HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/17, 02/19/17, & 02/26/17.r ; No..~ ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah peLruary 1Gth 191 At a speolel meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere held in the Oonnoil Chamber of the Oity Hall qn reb. 16, 1917, upon.oall of the roil the ibllowiag answered their names: Horne. Gardner. Marton ana Washington- 4. /) ew On motion of Pember Washington. a Resolution making it apart of the duties of ' -~~~~a.,sy~ ~y the gity veterinarian and heat & ldilk Inapeotor to give msdioal attention and treatoneat ""1`O - °~• to all atoak belonging to the oitq of paduash. without any e:dditionai oompsnaetioa, was • "~~ given its passage upon Dail of the mll by 4 gees. On motion of Pember Gardner, a Resolution making it apart of the duties o! +-~ the Oity Phyaioian end Aaet. City phyeioian to give first aid attendmaoe and mediael j `pp,~}. ~ attention, sto. to any employee of-the oity who is injured while in the perfoimanoe ot. ;"'"`l ~Pt,vta.~~a 'his duties or is taken nnddenly ill by unusual ea:poeare or over exertion, without any ~ , additional oompensation therefor- wen given its paseege upon Dail of the roll by 4 gene. On motion of Pember ll~arton, a Resolution making it a part of the dutiae of the .(~.IA+~'a~' ~ City 9olioitor and aesL. City Solloitor to defend any notion brought egatnat any employes ~+~$' ~' of the oity on his offioisl bond involving a Danes oY notion growing out of the per-.' tormanoe or attempted performenoe of hie offigial duties, without any additional , charge for erooh eervioes= waa given .its passage neon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ~.o-~~ on motion of Payor Burns, a Resolution condemning slot machines and all gambling .:. e, _ -~ devices sad games, and or daring the Chief of Police to notify all operatara ~uf ewe to r ~ Danes operating bemire Feb. 19, 1917- was given its passage upon call of the roll by 4 grab. ~~`~,~* On motion of Luber Washington, that the oondemnatioa snit of the. Oity of •. '/(a~~ ~ ` ~~ Paduaeh ve Barnes for right of we~y ibr a street from Lteyera street tDra the S~rrrill- l ~~ pp ~~ ~~ Icing br. Oo. property be continued foe il~rther oonaideration pending negotiation ae t e tt n ~ ~~ * , o s le: eeat- garrisd upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. • On motion the Hoard e:djonrnsd upon Deli of the toll by the following votes ' Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Parton end Washington- b. ,.6~1~P u0 v .rte ' . , Ala Ind -1.2__191.::.,: ' r ~ I~T4M.+w~++~~1 nw..,.......~.ip.LLbZ ~...r :' ' ~X~)~. , ~c:i, ca•e .FEBRUARY 19th. 1917. . At s regular meeting of the Board of Gommieaioners held in the Gounoil Ohambea ~ , of the Gity Ball, Paducah, Ky., on Feb. 19th, 1917, upon Dell of .the roll bhe following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graven, Liarton and Washington- b: On motion oP Pember Gardner, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Feb. lEth, 1917 were adopted ae recd upon call of t}e full by 6 yea:a. On motion of the above, the minutes of a special meeting hs]d oa Tebrnary lbth were adopted.ae read upon call of the roll by the following wte~ Ysae, Bnrne, Gssdae;~ ~. Parton and Washington- 4. L.ayt .Graves, 1. ~ . Oa motion of the above, the minutes o4 an adjourned meeting held oa February. loth were adopted ae read upog call of the roll tar 6 ynae. ~, On motion of 'the above, the minutes o! a special meeting held on Feb. 16th sere adopted ea read upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burge, Gardnez, 14arton and Washington- 4. 8taq: Graven. 1. Q •~ On motion of Ltember Parton, that the report of aoYleotione for the i^iprovement 1 ~ ~ ~~ • ~ F""`^" t 6th street, bq the oonstruation of concrete aidawalks, etc.; be received and flied,' • ! ~ ~ and the amount oolleotefl,,to wait; ,34,869.02, be paid to Prosser a Hailida}r.as per _, ~ ~' contract- also that bonds bs printed to .the ®onnt of b'2,170.89, and acme delivered to r ~p.~',t.,l.ativr/ the above oontraotoTe, ana that the Auditor be instmated.to. turn over to. said Prosser & Halliday the tvo•unooileoted bills amounting to 3E3E.9b- carried upon Dell of the roll , by 6 yeas. , .,.w>m~~.u.