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Cif of Paducah Hevember_ EBth got e
6t e.spsoiel meeting of the Board of Coeooiseionere.hsid in the Gounoll
~,. ~ i t
Chamber of the City Rall. Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Nov. EB, 1916, upon oe11 of the ~
roll the ibllowing anaaered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravee, Ltarton and I
s !' Washington- b. 4 •
s !' On motion by Ltember Graves, that the roles be euepeaded ea~to sending
e out copies of a Resolution dismissing eertaia persons now serving in the Polies` i
' ~ Dept. sad naming sad appointing aertaln persona as patrolmen and patrol wagon ~ - ':>
,. ~r ~
i `J ~: drivers of the City of'Paduoah- same oarried upon cell of the roil by the following
• ~'.
~ t,' !` vote; Yeea, Burns, Gardner, Graves, L:arton and Washington- b. {
! ~ ~ .
On motion by the above, a Resolution providing foi the appointment of
. ~ a .
• ~~ certain persona as patrolmen and patrol wagon drivers of the City of Paduoah, and 1.
~ I; dismissing certain persona from the Department, was given its paesagp upon sell of
p I
• P~/~~~ i; the roll by. the following wte; Yeas, Burns, Gardner and Gravee- 8. Nay, Ltarton .
• and Washington- E.
~ ~ i; I
• ~ ', ~~ Ltember Ltarton stated that is asmuohas there were oertaiu pat~tiea •.
• ~~'+'~ foamed in the above Resolution to be appointed as patroLnen to whom hq objected, and'
. t~ ~ oe said Resolution waa presented as a whole,. ho therefore oast hie wte against same;
. ru"'~
~:: Member Washington stated that he had no ob~eotione to the men named for appointment
• in .said Resolution, but he wted against same ae he thought the' force should be,
• reduced.
•'~ On motion bpr Liember Gravee, that T. N. Haaelip and C. L. Yen Lister,
~r together with the Fidelity & Deposit Co, of Liaryland, their bond amen, be released
.'W__ n`~ ?~w from their bonds ae Commissioners of the City of. Paduoah- emne oarried upon cell
~, ~. << ..
of the roll by the following wte; Xea6, Burns,. Gardner,. Graves. Ltarton and
Washington- 6.
~~ ~-(~ On motion by the' above, that the oomraunioation of the Padycah Light and ! •,
1 p r
IR(~"'~'~'~'a~ Power Co. regarding their intentions of re-arranging their rate aohadule, be re- !
i .
~~ ~ -. ~ oeived and Yiled, same oarried upon cell oY the roll ty the following. wta: Yeas,
1,"'~^f'' ~(,r~l_~•Iv Surne, Gardner, Gravee, Ltarton end Uaehington- 6.
On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon cell of the roll by the following i
vote; Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravee, Ltarton and Washington- 6. ~ •
Aie~tei191S2.. .61~PR `t"-~~ ~ •
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' DECEISBER let. 1916. `
~_ ', At a oelle8 mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Ohamber i ''
r ~ of the City Hail, Paduoah, ICy. on December let, 1916, upon cell of the roll the j ,
j, following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravee, Ltarton & Washington- b. ~
• y '
- On motion by Liember Gravee. that the rules be suspended as to sending out '
~~ copies of the following Reaolutiona: a Resolution re-appointing Freak Dann as Oity (~
~_- ,_~', Woighea of the City of Paduoah; a Resolution relieving 9emuol 91mon of hie duties as
~~'"~'3""""^' • City Jailer and appointing Fred Sweater to fill the vacancy caused thereby; a
Resolution relievi E. Richard Biller of hie duties ae Cit Clerk and ~.
i ng y . appointing
~. f ~ i
' ', harry Hendsiolai as Clerk of the City of Paduoah and License Inspector; and a Resolutioa` '
' ~ relieving Sam ibell of hie duties as License and Weights & Lieasuree Inspector, and " •
p l appointing Tom Orr to the position of Inspector of Weights, }Saeeures and Halanoes, and 1
• x 'Dog Catcher, in the City of Paduoah- same oarried apes cell of the roll by the ibllowing
• ~ 'vote; Yeas. Burns; Gardner, Gravee, Ltarton and Washington- 8. ~ •
``~ ; ...
