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of Paducah Deoember 11th jQj 8 ,
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gular meeting of the Hoard of Commiaelonere of the City of Paduoah,
• held in the Counoil Chamber of the City S<nll, on Deo. 11, 1916, upon oell.0f the`
~' roll the following answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Greves,~Eterton and ~~ } •.•
• 1 Washington- b. e
' On motion o Y Ltember Ltarton, the minutes of a regular meeting•heid on Deo.
' • ; 4th, 1916 at 1;30 P. Li. vrere adopted ea rend upon pall of the roll by the following
~'' vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner, Craven, Ltarton and 1ashington- b. { '
• (! On motion of Ltember Gardner, the minutes of a apeoiel meeting held on Deo•:, a'
+; Ath, at 4:30 P. Lf., were edopted as road upon Dell of the roll by the following
it .
• vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves. Lterton and ti(nshington- 6.
•,, o I, On motion o Y-the nbove, the minutes of a apeoiel meeting held on Deo• 6, ,
'. !; 1918 were-adopted ae rend upon Dell of the roll•by the folloMng votes Yeaa, Surne,
~! Gardner, Grnvee, 1larton sad Washington- b.
• ~ On motion of the nbove. the minutes of a epeoiel meeting held oa Deo. 6,
i; et 18;00 o'oloak lt., were adopted ea rend upon Dail of the roll by the following
vote; •Yeas, Burns,. Gardner, Graven. Ltarton and Washington- b.
~~ {{{
• '~ On~motion of Mayor Burns, the minutes of n apeoiel meeting held on Deo. 8,
at four o'alook P.. Li. .were ndopted ae reed upon Dell of ths.roli by the following ~ ,.
~, vote: Yens, Burns. Gardner, Grnvee, Marton end Weshing~ton- b.
~, t
On motion of Ltember Yfashington, that the Commissioner of Publio Safety bs
~+ inatruoted to immediately onforoo the lurr against all bawdy hounes in the City o i .
~ .
py:d.~ ~*"""'~. Paduoah- soma oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns,; '• •
;. Gardner, Graven, L:nrton and tiaehing•ton- b. f
n t_4 ~~y,~ On motion of Liember Gardner, that deed be eseouted and delivered to A. B. II
~:~""~ Hay to Lot 22 in Blook 1, Oak Gxove Cemetery, Treeeurer'e reoeipt for ~30.OO,being~
~• ~4~~
. f' hereto ettaohed- same oarried upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yens,
' ~• Burns, Gardner. Graven, L'arton and Washington- 5.. °a
4~ r On motion of the above, that W. ... Berry, ex-City Solioitor- be and he Ye ~~ •
,~, Q, try}r.i hereby released from.hia bond as auoh City Solioaor ae of date Deo. 8, 1916, and [•
hie surety on said bond ba else hereby released from Yurther,liBbillty thereon- ~ff .~
• same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner,' j'`
Grnvee, Ltarton and Washington- b,
• I • •.
~,._~ ~)~ On motion of the above, that the oommunioation from Lfr. Joe Gardner,
~JdvN~a+~ .' ~~
1~ ~ ; regarding the nuieenoe on hie property bt 0th and ddeme street, be reoedved and '
UU T filed. and that the Matter be referred to the Com'r of Publio 1~orke for hie attention!
~. .
is and remedy- same oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas., Hurna,
Gardner, Grnvee, Liarton and Washington- b. `~
P~„M,,~„ ~~"`'S'!~ On motion oY Ltnyor Hurna, that all punoh boards end slot maohinee bs suppressed ., '
~~~,p~~o"~e," after Jnn. 1, 1917 and that the Chief oY Polioe be inatruoted to dive immediate notioe ^'""
fv` , ' i ;~ .. ..
to ell
punch board and' slot machine operators of Lhie notion- j
Liember Gardner, by way oY amendment to the above motion of btayor Burns, moved!
that all illegal slot maohlnea and punch boards be removed ir.•ciedietely- Se1Q motion [-
ea amended oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,, Hurna, Gardner, .
Grnvee. 1larton and S^ieahtngton- 5.
