HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/01-01/02/17, 01/04/17, & 01/08/17......-•!iw.4.. s. • ~ t 4. • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jeauers i.t lg~ ~ ~ . { It s segalar meeting of the Board of Oommiesionese held in the Connoil s Chamber of the City Heal, Padnosh, Hy.,•on January 1st, 1911, upon call of the roil'. the tollowing answered their nameat Bums, Oasdner sad Marton- 3. ~ ~ • "( On motion of Yeyor Buena. this Deing Hsw Years Day, and a legal holiday., ' the aeeting was adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Jan. Ed, 1817, at Es30 P. N., ;., • upon osil of the roll by 3 yesa. i '~'~ I ' ~ ~~y ~ DTAI'.U!^.. ,' I i JAHOdRY End. 1917. h , • I' _ ' At as adjourned meeting o! the Board of Commissioners hold in the Counoll f • !' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, $y., on Jan. E, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the ~ toilowing answered their names: Barns, Gardner, Gravsa, Marton sad Waehingtoa- 6. On motion of itemher Gardner, the minutes of a special meeting Told oa Dso. ! E6, 1916, a special meeting of Dso.'E7, 1916, a Del U d meeting of Deo. 30, 1916, ~~ !~ sad a regales meeting of Jan. 1, 1919 ws;e adopted ea read neon Dell of the ivll by` ' ~ +; b yeas. '~ On motion of Member Marton, that the pay soli for the month of December ~ ~ ' i ;; ~. 1916,.amonnting to $64,118. E1, ba allowed and checks ordered issued for e,ame, ae ~ •• per report of Com'r of Finance sad luditor hereto attached- some carried ppon sell ~: of the roll by the following vote: 6 yeas. ~ 4 •~• Oa motion of the above, that the amount of 173.26 be ellowsd•ewd check ~ ~: ' ,. . ' a A^:~- ~ '^-"" ., ordered drawn to J. !S. Bradshaw ae per contract, for grading and graveling an alley?~ ~ .. ~' `' ,. n/,,, ~ '"~ between Monroe and Madison and 91zth and Seventh streets, this being the entire ~, ioeW, ~ ~ ~ aseesamoat collected against the property owaere abutting said alley, and this ~~ ~ ~ !! amount to be paid out of the Spe del Street Fund, ae per oommunioation o! Com'r of ~' Finance hereto atteahed- oarsisd upon Dail of the io 11 by b yeas. Oa motion of Member Gardner, that the oommunioation of Mro. C, 0. Lee ,,pp 1'Y4s C ri.Cw ~ regerdin$ sa erroneous asaesensnt o! pereoasl property foe the years 191b and 1816 j !' , ; be referred to the Com'r of Finance, City Solicitor end Board of 9uporvisore,•oarried y . • upon Doll of the roil Dy b yeas. ~ On motion of Mayor Boras, thatthe petitions for end against the granting ot. .,__ ~I ,, C £ Y~ ' • • i ealooa license to C. 8. hiller at 1169 b. 12th street be received and filed- carried ;~ ~Ra~ ~ . ,eyn. p a ~~~/~,~,~,, , upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: b yeas. ~ t""'_'"" _ _ 4 ~: Oa. mot ion of Member Gravsa, that a saloon or coffee house license ~e 1. granted to the parties whose nemeo appear on the applioatione therefor and at the 1~'~" j; looatione stated is the respective applioatione, and which applioatione are herewith C presented., upon the ezeoutioa of the proper bond, enb~eot to the approval o! the • ~ Mayor and City Solicitor (except to C. E. Miller at llb7 N. 12th etreetl, to-wit: ~', RETAIL OOFFEE