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~- ~- ~~~ Pe~`~ o :eo a re or. a prov ng a s premium on the bond of .the, Assistant i ~" Chaingang Hoes bs paid Dy the 0ity e~ charged to the Street Department, was given ~• ~. ~ ~'Yk~~ its passage upon call of the mil by the following wte; Yeae, Horne, Gardner, ' ' , Graves, Ltarton anal Washington- b. ;. ~ •~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the, roll Dy the following voter I~ ~; Yeae. Burns, Gnrdner, Graves, Ltnrton and Washington- 6. ,j . ~ Aigtei .C~< < i~ ~ / --•---.-~_.1 L•n ' No. ~ ~ 9 Commissioner's Pl'OGCCIIIrA~S, City of Padut:ah ' Dsoember bth • ~gl e • ~ At a oslled meeting of the Boasd o! Commissioners held in the Council i Chamber o! the City Hall, t'eduoah, Kg., on.Deo. 6, 1916, upoa call of the roll the j' I ~ following answered their names; Busns, Gatrdner, Gravse, itartop and R!nehington: 6• ~! On motion of L:embar Graves, that the rules be suspended ae to sending out ~ . ~ ~ ,' I copies o! a Reeolutloa terminating the services of W. d. Berry ea Oity 9olioitos.and i f ~(-,,,,,~ " i'" appointing Jno. K. Hendrlol~ 1n his stead, and also of a Resolution terminating the ' k • ~~ W services o! J. P. Sitter ae Liarket Ltaeter and appointing Roy Hurt in his stead, and i'• a Resolution terminati ng the services of J. 0. Keebler as Supt. o! the Light Plant '; end appointing YJ. H. Force in hie stead- same carried upon call o! the roll by rho • ~? following wte: •Yeae, IIurns, Gardner, Gravse, Ltarton and Yiaehington- b. ~, On motion of the above. 6 RESOLUTIOii TERLIINaTIHG THE SERVICES OF W. &. BERRY a ..,,C~,~u ~; "'1' ` - d3 CITY SOLICITOR aND aPP0I1rTIItG JOHd K. HENDRICKS Iii HIS $TEaD, was given 1te j ,W,(} I ~'''~ ~! passago upon call o! the mli by the mellowing vote; . Yeea, Burma, Gar:lnsr, Gravse, !' F. Ltarton and iyaehington- b. • ~~ ~ In voting on the above motion Ltayor Burns and 1tember Gardner stated that the • i` ~ both gave fir. Browning a complimentary vote for City Soiioitor itt the caucus, but j I ~ ~ would vote for the Resolution ae presented. Ltember Gravse stated that he wee not j . • f' 1 hostile to Ltr. Brow-iing Dut voted for Ltr. Hendricks ea a matter of preference. On motion o! the above, d RESOLUTION TERLIIitdTILfG THE SERVICES OF POLK RTTTER • ~/'~ ~ w~ I, a.9 LI41tKET L14STER OF ^iF1E CITY OF PaDUCi~H ~iND APPOIitTIIiG ROY L. HURT TO FILL THE I ~~ ~., ~"~ ~~~ ' Y~CbIiCY CdtT9ED THEREBY, was given its passage upon call of the roll the following ~f ;~ vote: Yeas, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, Ltarton and Washington- b. Ltomber Gardner ; . i; ~ ~~ 1 stating that he favored the appointment o! Lir. Ritter, the present Ltarket Lteater. „ i ~ On. motion o! Ltember Ltarton, b RESOLUTION RELIEVING J. 0. KEEBLER OF HIS , ,-nom ~; '"1-_- DUi'IES :,S SUPERIIJTEIZQFTJT OF TIi[r, CITff LIG}iri' pIa~fiT OF TIC CITY OF PuDUC:.I:, AIiD r1PPOINT~,! ~ • ~~J !' i' ING W. H. I~RCE DD FILL :HE Y..C.;UCY CeUSED aHEREBY, was given its paseoge upon call q Q~©.~ !' if . of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Graves, Ltarton & Uashington- 4. .' j. Nay, Gardner- 1. p ~~~ I' ~;,~ 1~"'" i i ~ On motion of Ltayor Burns. Ltiea Bolke was appointed temporary Olerk to take ~r g~ the minutes of Lhie mseting, upon call 0! the roll by the following vote= Yeae, s• `w 4J'+"" " " I' 8Urn6, Gardner, Gravse, Marton and Washington- b. , ,`x ~ On motion of the above, a Iiseolution clothing the 4esistent Ohein.gang Forema n • n ,. .w j' ( ~w the ?Sa7rkst Ltaeter wed Street Inspector with police powers, requiring tho usual bond '; f ~, ' t bee ut d the f nd idi th t th DIY • ~J '~.-- -~ ~.,~ J3~~ uy a..r AdAJft)R: ~~ ~~ ', ~ . ;~ • 7 . .~,.. ..,o-. t a ~. , i f . '."~' i