`:' Chief of rr^ire Dep ........ " 100. to 12b.
STiiEEi D~'aR III^a
~ Street iuepeotor ........... " 7b. to 90.
Chaingeng Foremaa .......... " 60 to 66.
all street employees be inoreseed 2~ per hour.
3FS.ER DEPiil:ir.~IIT j
inoreaeed rams .. X2.26 per.day '
Increase i cm~,~1.b0 to ,`1.66 per dqy
dlerk to mom r of Py io Works- From ~7b.00.to $86.00
' LICH^a PLeiI~(T
Fireman - ..................From rb0. to X60.
Repairman .................. " 46. to 600
^arimmer ..... " b0: to .70.
..,~' Tiuraee . norease from x9.00 to X10. per month
• i
r ~ i
t ,
. ~.. .. .
1 ~ w $ ~,
~Ii •
~. r r„~
r•.....~-.-ma. ~..y..::...:.~»~;wwa ~ a - - ,.. ,+s,a's.:;d.s..:-.i.=•wWa.~aa•~. , Wis...-..--
~vl~,e.: ~++'N3^7~J•:5b-..y ..y...., }:n,..w ,.3•M '.F, w.e:?A t
. .. No
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Ltaroh bth 19F_aontinued •
Engineer at Light Plant fmm ;p70.o0 to ;100.
• 9eaer Inspector from 60,00 to. Bb.
. ~ Thsae inoreaeea to Inks eifeoL on and after ihs 16th of Siaroh, 1917. oarried upon ~ •
j call of the roll by 4 ye as. ~ ~
On motion of Member Woehington,,that the psy roll for the ytreet Dept. for
. j. the week girding ltarah 2, 1917, not covered by ordinance, amounting to X138.16, be ' '
i ellosed, ae per attached statement- anrriad upon call of tin roll by 4 ysea. I '
pje,;{/QL~ra4N On motion o! t:~s above, that the Dtationel Surety Co. be released from the ; -
r. bond of Walter F.ng]nnd and Chas. J..Ulark, patrolmen, ae of the date of the terming- ; •
~~~~ ~ tion oY their services- oarried upon call oY the Doll by 4 yoea. ! ~,
i L,
~t j; On motion of itayor Burns, that the Resolutions oY the Library Board regard- ~
B~"~ ~ ing the eadttloruil X600. epportlorunortL Yor the library be received and filed Dad duly'
~„~,;~„~, , 4
ooneidered 1n making up- the eFportiomnent ordinance Yor 191?- oarried upon cell of j ;
j' the roDi by 4 yeas.
' i ,
~ On motion of the above, that the oommuniootion of vr. H. P. Linn. Health
~~ E~" officer. regarding a Piling cabinet, be received and filed- oarried upon sell of the
i ',
as:",; .
i "roll by 4 ysea.
~, j
Ltember Graves entered the meeting. !
~: Un motion of L?ember Oardnsr, that the ]suer of hie lracoellenoy, the President
• ;;, of the United States, to Hon. Frank U. Burns, Ltayor, dated liar. E, 191?- the.letter~ .
of Ltiea 1BarEuret Uoodroa Ylileon, dated Feb. E7, 191?- and tbs lettrer of ltr. tiVill R•' j
•- ,
Scott, doted Liar. 1. 1917, addressed to the Lithos, be, spread upon the minutes-.
• oarried upon call oY the roll by the iblloaing vote; Yeue, Durna. Gardner, Oravea, ,
}Barton and 4faehington- br i ` . ~ . ,
~' i
Said letters are as Pollens; ~ -
' " E Liaroh, 1917 I •...
( ~?~~~~"
~' 1By dear ltr, Bursa: i
.. ~ '
i You care certainly very gracious to send me is your kind (
' ` letter of February twenty-e ixth the reeolutiona passed by the Hoard
of City ~ommiasionere with regard to my daughter's visit to .Paducah. {
I` It has gratified her toad mei-very deeply indeed that aha should have +. ,
n received au aordinl and goneraua a welcome. Grill you not be kind I
!' enough to convey an expression oY my can aarm appreciation to the 1 .
~J,.,Ey,o,, other CommiasionersY !
' Cordially and sincerely yours, (''
• { Noodma Wilson. ! r
• - ~ ' Hon. Frmak tt. Bursa. lteyor, "•
.Paducah. Kentucky. ". i~
t ,
• I
"Paducah, By. Feb. E?th,'191?.. ~.
