HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/17 & 01/29/17. ~ . C01Y11271SSlOtI@2'`S PtOC6Cd1ngS~ City of Paducah danuerv Stith j9jzoontinned On motion of Member Liarton, 8 RES07rUTI0N DIRECTILIC AND 1UTHORIZINC TN8 idaYO& 7'h ~' OF ^a HE CITY OF, PaDUOaS ^a0 isXECUa^E NOTES OF 41iE OITY OF PaDUOaN FOtt TIaTs SUY OP' ONS . ~.e+M~o~t,d"' '! HUNDRED THOU9nND DOLLARS, i1ND P7.EDCINO. aNTIOIPtTSD REYFSdUE OF ^aNE OITY OF PADUOAN bOli 'r ~~ op,Dpe. ;THE FIRS: HADF OF 1917 TO PaY 9aL1E, wee given i.ta passage upon Dell aP the roll bq G yesa. . On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll bq the following voter ~. ' Yeae, Bvrna, Cardner, Craves. Marton and Washington- b. ` '~ _ 1 ~ ~.. 12 ~~~~Oti ?x-21 • '' Ad• red - ~••+G-~~Z;~~~ . i~p c~ ~ Mt3YU ~. debfUeRY 22d, 1917. ` '. ~' I;~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Cotxnoil Chaa:bei i~ of tho City Hall, Faduaah, 3~7.. on January 22, 1917 upon sell of the roll the followings answered their names:. Burns, Gardner, Gravos, Marton sad, Washington. ~ On motion of Member Morton, the minutes of a regular meeting held: on January 16, 1917 werq adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; byeae. j ~: On motion of Member Graves, A RESOLUTION IcEQUESTINC TiiE SUPPORT OF HONURABLB y' OLLIE ii. dpMES AND HONOiir-BLE xLBEN W. BaRi{'i,E1 TO EAcuiES^a3.Y llSE a^HEIR BEST ENDErWRB I11~' (~~.,~,~,,~ ~~ SECURING TiIE LOOATION OF THE.GOYEiiiiL~lia^ xRMOR PLxTE PLeN^a aT.PnDGCAN was given its ~"^""'"- passage upon Dell of the roll bq b yeas.. On motion of the above, that the request of N. 0. averitt for a transfer of ~,C, ~vt~n~ hie snlo.on or ooffeo house liaenee from 92E Findley St. to 1100 i~. Tenth St. be granted, ~~~-~„ p,..~, j, pursuant to the notice hereto attached. oarried upon Dell of the mll by b gene. ''\\.'~".~"_~"0 ___.,- On motion of Lfember Marton, that the oommunioation fry J. C. Utterbaok regard. ~•~ V ~"°"~`~" ing the sale of ~T00,000. of revenue notes of the City of Faduaah to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louie, Eto. be received sad filed- serried upon aetl of the roli bq 6 gees. On motion of the.ubove,.that, WIiEtiExs, the Oity of Faduaah has an excellent ' chance to load the armor Plate Plant of the Covemment, and WHEfiExS, there will be ~ ' ~~ , ooneiderabla expense incurred by the Board of Trade, that the amount of ~gb00,00 be ~ R~~ .~I, appropriated to said Board. of Trade for anq legitimate expense that may be incurred .. .3 towards bringing the above plant to the sit y, and that this Board go on reaord fuvoriag anq move made by the Board of Trade or any Committee that is now at work endeavoring • ! to bring this plant to Paducah- onrrled upon call of the roll bq 6 yeas. ' On motion of Member ~Jashington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week ending den. 19, 1917, amounting to X133.00, not covered by ordinance, be 811owed-~ ~: ;.. oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. On motion of the above, that, WHEREAS, the Com'r of Public Works advertised ' ~~~ ~ for the eooeptanoe of the grading and graveling of Monroe St..ior the 2tA of January (') .~~.- 1817, and WHEREAS, there ware two protests filed against the sooept mice of this work, , 1-TL0""~O"~' end W!I$REA3, there are some points is aonneotton with the oa~ndittona of the contract, 'i 1 hereby more that the Magor Dell a meeting of the Board of Commissioners, together. ' - with, the Citq Solicitor, for the disoueeian and a.deoiaion of this matter- oarried npon I Dell of the roll.bq 6 yeas. On motion of the Magor, that rules be enapended ae to sending out copies in t ,~I' regard to a Resolution relieving Albert Arta of hie services as. Sewer Inspe.otor and ;appointing A. •. Courisu: in his stead- oarried.npoa Dell of the roll,bq 8 gene. ' ;; ;, ` ;, `., .. { .. ,. .,. s ~;: , .. ,. , . ,. .,,.:, -,. „ . _. ... '. '.r fa .. p, :._:: ~'M +,v&k'.