~...~ .>~,,.,.....~.a..,_.... h.• ., i v t . I,,... i ~. ~." . f W. , ~1q. ,~ b 1.. • . . ~ •. - ,., ..... ..-...w ++-.:~:r,..4u.. ,;. ..rr.-s++~r.~....:r-::~-~wva-.~i-s.`,.i~•~Yrwiva.r.~v :.. :. ~ '. .~ : .1~..-L .':. '. • . r ...cYP ,v :i:fi;°^S. Jd °p5•.TC~ ~^1 •.'.. o...t1a v. . -~..~+rr. Ya'R4 f No„=.;~.~~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadvcah Aabrnarv 19th ~gjq oontin,ed - • "'~ .: n . ,~• • ~~ .. ,~ F ~} ;~ ' • ;E .., F~! ~~. yk v., Ors motion of llembar Washington, that the pay roll for the street department for i the week ending Bobruary 17th, 1917, cot covered by ordinance, amounting. to ~109.Eb, ~~ 88 per attached statement,. be allowed. parried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. On motion of the. above, that the petition of the Ohio Yslley Ina. Co. for F V~~ ' ~ n __.,d~" a=emption from tazoe he referred to the City Solicitor as to whether said company ~ ' ~~°"~~ comes under the head of manufnotnrerw ~ i ilember Graves offers Lhe following substitute fbs the above motions that the ~. •r request of the Ohio Yelley Ins. Co. ae to exemption from oily taxes for s period of A"~'~'~~" ~~•W k' two years be grmted- said aubatitute motion wee tabled, receiving no aeoond. f •. •7r"" P !. Tha original motion of Lumbar Washington carried upon call of the roll by thr follo~•;-. ,; 4 ~ ing vote; Yeas, Horne, Gardner, Ltnrton and iYaehington. A. May: Grnves, 1. On motion of Clamber Gardner, that the Williams fomlly msntionsd in the oosnmu. 'W nloation hereto filed, be 1lsrniahed forty gallond of gasoline to take them to their destination, Clifton, lennaeaee. the said family being on a boat and in destitute ' •1''~^°, j~M~ oiroumstanoos. this eoaount to be charged to the contingent thpd-• carried upon - • cell of the roll by b yeas. ~ •. ~~,,,,,~ On motion of 1Senb.or Washington, that the reoDmmendationa of the liayor relative ,~,.{p~ to the ourtallmant'of expenses be received and fl le d, and referred to the oommiaelonera inn se a committee of 'the whole- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. - r•_~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by Lhe following vote: j Yeas, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, Clarton.and Washington. 6, • ~. it Aiee i ?? _ ..~ .141..1- ..~A.1~~ T's .~ ~ ~ ` - `~9 ~• Fibre ar9 88th ~ 1917. ~ ~ . • At o regular meeting of the Soard of.Commiaeionar6 hs1Q in the Oounoii ~' Ohanber of the City Ho].1, Psduoah, 1(y. on Feb. 86, 191?, upon Deli of the roll the j ;. following answered their names Borne., Gardner, Graven, Ltarton and Washington- 6. ! On motion of Clem bar Carton, the minutes of a regular meeting held on • 8/19/191? wero adopted ae seed upon call of the mdl by 6 yeas. ~Po~ ~ On motion of Clamber Grnves, that the Dopy of letter of inatxuotiona leaned ~ h~,~- ~ by Chief of Police L. a. Graham, regarding the euppseesion of gambling and other I!{ 9~~1eie' vloea, bs received and tiled. carried gpon call of tho roll by b yeas. '' On motion of LlanDar Washington, tho payroll for the atreot department not . I • ~: covered by osdlnanoo, for the weak ending Feb, Slat, 1917, amounting to X168.66, lose t allowed- upon call of the soil by b yeas. ' I ~: ~~ ; On motion of CIembar Gardner, that a deed be ezeouted eind dellvored to G, W, ! ;. 91sk and Lloyd Wolker fps Lot 80. in Block One, Oak Grove Cemetery, botween Stewort. ~ ,~ tti +~A'~i4r'r~ and Balder etreeta, treasurer's receipt for X30.00 being hereto attached- carried upon ~: ~ call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of ifayor Barns, a Resolution commending the visit of itiae 'h-s.~~""`t ~.Llargaret Woodrow Wilson to the city of Puduoah, urging the oltiaenship to attend the ~ ~~w ~; recital to be given by her on Feb. E7th, and reafiirming our faith and oonfideno6 in ~ our President, wee given its pbsauge upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ! On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call Of the roll by the following voter IjII . ?:~ Yeas. Horne, Gardner, Graves. Liurton and Washixgton- b. I Aie ttd ' i cy cr~r L ~ - ,` , ~:;,- -r-:-m...--rn~+mwr.-rye .~....~:~. ~ mssrmaacn-:mnrr'"~~