HUUSE LICEGSE ~ ~~ Hams Addreae BnrOty I Steinhauer & White 116 H. 4th Rational Surety Co. L. B. Ragan 116 S. 4th Fidelity 6c Deposit Oo. of ild Paimar Hotel Qo. 6 de Broadway Rational Surety Co,. h lt 701 S. 7th J 8 S lit t C o n o . . Fide y & Dopoel o. of Nd '. J. B. Rothrook, Jr, 121 S.. 2d " " ~ Oeoar Danker 12 & Harrleoa Ha~ional Surety Co• W. L. Cates 12b S, 2d Fidelity & Deposit Co. of iid , Will T. Miller 736 Harris Rational Surety Co. John Elrod 110 S. 2d " " Geo. Schulte 701 Jaokaon Fidelity b Deposit Co. of ldd H. L. Barton 4 & Sy. Eve ". " " F. S. Johnston 1034 S. 10th ~ "• " '" Claud Porter 106 S. 3d " " ~• ' D. F. Temple 116 S. 4th " " e " " ~ " gam C. Smith 120 S. 2d W. M. Mitchell 1003 Boyd , " " " " C. L. Robertson I01 9, 2L'd ` " " 1 j . ra~""rn" ! ., ... C ~ i i --tc .__.. ._ - _ ..._, ___. y..__ _...___~ .__..__.,. _ ~ / i.' y.. •o- ~ .~,. ~ ro , . ;': s ,~'y ;~'~ "' air ~ ~~.~ + r~. , ~, t ,y .«a.^., ~--_. r ei ~" • ~.. ~ .~ ' .... ... ~ ' +~ r ., n .... •~ ' ~~ ~No. ~ 30 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. January 2d. 191 7 oontinnefl Name Address .., _.. .... SUtety ' S. B. Cott .. 119 N. 4th . Bstional Surety Oompan>• Pete Bolger 1617 S. 4th " " " " w " ~ ~ TnokrLowemiok . ., 6229Adameth - " w " , ` James Ward _ 1301 Harrison ,. » w w t .• , • Robinson & Fant Sinnott Hotel W. A. Niokella ZOO Broadway. w w w J. J. Lally 1501 s.•4th " " Henry Gauss 704 Adams w a w ' 0. A. Ohandler 12b 3. 2d " " " -Alfred Straus 116 I~q. Ave " w " B. A.' Turner 1000 N. 10th w w ~n '' Oeoar Coleman 922 Findley w w w $eye le Matthews 825 Washington w " " ' J.: H. Clendennon 113 S. Ed !' " " 1 ` ~ Dan Calvin ~ 3d & Norton w w w ; Jaok Riddle Z19 Broadway "' " " ` - A. E. L. Moahell 109 N. 4th " * " James b;oAUghan 12 & donee " " " Ben Boswell & 00. 129.5. 2d w w w • - Soatt Ferguson 701 Trimble " " " A. C. Mitohell 900 Washington " " " Sam Womble 107 N. 4th 'w' w w C. E. Miller 301 S. 7th " " " ' • Guta Laehlee 402 N. lEth - " " " Holland & Manning ,107 S. 4th " " " ' 0. E. Miller 829 Trimble " " " E. H. Pell 737 H. 8th " " " Bohn Ward 132 Ky. Ave " " " Wm. Heibaoh 130 N. 4th " " " t. Frank Pinkard 117 9. 3d " " " Hen M. Allen 100 bi. 1st " " " a. ... : Theo Peters 1039 Ky. Avs " " " Abe Marooffa]q- 134 S. 2d " " " Olsen Franeioli 21E Xy Ave / " ~" « Oharlee Oreham 13b S• 9th " " " b• Z. Nelson 407 S. 3d w w " E. Macon ..833 Caldwell " " " ti w w ti'. Oeo. Danker 901 Washington 0. B. Willow 127 $• 2d " ° " Jae. T. Quarles- E. 3. I. C. passenger depot " " " bee Hite 111 S. 2d " " " ` ` A.T.Bohannon 111 3. 3d " " " W. E. Ham & Son+ 936 N. 10th " " " Jamee.Williame 200 Ky. Ave w w w '. Bondurant k MoOarrigal 932 Husbnnda " " " Sloan Bros. 13 & Mom•oa " " " H. Sohmidt'e Son 1100 9. 11th Aepfia Sur»ty"Com~ediy 'Rehkopi Distilling Co• 103-106 3. 