HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/16" At a regular resting of the Hoard of Commiselotare, .held 1n the Council Chamber o! the City Hall, paduoeh,.Kentuohy, on Nov. 27• 1916, upon coil of Lhs ` ' roll the following answered their namse; Bnrna, Gardner, Graves. !Barton fwd ` J: xaahington -b. ~; On notion by LtemDer Graves, the minutes of a regular mooting held on Nov, SOth; 1; 1916 were adopted ae read neon Dell of the roll by the iollowing voter Yeea, Horns, ~~~ ~~,: • Gardner, Gsavee, itarton and Yleshington- 6. • ~' ~ i~ On motion Dy the above, rho minutes of a speole3 meeting held on Nov. Slot i. • i~ 1916 at nine-thiit A, ~ y 1t., were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following • vote: Yeas, Borne, Gardner. Graven, Ltarton and ilashington- b. - Un motion by the above, the minutes of a epooiel meeting held on Nov. Slot, •.~ • ;'; 1916, at tour-thlsty p, li., were adopted ea read upon call of the roll by the follow- ~ .! ing votot Yeea, Borne, Gardner, Graves, Warton and Washington- 6. '. ~~ i • On motion by the above, the minutea of s spools! nneting held on Novdmber $Sd,~ qi 1916 were adopted ea read upon call of the roll by rho following vote;. Yeae, Horne, ' Gardner, Graves, itarton and Washington- 6. ~, ; ' /~~ i, OA motion by Ltembor Gardner, that deed ba granted to Aire, W. 8• lBOOuiro (nee ~ 4 ~ ,'; Oarr) to Lot k8 in $look one, pak Grove Canetery, troasursr's reoaipt ibr ~9D.00 b4ingl , hereto attaohod. same oarried upon call of rho roll by the 9~llowing vote; yeas, • Burns, Gardner, Graves, !Barton and Washitg ton- 6. ' s: On motion by Ltayor Burns, that the National Surety Oo. bs released as surety ~ ~'~ I from the boDds of J. W. Esker. ez.ohiof of Po11o-e, and Pieae Wylie, e:-City 8aevenger,7 same oarried upon call of the. roil by the following vote= Yeae, Burns, Gardner,. Pte' ~,~" ! , . . 6ravsfb, l.farton and Washington- b. .. ~ On motion by AtomDor Gardner, the report of the Commissioner of public Property ( r' e~. , < , fl regarding the installation of machinery in the City Light Plant. wen reoeived aid t:~.. '. ~~ filed ,upon Dell of the roll by the following veto; Yeas, Borne, Gardner, Gravse, ~-• l:arton and Washington- 6. On motion Dy Clamber !Barton, that the Com'r of Finance be inetruoted to make an • ~-„~"'"'~'"'~ offer of 9b~-¢ for the X500. Lerket House bond due Aug. 1st. 1934,. held by the U. S. i • ~'^'dy trust Co. of Louisville, I(y- smne carried upon Dell of the roll Dy the following vote; ~ , . ;Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves, Liarton and Washington- b. I~, `+ j ~po-vu~ On motion by the above. that E. C. Long be refanded X2.40, erroneous aeseesment • ~• ~ - a 1 on horse and w ~~~~ , agora for 1916- same oarried upon call of the mil by the folloridng vote=~ ." ,Yeae, Borne, Gardner, Graves. ilarton and Washington- 6. 1 • On motion by !:ember Washington, that the pay roil of the Street Department for • the week ending Hov. 86, 1916, amounting to gyl3b.66, not covered by ordinanoa .as per ~• •• • attached atetemenL- bo allowed, same garried upon Dell of the roll by the ibllowing ! •~: • -.', vote: Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Graves, 1'.arton and Washington- b. ~ ` ' C`'`'t"~ O'ht On motion by the above, that the Culvert oonetruoted by Geo. E. do T. C. Allen,. , . ,g~-~- ~ fire., .near 18th atreot, between Hroadway fwd Jefferson streets, be reoeived ae per reoommen. ~' .~ 0 ~ ~, datione of the Com'r of Public Works hereto attached, and tknt the Com'r of Finance bej We~.~~ ~~cds inetruoted to pay to said Contraotore the snore ea stipulated in contract between them ~ ;and the City of Paducah, dated April 10, 1916, in the manner therein provided, and ~ t. _ ;.charge same to the Contingent fund- sa^~e oarried upon call of the roll b the follow! ~~ t Y ng ,, ' !vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves. TBarton and Washington- b. '"^?'~•~ ~ ~ ,~ ~, ~,~~.~~,~~.vv~~ " On motion by the above, AN ORDINaNCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NU1iBER FIFTY-ONE (bl~~ ,~ '' u 1 ~ - ~~~ ~' i', OF THE CITY GF Ps.DUC..H, ISE.la^UCIiY, Eira^Ia^LED "i,N ORDIIIANCE PftOVIDILIG THAT THE SEWER l ` ~ . .: • ,8cww~r,~, ~ap,INBPEG.OR AND Sa'ftEET INFECTOR OF a`7iE CITY OF PAA1:aH L:.+Y EIBPLOY SUCH HELP AS WAY HS • •~ ~~ ~~~ . L ''~.. } i i , k 4 - ,C. ~ ..i .~... `• No .