[ ,
-rr~^~-- ~~ On motion oY L•ember,S~ashington, that the oommunioation Yrom the Chief of ~.°" '
~e~~,... i• ~ '
N""'- ~ j~ Polioe relative to young boys oY ~uvonile age selling bruna, dca to Gunk dealern, be
..----rr~~~' [: raoeived and filed, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring 1n an ordinance
t-~`~" ;. in eooordanoe with the suggestions of the Chief of Polioe if same is found to be lega7;•
aeme oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Burns, Gardner,
!' Graven, Ltarton and Washington- b. - "~~' •
e ._.. _
.y.. i ~ ..
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. `Commissioner's Proceedings, Gity of Paducah ~ Deeember 11th 191szoontinued:
On motion of Lfember Liarton, that, whereas, thq amount oY ~b28.6b has been paid
9j~T.y t. into the Oity ^areaeury for. the reoonetruotion of Broadway from let to1.4th Street, that,
~ ~, 8 ~ said amount be turned over to G. H, Y.atterlohn ae per contract- and charged to the ~-
~~, o-.,., @a-w-~ Speoinl Street Fund- name oarried upon :Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
a.~~ ~, l4 -
Burns, Gardner, Graves, Liarton and 1Yaahington, b. _ ,
On motion of Member Llarton, that the oommunioation of Thos. T. Lieeleq and
~ Q• -
"""`'~. Geo. W. Katter~ohn, of the Board of Snpervisora, relative to' the ovor-assessment of
Liortgege and Property of EIr. Runge be reoelved and Filed and concurred Sa, same serried
' ~~.o~du~+'a~.~ .upon call of"the roll by the following. vote:. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravos, Llartoa and!
r. Washington- 6.
~' ~ ti__•.,e__
~ On motion of the above, that Lir. J. B. 1di11B be refunded the amount •of
„ p___
~ erroneous assessment of poll taz for the yoar of 1914, 191b s-id 1916, t0-wit:
~4.b0, .
`f' same oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves,
Liarton and Ytaehington- 6. ~ .
On motion of the above, that Eir. D. J. drmetrong, be~refunded the amount of ~j
~'~~i4~"~ BED, which amount wne erroneously neseased agndnat a muai0nl inatrmment and paid by
1 F- him- same oarried upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Burns, Gardner.
Graves, Linrton and Washington, 6, '
~~~ ~ On motion of the above, that the I,ioenae Ordinance be referred to the Linyor,~
~- I~+ldTief~ City 9olioitor and the Commisaionere as a whole, and that same be revised and placed
on pnseage oe soon as possible, to take effect Jan. let, 1917- same oarried upon onll of
the roll by the. following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and Washington- b•
On motion of the above, that all insurance policies and other policies of
~Na"-~'` the City of.Pnduoah. be turned ovor. to the Oom'r of Finnnoe- same to be placed in the ^ ~
r ~~
t~.n-e~ vault of ~aid.Com'r of Finnnoe for safe keeping, name oarried upon Dell of the roll by
~~ the following vote:. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Liarton and Washington- b. ' w
On motion of Liembor Washington, that the psy roll for the Street Department
Yor the woek ending Deo. 10, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to'w130.86,.
'r be allowod as per attached statement- same oarried upon call of the roll by the following ~
vote: Yoae, Burns,. Gardner, Graves, ISnrton and Washington- b. ;~
( On motion of Ltoyor Burns, ~- R>SOI,UTION ESI~iDIIIG 'TO L~S3RS.. BFu'IHIi]'±I~ BROS.
~ p `
""`~ ~ OF 1E00.BUSHELS OF ODub TO THE POOR OF THE CITY OF PaDUCr,H, was given its passage upon'
~ call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Burns, Gardner, Graves, 1[arton snd
Washington- 6. .~
P~~~~`'t On motion of the above, that the peddler's license and ordinance be referred
to the City Solicitor to define the rights of peddlers around the market house and ~ "'
'~'' aontiguoue torrdtory- same oarried upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
Burns, Gardner, f3ravea, LIerton and Washington- 6.,
~~~5 ~~~~ On motion the Board adjourned, upon Dell 04 the roll by the following votes
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Liarton and Wnshington- 6•
Aiep~tei ~~~s_ . I .191 ~'
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