2d same oarried upon dell of the roll by the following votes bye ea. .; P~.1AA~w On motion of Mayor $nr~. that the petition or protest against the geantiag +"+~_~~^~~ P~~~ ~oi additional saloon lioenae on So. 3d street be received and ?iced for future ~~^' r' 3 ~ ooneidsration- oarried upon oell of the roll by b yeas. ~ • On motion of Member Oravee, that C. E. Miilsr De granted a saloon or coffee (°,•~~`~(V1:~+~ hones license at 1167 N. 12th atreet~ upon the e:eontion of the proper bond, same to ~~~ bs, approved by the Mayor and City 9olioitor• same oarried upon cell of the roll by ' 111"'( `Yl 11.x.1' b yeas. On motion •! the above. that quart ligixor license be granted to the n~~~ V following firms. at the" looatione set opposite their names. respectively. upon tha _~\ g e:eontion of proper bond,. same to bs approved by tha Mayor and City Solicitor. tom. wit: Oeo• NH'~8'Sdman Co an lOb-6 AdN~d3~. Sure mp y 8ldelity eposit Co. of Md. Claude Riley Bridgge & Miil St. Philip M. Stephon 9 k liy. Ave Biederman Distilling Oo. HYx3x 111 N. 3d H. J. Prieater a Jake Biederman H. Wsii b Son 113 2t, Ed .Herman Friedman h Jeses.Weil , ,.oarried upon cell of the roil by 6 yeas. ' ,p~ ,~y, On motion of the above, that the transfer o! license from Hags k Mathews `~fla~tA,vs. :~a.~ to Wm. petty & Co.• and from Oeoar Coleman to W. H. Winter lie over and take the ~ ';`^"~ h Y ^ W 1' i.o usual and proper oonree, pe regnired by law- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. On motion of Member Wsalsingtan~ that the peg roll for the street departme~ for the week ending Deo. 29, 1816,•amounting to X169.60, no! aovsred'by ordinance. ~~,, v be allowed- oarried upon cell of the roll by 8 yeas. ' ' a;. ~, , , On motion oi.the above, that,llhereu. there is to b®a BoarA,o! Snpasvitora~ 4 J ~1 1 ,. t 4 6[ • .. v ~gg i jai, s` :,~.~.se,;~„;rn, 't, ua :.,,,sacr~i ~ rater ~ „, .. .. «,. .. ;;r.; .~,... 1. ,;. , r >; •~ ~, ~ y .. 111 'R3"~?M g'c~*p+/x '-, ~a ::., ` H!'+a .r+,.°y ,x' •<_ < .,,: ~~ r ~ .. .,. ,. ,,:.i .'~' ...., _.,Y..w .u.tL.•:L..~~~s3..--.fa.+.»u+. wc.'.r._4.«.+u+o »w1.+•=..R .~w..~+aw. v.u u:uy =:.1....~. s,....~..+1~a,.~ a • . ` Nom `' .. ICI lj a ,w s',: r . !, Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadvcah J~n+~y ~ Igo 7 continued • "~~e~! appointee for the yeas 1817 the matter be referred too the Cao'r o! Finanoe~ end that ~"'' I• he be empawersd to appoint auoh Board of Snpervieoss to not in that oapsoity for the 1 n •.~,,year 1817- carried upon Dell of the soli by 6 yeas. Wav`" i t,;;,~,y On motion of Mayes Borne. that the matter of erroaeowl aesesament against the.; "".-~ po~e'°,~l Citisens 8aiings Hank. Batik of Benton, and J. D. ytoognot, Tsnetss, be referred to the ~ N ~ Oom'r of Finance, Hoard of Supervisors and City 8o1io1tar to report back to this Board. i carried r~pon,osll oi.the roll by tbliowing voter Yeea,Bnrne,Gardnsr, Marton b Waehiagtq Nay: Graves. ~;~p~'-e~y On motion of Member Washington, that the oontsnot ibr the printing of five PN~"'~phy„' huttdred oopies of the Dioense Ordinance be awarded to Billings Printing Co.~ same . ;: • ~: carried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ,Ir~~,,,~/ On motion of Mayor,Burne, that the matter of double asaeeament of property of (~'~"" j~ W. 8. Warren be refersod to rho Com's of Finance and the Hoard o! Superviaore and CltSgj 4 i, Soloit8s- carried upon Dell of the roll bg b yeas. j ~ i ,::~EsJ ',~ On motion of the above a oommunioatiou from W. J. tiilla giving his reasons f '~+~~~q',~,,0~"'~ why he cannot serve as a member of the Hoard of Education, Wen gdoslved and filed upon', ~„' 1" r' 1 ~Q~ Dell 0! the mil by fi yeas. f C ~• '"" On motion of Member Washington. the oath of 0. M. Hiker as a member o t the -y i pI~"' ~~,-,~/ Hoard of Education was received and tiled upon deli of the roll Dy the following vote=', ~'~""' I: Yeas, Horns, Gardner, itarton & Washington- 4. Hay= Graves. 