.•~ ~ •Oa motioa by the above, a Resolutioa relieving 9am.6be11 of hie duties as ~``;•
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah naaember lot 191 6 oontinnsd
bioense and'Weighta & lteaeures Inapeotor, and appointing Tom Orr to the position o! ~
J~s~"',~,,~,,,,~.~ Iriepeotor of Weights. Eteeauree and Balanoee. and Dog Catcher. iathe city of Haduoah- !
~~~~"" was given eta passage upon call of the role by the following vote: Yese, Burns,
~~'~ "-' Gardner, Graven, Liarton and Washington- 6.
On motion bq Ltember Craves. a Reeolutian relieving E. Richard ISillsr of his
y ,~ °~a.~.' ,.~c, duties ea Clerk of the City of Paducah, and appointing Harry He~ndriol® to the position
~~^•S- --~- of Olerk of the Oity of Padnbah and License Ynepeotor, was given its paeenge upon cell
g. ~ `~Wof the m]1 by the .following vote; Yeas. Beans, Gardner, Graves, Ltarton and Waehingtba-.6a
On motion by idember ESarton; a Resolution relieving Samuel Simon of hie duties eai
f~Q ;,..City Jailer, and appointing Fred Swenter to fill the veaenay ceased thereby, wea given;
~~.°"~" 'I its passage upon call of the roll by the ibllowfng vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Craves.
Etnrton sad Washington- b.
n Oa motion by k'ember Cardnsr, a Resolution.re-appointing Frank Doan ea City
Weigher of the City of Paducah was given its passage upon oati of the roll by the
~ ~~~ following vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Craven, Barton and Washington- b. 1
On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas,
H:ane, Gardner, Craves, Marton sad Washington- 6.,
~~~, ~ s~ 14tb , ~ ~~PTr.; ~~
Aie~lei s!~="-- ~_~-:. off„
__-cv cvY J ~YOJ~:!
DECEEtBER 4th. 1916.
• bt a regular meet! of the B a d f C i si h
~, g o r o omm a oners eld fa the Couaoil Chamber:
" oY the City Ralf, Padnoah, i{y., on December 4, 1916, upon call of the roll bye
following enearered their Haman: Burns, Gardner, Craven, Ltarton and Washington -b.
On motion of Etember Groves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on ttov. 27, `
- ',I were adopted ea read upon aall of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns, Gardner,
Gravse, Etnrton and Washington- 6. '
• On motion of Etember Etnrton, the minutes of a special meeting held on Nov. 28,
were adopted ea read upon cull of the moll by the following vote: Yeea, Barra,
Cnrdner, Braves, Etnrton end Washington- 6.
On motloa of Etember Graven, the minutes of a apeaiel meeting held oa Deo..lst
were adopted na read upon call of the roll by the following wte: Yeas, Bnrne,
Gardner, Gravse, Efarton end Wnshington- 6.
til,_ On motion of Et~ber Etnrton, that the Report of the Com'r of Finance of the
~a.~•s.~' Col7eationa 8o Mabnraemente during the month of November 1916 be received, filed,
C ~- ~
published, and aaoepted- some oarried upon nail of the roll by the following votes •
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, .Etnrton and ashington- b.
~ On motion of the above, that the Report of the Com'r of Pinnace of eoaonats '
-,-.. due Deoembar lot, 1916, be received, $led sad published, and warrants drawn on
Q~-w~-~• Treasury for alms- oarried upon call of the loll by the ~Sllowing rates Yeas, Beane,
Gardner, Gravse, Etnrton end Washington- b.
.tl. ut' OZ~.+. '.P~.r
d • 0n motion of the above, that the amount of X2474.22 be paid to contractor C. W.
Kattar~ohn for work dons on Broadway from first to Fourth street, the remainder to bs
t .
~ µ 7
~ ~ held up until. the requised bond is made, as per oontraot+ same oarried upon call of
1. ~ •the roll by the following vale: Yeas, Burns', Caraaer, Graves. Etnrton a¢sd Washington-., b.
~ ~ ',
"~ On motion ~by the above, that the National Surety Co. be released from the. bonds
~T-~ .;..4~`°"
• ~~.
-. . , of N. Richard Stiller as City Clerk, $am Abele, $s bioe~nee Inepeotai, end. from the bond
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