•.x:-~..,.. _y.~, ~ ., emu:.. : .. ,.,.,. ^1~ .. ~:,•~... a,. W..m.c-._:~nW.. ,,. o-~!. .. ~, S • d. YM P •' 4 . i I .~ %~. :~: 2 ?~ • ~ On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department + for the week ending Jan. 87, 1817, amounting to $134.06, not covered by ordiaenoe, ~.:• ~ De allowed, oarried upon Dell of the rail by 6 yeas. '~~. + ; On motion of the above. that the Com'r of Pub Property lavenkieate as to I • ' ~ ~ the adviaebilit of ntti a street li ht n M o t t h 18th t t ld ;~ • s `~• -~ i. - _-~ u f ~, • ~'~ dt a regular arsting.of the Hoard of Oomoniaelonere held in the Oounoll ~ ` • •• ~ • Ohamber of the City Hali. Paduoah, $}-, oa January 88, 1917, .upon Dell of the roil 'the following answered their namset Burna. Gardner. Graven, carton and Washington- bs Oa motion of btember 1{aston,the minutes of a regular meeting held on Jan, i 88. 191? wore adopted ae read upon Dail of tbs roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Gardner, that deed be e:eouted and delivered to Frank ii • + . f~a~•Ga~ ' D. Clark foe Lot 44 elook One, Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's reoeipt fo! X50.00 ; • C~"",~__;~, ,being attaohed hereto- oarrfsd upon Dell of the roll Dy b yeas, f ~~'"'"" ~; On motion of the above, that the Supt. of the Light Pisnt, l~r. Jpsoe. ba ~: iastraoted to pleoe alight et the aorwr of 6th and Harrison Ste.,. !n aooordenoe + with recommendation of Com'r of Property and Snpt. of Light Plant herewith filed- + ~I ~~-. ~.oasried upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. Navy-,C Commissioner's Proceedings, City of'Paducah Janaaas a8d 19I n On 1Sotion of Member Washington, d RESOLUTION TEBLII~i6^aING THS SEFtYICE9 Op ~•a ,J~ ALBERT dRTS d3 SEitER INSPEC^aUR OF THE'CITY OF P6dUC.iH dND .iPPOIDITING R. d, GUURIEUX TO FILL THE YnCnTlCY CeUSED TiiEREBY, was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by , the following vote; Yssa, Burna, Graves, L:arton & Washington- 4. Nay, Gerdnsr, 1, j ~; 1lember Cardner offesred ea substitution for the name of R. r. Gourieux ~: °° G ~ ~ _; the name of J. C. buret. but said motion was ruled out of order by the.lteyor. ~ On motion of lleyor,8urna, that the polioa authority of J. E. Taylor ae . ~ C~ j ~.• ~ speolai.oliloer of the City of Paduouh be heroby oeaoelled-. oarried upon Dell o! ~ "` j ,the roll by 6 yeas, ~ ' . o ' On motion of kember Washington, that the bleyor'e eotioa in signing gontraot~ JM~ P~ with 9. bt. Smith for rent of Peet Houas and 01ty-:Farm be ratified. oarried upon j /~y,~r~' ;~ Dell of the roll by the following vote; b yeas. ~ • ~~• III°O°••- On motion of 1Sember 3larton, that T. H. Trioe be granted a deed to Lot ?8 J,~ ~~ In Slook One, Uak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's reoeipt for 40,00 being hereto attaohed- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ! `~- On motion the Board ai~ourned,upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;•• Ysea, Burns, Cardner, Graves, Laston & Washington- 6, ~° I , i. ~ Jaanary 89th.1917 f' ., y p n8 g o our s a roe w era a see won , S be it estended, as per request of oitisens on this street, and 1f found needed, that ~8+ -'~; . he give necessary lnstsnotione to have light erected-. oarried upon Dell of the roll by '• b yeas. 1 • Oa motion of itembes itarton, that the report of Jno. D. Smith. snpert 8a~ ,~. ,1 aooonntant, for the yeas 1916, showing the audit and examination of the books sad ~~ ~ reaorde of the City of Paducah Yor a period of twelve months; from Jan. let to Deo. ' Slat, 1916, lnolnsi~a, bs roosived, filed sad published in the official newspaper, , end that the Com'r of Finanos be authori$ed to have at least 860 copies of same ;printed in pamphlet form- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. r ,. i= . `•_ ,:, . .. ~5. ,. _ ,` .,.,~,~ fib„ I I I ~ ~ ~_~~, ~~,. ..w.,..