1. . ~ F On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 ysse• j :, ~; JANUARY 4th,, 1917. ~ .; i• AL a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoil Yhamber ~ j of the City Hall. Paducah, Ey., on January 4, 1917, upon Dell of the mil the following .,, answered their names: Borne, Gardner, Marrton.and Washington= 4: - j 1'nw f• On motion•ot Mayor Borne, that M1ae Ho1ks be appointed Assistant or dspuLy ~ .. • Clerk to take the minutes of 811 meetings in the abeonoo o i the clerk. oar;fed upon ~~,,~o V''- i'~ p call of the roll by 4 ysse. ~ •, On motion of the above, that the rules M suspended sa to sending out oopies ' `' ~~ eo that any member of the Board may be permitted to otter nay motion or resolution ~ ' • {; without service of oopies of cams- oarriad upon Dell of the m 11 by the following ! ,•. ~; 7o~es 4 yeas. I: yP~ C; d i. On motion of }Sambas Marton, a Reeoiutlon requesting and inviting the Sentuoky~ Co~waw+~''O~~ ~ ~ 1N , State Federation of Labor to hold its next annual meeting, which will be 1n 1.918, la ~ wruri `p ' ~! onr city, was given its passage upon Dell of the mil by 4 yeas.. On motion of Mayor Burns, a Resolution appointing C. A. Wells a member of they , GA 1Ar~ Board of Health was given its passage upon nail of the mil by 4 yeas. j _ , I ~~,-t~~ ~°Fa1°'`"'VE 1~ On motion of Member Marton, that the Com'r of Finance and the City Depoeitoryi p;y; ~.m.,.-,.r j, ""- be instructed to borrow enough money to tide the City over until the oolleotion of f 7 ~~ ~; taxes da Jnne 30, 1914- oarriad upon call of the mil by 4 ysse• ~ n E' ,1 On motion of Member Washington, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to ~ P~"''"'~'~ _ 0 issue to Pmeeer & Halliday improvement warrant toe $410.69, for work done during th0 i ~.~~ ' ~:. month of Doo. 1816 on contract for oonattvoting sidowaiks too 1n territory bounded by' ~orr+.1~ Second, Ninth, Washington Dad Monroe streets, se per report hereto attached of Oom~r~ ~~~''~ !• of Public Works- oarrled.upon anti of the m11 by the ibllowing vote: 4 yeas. a;,. ~' . ` . . ~ ,~ • ~ ... v. , No~ , commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jannarsr 4th 191 ~ n Oa motion of Ltember Washington, thst the.Com'r of Finanos be inetruoted to iasQe . to Prosser & Halliday improvement warrant amounting to 874.60 ~r work done dnriog $he ~w~~ month of Deo. 1916 on oontraot for oonstrnation of aideisiks bo. oa Sistih St. from ,~ Washington street to Tenn. St., ae per report of Com'r of Pub11o Worb hereto attaohed, ~• ; .W~ ~ oarried upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. i ~ _ On motion the Board ad~ournsd neon Dail o! the roll by the following vote= ' f Yeee, Bnrna., Gardnsr,.Marton end Washington- 4. _. ,. . ~ ..r..r ~.~ Y Sao ~~a i-~~ s~_z„ ..~._......,~..,.~..~. Ar4XU~:• !