~ I ~ F~ ~; Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah xov. 27th 1916 oontinued. ' REA80NABLY NECESSARY TO CARRY ON TREIR WORK, IN 'HEIR RESPECTIVE DEPARTMEN^a3, NOT OTHER- WISE PROVIDED FOR AND NAMED .BY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION OF ^aHE CITY OF PADUCAH", PASSED: HY TtiE BO.+RD OF C01iMISSIOItERS JANUARY E4, 19I6, AND RECORDED JANUARY 24, 1916,wae given • • its peaeaPe upon oe11 of the roll by the following wte: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Graved. Marton and Washington- b. On motion by Member Graven, AN ORDINaNCE REPEALING Q2DINANCE NULBER THIRTY- ~~~~~ TWO (3Z) OF THE OITY OF PADUCnH, KENTUCKY, ExTITIED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE , A~~v(~~; J APPOIItTMEHT OF AN INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS, MEd9ITRE3 rlilD BAbe+NOES IN THE CITY OF PADUOe}i, ~'Q~ ~~"'^" ' KENTUCKY, AND DEFINIIIG HIS DUTIES AND SALARY",PASSED BY aHE BOARD OF COL'MISSIONERS ~ ~~~~~"~~ i d- tY~^R°~ JUNE 81, 191b, AND :RECORDED JUNE. E2. 191b, was givens its passage uppn osll of the roil ; 1_ '; by the following vote:. Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves, Marto n. and Washington- 6. On motion by the above, AN ORDIxAxOE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN `}h(~w.~~-u- :.` OFFICER TO HE ISNO'rdt A9 INSPECTOR OF YiEIGHTS, LIIs'ASUtZES dliD BAbANCES. AIiD DOG CATCIiER,, '~-- IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY. AND DEFIIfING HIS DUTIES AiTD SALARY, wee given its }~~ ~~ .- • ~ ~ passage upon Doll of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Burns, fiardsier, Graves, co~~cr/, Mnrtoxi sad Washington- b. i~ On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SUB-SECTION. TWO (E) OF SECTION . (5,~~,,,p.~~ ~:' TWO I2) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITTED, "AN ORDINANCE PROYYD'IN8 FOR THE APPOIi7'1'LtENT 0$ ''1 ~ `RETENTION, BY THE BOARD OF COM1tI33I0NER3 OF THE CITY. OF FAIXiCtlH, OF CERa^AIN CITY ~~' y, OFFICERS, AGENTS AND }liPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PAWCAH, YEIfiUCKY, AND •FI$IIiG THEIR ~,.~., v ~y 3 SALARIES.. POPJERS AND DUTIES," PASSED BY aiiE BOARD ~' COI~tI.SSI0NER3 J~iBiUARY 3, 1916, AND , , ~' ~~ RECORDED JANUARY 3, 1916, was given its passage upon Doll of the roll by the iollowing ' voter Yeas, Burns. Gardner,. Gravee, Marton and Washington= 6. • On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SUN-SECTION V OF SEC,a^ION ^axll~ ~J"~'~~-a'-'"`'~"-' 12) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TAE APPOINTMENT OR RETENTION,! ~~ ~~, BY.THE BOARD OF OOMMISSIOIiERS OF THE CITY OF PeaDUCAH, OF CESTAIN CITY OFFICERS, AGENTS; ~D~~~ `AMID E6iPL0YEES OF THE CITY OF PAAiJCAH, KENTUCKY, AIiD FDCING ^aIiEIR SALARIES, P08iER3 AND ' ~~ DUTIES", PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COI~tISSIOIERS JANUARY 3, 1916, AND RECORDED JANUARY 3.! • 1816, AIID CREAa^IIdG THE. OFFICE OF CLERK OP a'3iE CITY OF PADUCAH AND LICEtiSE INSPECTOR, ' ~ 'AND FIYING HIS SALARY AND DUTIES, wan given ire passage npoa Dell of the roll by the j following vote: Xeae, Hume, Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington- b. ,~ On motion by Member Marton, that the bill oY the County of MoCraoken, amounting to y60D.99, Yor,taking once of the Juvenile departinent, be allowed and the ~~` Oom'r of Finaaoe be dirsotsd to pny some- and that emne be oharged to the flsnd set ' ` ~~'''~' ~ apart Ybr thnt purpose, derived Yrom the ~ of one per Dent levy. sa far ae it will pays ' ~'~ Q~4-w ~ r . same= and the balanoe to be ohargad to the. Contingent fund- same oarried upon Doll 'r~• ,• "' oP the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burns, Gardner, Gravee, ltnrton and Waehir~gton- 6'0 ~: ' Oh motion of Member Washington. that Lhe Iiew.England Equitable Ins. Co. be ~,~,, ___ ~ released ae Surety on the bonds of J. ii, Fowler, ex-patrolman, and Dr. Yan J, Davie, ~~ W ~~.~~ .former Aeet. City Phgnioian, from srsd after the date of thedr dismissal from aervioee, 'U~ ~• ~~,~ ,same oarried upon Doll oY the mil by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, 6ardnsr, Gravee. • ,Marton sad Washington-.6. l On motion the Board adJou;ned,, upon osll of tLe roll by the ~llaeTing To4st i Ysse, Burns, Gardner, Gravee, Marton and Washington- 6. i. ~Ct~r. c~..a- ~ ~ Mllifn~ i t, .~ . li r ;i, ... __. '_ . , ~, , s ,. ,,; ~ . s .., .. v , ~. {~: €` 1 ~~.I ~,' ._u N