' Lty dear Ltr. Ltayor, ' . { ,
Let me thank you fmm my heart Yor your kind letter j
.~ 1~__ with its offer of help. If my mail inoreasea mush today end tomorma
i~'a"" ~',~~"" I shall taY_o advaatnQe oY your gene roue au(;geatlon, or if there is ' •
~,~;,,,~, anything else ae wan null on you for t}:et ere need ere shall do ao. I
You have rinds ue Yeel hoa genuine Se your hospitality and cordiality. I
G.~aedrr..J :he reaolutione. of t1:e commissioners moved rnB deeply but ,(
beoeuae of the loyalty told admiration they ehoaed toward my Pother
urd beotmee of the cordial spirit they expressed toward ug. as^hey f
mode me very happy indeed, Please extend .to t},e ooruniaeionera fbr ~ •
1.re my moat heart-felt thanlre Yor the courtesy they hove shown me and ( •
through ne to the President.
It e+as n pleasure to re et you yesterday and I hope that I , ~
shall nee you again before I ]a ave.
i~ith my wumeat appreciation of your kindness, ,
Sincerely yours,
l!argaret ti7oodroa tYileon. "
~: .
I ~i
' ~ ~ _ ..
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• ..
commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ltarah sth 191? ' r .
. " liaroh 1, 1917
' Hon. Frank H. Burns. Eiayor. ~.
and as^he Board of CoIDmieaioners ~' .
6entl amen : ~
nA o Tha interest tukon by the Board of CommiesionAro in tho vieib
at i
f l
t W
t f
n rno
, o
ue a mo
• ~„
her impression of Paduoeh a favorable
ono, end personally I wish to ~ ,
~~. thank yon for decorating the stage at the Kentucky, which meafit sub- , . '
stantial aesietenoe to me ae her laoal mazusgor. She'oarried away
with.rier a strong conviction that Paducah, officially sad privately. is 7'
a delightful pity.' -
~~ Yours very truly,
' ;~ William R. Scott. " j
• ~' On motion trio Board ad3ourned upon call of the roll by the following votes ,
~, Yeas, 8urne, Gardner, Oravee,Yarton and Waeh3xgton- 6.
~ .. ,
• ~ '
• '1: ~{
tiaroh 8th . 1917.
,. ;~
' At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council '
Ohsmber of the City Hall, Pafluoeh,.Kq. on i.iaroh 8th, 1917, upon call of the ,roll the '
following ansnered their neanes: Burna,'Oravea, L'arton and Washington-:4. ~. •
A committee from the LtoCrnd:en Connty Etedioal dasooiation, composed of
~'~'~~'~' Dre. 5lghta, Caldwell, Jaakeon end Rivera, addressed the Board' regarding the eatab- ~ •"
C~,,,,~;i~-y, `,e~n liehment, of a baoteriologiaal laboratorq.
. ~ ', On motion of 1Sember ]darton, that the communication from Claude Porter
a~~~` regarding the trtnafer of his retail coffee house license at-106 8. ,,^hird 3t. to
`"6"' GQo...d~ fir. Jl C. Sellars, at the same looutioa, be received`and fi]ed wd that said transfer
P ~ •
~: ~~~~^ ~ be granted; same to take its usual course- carried upon call of the roll by 4 gees.
' On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be authorised to pay
' to Bar Roue 86.00 ae er his oontroot with the Cit foe the
~ =y ~ P Y grading and graveling.. ~
P*~' a~'9b`' . of Idonroe Street, and that thq City auditor, be instructed to deliver to the above ,: ..
~ .
.~~~ ~. contractor the following unpaid street bills :.kg:-es beech $62.00, Fred C. and 1'se.
,'Walker ,124.00, Paduoab Reeltq Co. ;62.00- total $248.00- awns oar;led upon call of
' 1
. the mil bq 4 yeas.
On motion of lSember Groves, that the Citq Solicitor be instructed to advise
a ~~~ the Board of Commieaionore whether the Citq of Paducah ie required to aupplq.more ,~ .. ~
UA ~',~,~ than one qugrtor of one per Dent of the Juvenile Court expenses in the event that said
~. .~ of one per Dent does not realise enough moray to paq~one half of the expense of said '.
• ~uveaile court- carried upon gall of the m21 bq 4 yeas.
• _ ~ On'motion the Board adjourned nFon Dell of the roll by the follawing vote:. .
~ -` Yeas. Burns. Ornves;liarton end Aaiehington- 4. ' •~~: i; ~ i •
. ~
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