~ '' ;. __.. ~ ct~ cwr ~ J6NUi-RY 8th. 1917. at a regalar meeting of the Board of. Commissioners. held in the Counoil Chamber. i of the City Ball, P@duaeh, =entuoky, on Jan. 8. 1917, upon Dell of the roll the ' following answered their names; Burns, Gardner, told Washington- 3. ' On motion of Member Gexdner, the minutes of a apeoibl meeting 'held on Jea. 8, ' and oY a apeoiel meeting of January 4, 1917 were adopted ae read upon Dail of the roll - ' by S yeas. ~QMK~er ~~.a~' _ r Oa motion of ]dayor Burns', that the amount of ~j560.00, heretofore epe~rt by thq ~5 bC e_ Board of Trade, as per attaohed itemi2ed etatemer-t, in oonneotion with the Armor Plate ~, ~ plant onmpaign, be pall by the City, and that said amount be considered in oonneotion ~`~ ~~"`~"' with the annual donation to the Board of Trade- oarried npoa Doll of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of Member Gardner, that Lhs oommuniaetioa of Mr. Wrp. Marble, regard- ~~- ing the eetabliehment of a mnnioipal Finployment Bureau, bs reoeived and referred to ~~~~ ', the aommisaioners as a whole for eatioa- oarried upon Dell 04 the roll by 3 yese. ': ' On motion of the above, that a deed be ezeauted and delivered to Almeda Howell, ~~ ~~~, for Lot Twenty, Blook Three, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's zeaeipt for ,'30,00 being hereto attaohed- same oarried npoa Dell of the roll by 3 yese. • ~~ On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Publio Safety use the entire foroe ' ... ~` of plain olothea men and polioemea in assuring evideaoe with whioh to ooaviot the •~d ~ gambling houses alleged to be in operation in the down town diatriet, if it is true ~~,r ,.,~L ~ that enoh gambling houses are being operated- and that. he report the faote in these '' :matters to this body on nezt Monday- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 3 yieae. ~OWsU. Oa motion of the above, that, whereas, it. is reported that bawdyr houses ere being operated in Puduoah, and whereas, s bawdy hones ie s public auieanoe, that the ~e `~ p~ Com'r of Pnblia Safety employ the entire police foroe in investigating the matter,. and Si evideaoe is eeoured euffioient to ooaviot that he have warrants leaned for all ~'" ~ persona partiodpating in anoh violation of law- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of Member Washington, that the amount of ~964.4i be allowed and .: • `~ oheok issued to Prosser b Halliday, as per oontraot with the City for the. oohstruotion ~• I of oonoaete sidewalks, driveways, gattera, etc., this amount to bs paid from the Special Serest"Fund,- oarried upon Dail of the m21 by 8 yese. On motion of the above, that the tinanaial statement for the month of Deoember,~ 1816, be reoeived,.filed and published is the official newspaper- oarried npoa call -oi the roll by 3 yeas. ' ~----,~I ~~ ~ f ... 1 "" .~ i III. s ~i ' '' h' • ~, • No. j~33 . AP PA~IffRA)<I dennwra H!h 7A./9 wwn~lnn.A Commissioner's . „y i ~~~ ' t. 