~.~..,.. .... w..., .. '1'" ~, ,'.F a:L, ~ ', Mme u._.,.... ~4tta.~tr~n• .:~,~` • i .. _ t • 1 „~, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jatmary z9th 191 '- oontinnea . Oa motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of the soli Dy the following •ote= Y~ae, ~' " ~~ " ~'Burne, Oesdner, braves, ltafton, sad iashiagton- b, ~ ~ .. C~ F~~JGCTT~~-~ a .. ~, w February 8, 1917. ~ " ~ at s speoial meeting of Lhe Hoard of Commiselonera held is the Couaoil Chamber ot: ' _ !! the City Hell. Paduoah, ~. on February 8, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the following !." ~~: annrered their names: Borne, liardnsr; (craves. Marton and Washington= b. ~" ` " ~~ -r On motion of Member Marton, that the reporE of the auditor and Comer of Finanoe ~. .' De reoei~ed end !lied, for the month of January, sad. that the amount of $13.419.69 , +• be allowed end ohsoks issued tar same- oarried npoa Dell of the roll by b yeas. , ' ~t~'1~ _'OVOnk a On motion of Member Orevee, that the recommendation of the Comer of Pnbaio Works " ~.~ with rsfersaoe to the aooeptanos of the work sad improsemeat on Monrw street Dom- f~ P~. menoing on the .East lino of Lote ~4 end X13 in what is known ae the Fountain park ry d,cli~•~--11 addition to the City of Peduoeh, be concurred ia- and tffit said work be and the same is ' ,' hereby accepted in eooosdanoe with the contract with Harry Roas, sad that ea asses®ent ordinance be drawn sad presented to the Board of Commi9eionsre at their ne=t meeting " ~ apportioning fhb cost of same among the property ownerd,'oarried upon Dail of the roil _ by 6 yeas. , ~ ,~V.~aewiAl., ' On motion of Member Merton, that the sapemsei of F. 1I. Bnrne. ltsyor, to Loniewille , . t Ew~'~- ~ on Jan. E9th, to inweatigats the indnetrial plant proposed by s certain engineer of ~ .i~l dldLix~-vil~u ;: Loniewille, to bs located in the city of Padnoeh- said e=pea.ea amounting to ~Ei.76- bs allowed- oarried upon Dell of the soli by 6 yeas. . On motion the Board ad~onrnsd npbn Deli of the mil by the following •otei Yeas, !'~• 8nrne, Oardn~r, tirs~se, Marton sad isehing4on- 6. ~dfi tc4 _.r.._" -- Iif~.t:~ ~,, 'cw ckrr ~ FEB3U6RY bth. 1917. i12.1YUg . at a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesionare heid is the Connoil Chamber ' ~~ of the City Hall. Paducah, $q., on February, b, 1917. uponos1T of the roll the follow- '~ ing answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4. ' "~~ Cn motion of Member 4ardner, the minutes bi a regular meeting held cn Oeauary P~ . $9th, 1917 aad'bi'e epeoiel'meetifig held On Fbbrnary,$, were'edoptsd ee~read npoa otll of the soli bpi the •tollowing•rots;'Yeas,~Bnrab. 6ardner,~-Marton end Washington• 4. ~p~y~,~.y ~ ~~ On motion of the above, that a deed be executed sad dsii~sred to q. B. Trios ' Q r r., J. ~ • Jru~.... ; for lot 74 is B1ook One on Baker 3t., Cak Orowe Cemetery, treasnrer'e receipt for ~ • X40,00 being attached hereto- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. w y ~ On motion of the above, that the Borthsset quarter of Lot Bo. 61. Block No. L ~~~ ' ~ in Oak Grove Cemetery bs transferred from J. D. Eubank, deoeaseid, to aeo. 8. Wallis, " .. ~ ae per written authority of ltrs. J. D. 8nbamk hereto attached- oarried upon Dell },{,e.a, y{. ~ p„LGs of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ . On motion of the ebo~e, that the petition of oitisens requesting the letting . 'J-~wg J Nu:A.w' ' ' of;dontraot to Thos. 8.'Torian to clear and ramose all standing timber from Zbth 9t.,! ''~ ~~ ! be referred to the Com'r of pubiib corks end City 3oiioitor- oarried npoa call of ~'~ ~' P".'. .. ,. . ,,.. •" the roil by 4 yeas. . .. ... ~• : . :, ~. ., ,. .. ,. ;:; w. ~ ,..., i;, ,. C~ ' ~ .. r ~ ~ ~ r - ~