HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/16r... . No..tt,C: _. Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah December 6th 19)6 At a celled meeting oY th9 Board oY Commissioners held is the Couaoil Chambsr At twe ve o'clock H. oY the City Ha11,Paduoah, I~}r., on December 6, 1916 upoa cell of the roll Lhs following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llarton cad Washington- b. ,~ <. On motion oY Liember Graves, that the raise be auapeirled sa to sending out copies ~: ~p,~~,~n~ynw~+in+.+~.q oY an Ordinance emending SeoZioa one of the Retention Ordinance, a Reeolntion terminating ' n.- '"""'1-'-. ¢1, ,0 tht services oY Jae. C.. Cheek ae east. Oity Solicitor and appointing David Browning in ~~^~- ~'C.~~ hie stead, and a Resolution relieving Othello Tanner oY hie services as Elevator Operstos v ~Qa.~J and appointing Joe Williams in his stead- same oarrie d upon Dail o Y the ro 11 by the ' ~~. following vote: Yana. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Ltnrtoa and Washington- b, On motion of Ltember Gardner, AN ORDINANCE eIiENDING SECTION ON8 (i) OF AU ORDINANCE ENTITLED; "AN ORDINANCE PROYIDING FUR a~E APPOINTL~I$• OR RETEGTION, BY THE ' -~~~ ~~~,q~ BOARD OF 00L(LiI99I022ERS OF THE.CiTY OF PrDUOaH, OF CERa^aIH CITY OFFICERS, aGENT$ 8ND ' (~d~ "'"""~- 0 E64'LOYIDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCaH. KII~ITUCgY.. AND FIXIEIG aHEIR SALARIES. YOIiER9 AND . ap,i,~~ ~ DUTIES", PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COLtEtI99I0IiER9 JaNUAhY 3, 1916, AUD RECORDED JANUARY ~ 3, 1916" was gives its peaenge upon call of L}r mil by. the ~ilowing vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- b. • On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION RELIEYING JAL~S 0. CHEEK OF HI3 DUTIES AS ~~~~ ~tt,e ASSISTANT CITY 90LICI^a0R AND TER1iINATING HIS SERVICES, AND APPOIItTING DAVID BROWNING TO I~Q-f'+~-ate ~. 1 FILL THE YdCaI7CY C~,U9ED THEREBY, wsa given its passage upoa oa11.oY the roll by the ~, ~{.,.~e..tollowing vote: Yves, Burma, Gardner. Grnvea, Ltarton and Washington- b. On motion oY the above, A RESOLUTION RELIEVING OTHELLO TANNER OF BIS DU^aIE9 A8 C~~,,~..~.~r:~+ ELEVATOR OPERATOR OF as^HE CITY HALL, AND TER4iINATIItG HI8 SERVICES, AND APPOINTING JOS ""'f' -`~'R WILLL-J.19 IN HIS STEi+D, tae given its passage, upon call, of the roll by the Ybllowing ~k~,.A,t~ ~~ vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Grnvea, and Ltarton- 4. Nay, .Waahington- 1.• On motion the Board ad~onrned, upon call of the roll. by the following vote: . -'°t Yeea, Burma, Cnrdner, Graves. Ltarton and Washington- b. lei ,(~`._-=-~~ =-'~i1 6 .,dPPFLOV _E~ti) Ai~p ew ew,r use, r ~ ~ i . Md,YOFe. DECFhiBER 6th. 1916. at a called meeting of the Board of Commiaeioaers held in the Counoil.Chember o! the City Hall,. Paducah, IqL, on December 6, 1916, at four o'olook,p.it., on call of the roll the following emawerod their names; Burma, Gardner, Grnvea, lierton.& Washington- b. ' i~ On motion oY Luber Washington, that the rules be suspended es to sending out i'.l~~n~+ CCa ~"'~(lu~oopies of the ordineaoe assessing the abetting property Yor the improvement of Jones • street between 1Qth sad 13th street, same oarrisd upon call of the roll .by the following vote; Yeas, Burma, Gnrdner, Graves. Liarton & Washington- 6. ...W~~ Q,~~ On motion oY Ltayor Burns, that the Report oY the Com'r oY Pnhlio Worl® on the ~ , 1 ~'xl..o-.~ 133- . reoonatruotion oY Jones Street from TEth to 13th attest be received and Ylled sad the `^ work accepted- acme oarrisd upon cell of the roll by'ths 8:lloving vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner; Graves, Ltarton do Washington. 6. On motion oY Ltember Washington, AN ORDINANCE dSSE9SING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON ~q.4w..,,4.,'~- BOTR SIDES OF JONES STREET BETFEIII TWELFa"H elrD THIRTEENTH STREE^i, EXTE[dDED. IIt THE CITY ~~^~~ • OF PaDUCAH, $ENTUCEY, THE 91JLt OF FIFTY-SIS (b6~) CENTS PER FROtia^ FUOT, wag gives its . v paesa~re upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burma, Gardner, Graven, ~i,~ .~.~' ldarton & Washington- b. r~ On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~ 3. ;(, ~. ~ ~ Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- b. Y ~~ . ~; ~ ~._~..~ t ! ~~ Y ~ ' ~ ` F' l