's i On motion of Hembor Washington, that $E749.A1. be paid from the epsoisl street '. ~• ~ fund to the City Rational Bank to ta][e~inp street improvement bonds end interest ~" ~• oonpone on same- now held by said bank, oarried upon Dell of the roll Dy the lollowing', j vote; Yoss, Burns, Gardner and Washington- 3. ~;. ;. ~ •, ~~ On motion of the above, that the pay roll for the 9trest Department for the 1 • i week ending Jan. 6, 1917. amounting Lo $14b.40, not oovered by ordinanoe, bs allowed, ', same oarrie3 upon oWll of the roll by 3 yeas. •I` I . ~ ~ On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Flnanoe pay into the 9pooiel Sewer I` ~' ~~~13 j Fund, for the improvement of Jones Street from 12th to 13th streets. $4$•00, and ~ ~ oharge same to the oontingent fund, ae per attaohed report- sums oarried upon Dell ~ , - ~'of the roll by 3 yeas. I ~- 6 On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finanoa bs authorised to pay to j n,. ' I p~W~ fe t ~ Riohesd Bs11 ,112.00 out of the apeoial Street pond, being amount of Dash oollsotad for the improvement o i Jones street from 12th to 13th streets- as per attaohed raport,~' . ,. 1- 1~ ` • ,oarried Kpon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. ~ • . ~~9~ On motion of the above, that the City Solioitor be inetruoted to draw the y y a~~ 1 Imprnvement Bond for the grading and graveling of Jones street from 12th to 13th j Q (~~c~',',1~ I~' etreat, amounting to $308.00- this tieing the efconnt of those taking advantage of the • •. r ten year payment plan- said bonds to be turned over to oontraotor Riohard Hell, oarrie4 e ,upon Dell. of the roll by 3 yeas. ~ • nn ~ On motion of the above, that T. J. Smith be refunded $1.60 poll taws assessed ~.Y~• him erroneously, ae be ie a oitiaen of La9elle, 1(y., same hpving been pall by him ~ U into the oity treasury- oarried upon Dail of the roll by three yeas. i q On motion of itayor Borne, that the matter of erroneous asaoemnent on automobile j • ~ . -: of Eula Garrett be referred to the Com'r of Finanoe and Lhs Board of Supervisors- ~l!.,, D .oarried upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. 1`• On motion of the above, that the matter of leasing the oity farm and the matter .1111111 • ~ .4,~'~e''r~„ of employing a keeper of the Peet House be taken up immediately by the Board of I;" ~~y,~~ Commissioners ea a whole- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 3 yeas. ~ ' ` Liember Graves enters the meeting. E ~ ~e„k,oJ On motion of iiember Gardner, that the Report made by Lhe City Solioitor, Jno. ~ ,~~,~~^~,~,,~e~ B.~Rendrioks, be referred bank to him and also to the deeiatant City Solioitor for ' t~ ~''" ~ further imeetigation as to the ten derv charter provisions of the oily of Paducah !a ! • refsrenoe to election of 1884, oarried upon Dail of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Borne, Gardner, Graves end glaehington. 4. } "' On motion of 1lomber Graves. that the oommunioation of the Librnry Board request.,, •~,-_,,,~.,, Id~ ing the reappointment of ?Sr. Cfm. Hummel ae a member of said Board, bb reoelved end ~ ° , °"~'"` OQvo~"filed- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the fo~llowing votes ~. i ~. Yeas, Burns. Gardner. Graves end iYsahington- 4. • ~ ~~ag~. I ~ Adopted -~' iSI~ .L~~p - t^: ;r-,,-~ ~ `. dfi` ca, Cr.r -. bTfaYC)12.. 1 • ":1 • y 1 ; . , } . ~~~, ~.~. ' `}' . a,, ~ 1 ..-..-•..?~.- . .E. ~~