HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/16 & 11/20-11/22/16No. Z 1 0 Commissioner's of Paducah ; November 17 191 e At a apeoial meeting of the Board o! Commissioners, held in Lhe Council f ~ Chamber of the Oity He11, Paducah, 8q. oa Nov. 17, 1916, upon Dell of the roll the ' i following answered their names: Burns, Gardrrr. Barton and Washington -8. i ~ ~ ~~ ~ `~ 1~+~. On motion by Member Gardner, that the report of L. A. Washington. Com'r '~ I~t of Pablio Works, regarding the ooaetraoLion work on Bmadwe~p from First to Fourth V eitreet, be reoeiv.ed Bad filed, and the work be accepted- name carried upon call o! •I ~ the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns., 4ardner, Marton and Washington -4. • '~, -~ On motion by Member Washington, AN ORDINADTOE ASSESSING TtB: ABUTTING PROPERTY ~'i"`"""~ ~ ON BOTH SIDES OF BROADWAY FROM FIRST TO AOURTH ~'REBT, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH. 1{Y., TB3 '- w H Y ~~~ ~~_ 9UM OF ,~S.6td028 PER FRONT FOOT FOR TBE RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID STREET BY PAYING WIT .. , ORE090TE WOOD BLOOK3, AND PROYIDIIfG THAT SAID ASSESffi.1ENT3 1SAY BE PAID IN ^aEN EQUAL ~ ; • INSTALLMENTS. BEING ONE EACH YEBR FOR A PERIOD OF TE~Y YEARS- was given its peseag• upon Dell of the roil by,ths following vote: Yeas, Bnrne, Gardner, Berton end Washington-4 . On motion by the above, that the Commiasioaer of Finance be authorized to ~. .~~.a^-~'! pay to G. W. Betterjohn the amount of the city estimate for the reaonetrnotion of ~~W' ~ Broadway from First to Fourth street- the same to be charged to the oont ingeat fund- . ~ same oarrisd upon oeQl of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnrna, Gardasr, ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ . Marton and Washington -4. ~ On motion by the above, that any Oommiasioner late ibr any called or regalar meeting nalesa hs Dun give a aetiefaotory esouee to the Board oi.Commieelonera be ~~ fined one dollar for each offense-.same amount to bs paid to the Com'r of Fiaanoe and' ~~ that hs be authorised to pay weals to the 0. 0. 8. organisation- same lost upon sell t ~` of he roll by the following vote: Yeea, Bums and Washington- E. Neer: Marton b Csrdaer~ E. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following vo`e: ~, ~ '•a'~,.' j, Yeae, Bursa, Gardner, Marton end Washington -4. _~. i 4 NOVE6SBER 801916. . . . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber . of the Oity Rali, Paduo.ah, Kentucky. on November,20. 1916. upon Dell oY the roll the following answered their unman: Burns, Gardner, Graves, idsrtoa sad Washington -b. On motion of Member Marton, the minutee of s regular meeting held oa Nov. 13. 1916 ~. were adopted as lead upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnraa. Gaidnsr, • 4ra6ee, Marton wad Washington- b. On motion by the above, the.minutea ai a special meeting held on November 16, 1916 were adopted sa read, upon call of the. roll by the following vote:. Yeas. Barne,.t' Gardner. Gravee, Marton and Washington -b. On motion by the above, the minutes of a apeoial meeting held on .Nov. 17, 1916, wsre.edopted as read, upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Burns,. Gardner, Graves, Marton. and Washington -b. ~e'~`- --p-r-:-~-'- On motion by Member Gardner, that the report of the Com'i of Public Works, L. r. .~-tFa' ,~v"'^. Washington. and the eatimatee for the improvement of 84th street between Broadway and .~^ ~~ Jefferson, and the reooaatruotion of an alley lying between Monms sad Madison streets `~ u and eisth end Seventh streets. be reoelved and. filed and the work accepted- same 'W `~1,~ ~,. oarrisd apon Deli of the roll by the following voteq Yeas,-Busru, Gardner, Crane, '; Yartoa end Washington -b. . `me''~ ~~ ,. '1 .:; ... .,,.i, 1, ^.br a,. ~' r:;<_~..u.A..u_~..: !.~,..,_...~..~.~:... ...mot: :_.... '.: ,. ~ ... .. ... .. .... ..... _...~. _. . r ~~. i n .~I 1 . {~ 99~ .. D ~• ~. ~'^~ter~.-Ylda!k 'w ~~ yGf~2.~ha'.rALweal,"~,7K:xr``:~ a:iMi~!'.`,~+' "'~h~~ ~ °..»'V~~ , eu" ~. ~~' .~.Y~M. "^„~~M. ` Q,,,~ i l Gila`"( .,1. ...., ...„ ... .. ,. _'.. .. .. ~ ..-.. ...u....w~+s.+~~.~t~..A~..ra..-~.w.-1.-.~ix+~..-~.r•r~.a....,.~ w.n:+:.+i. ..i~:u~+~-~Y-~..6. ~....~_.~.... .~ ... ~ _..-. No._2 / I ~. .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadneBh_ -~e.emb.= eo jyj~oontinusd On motion by Member 1Paehington, ADP ORDINADTCE BSSESSING THS ABUTTING PROPERTY ! ~~~ ON BOTH 9ID89 OF TWENTY.FOURTH STREET BETGEPi[ BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREET, IN THE I ~~~4 CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. THE SUId OF SI$TY-SEVEN (67¢) CENTS PER FRONT FOOT, was ~~ r.C' ~ ,given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns, Gardner,. 1 ~•-~ Graves, Merton ana Washington -b. i~ On motion by the above, AN ORDINANOE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH, Cg,SID89 0! THE ALLEY BETWEEII S1ZTH AND SEVENTH STREETS dDID NONAGE AND MADISON 91'REETS, ~,Psy (paG ~ IN THE CIR'Y OB PADUO[~H, KENTUCKY, T~ SU6i OF Tt'ENTY-$IYE (Eb¢) CENTS PER BRONT'FOOT, 9n o"*^~i°J ~,,~ wee given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, (~ - Gasdner, Graves, Ltartoa end Washington -6. On motion by the above,,Lhat the pay roll Yor the attest department Yor the week ending November 19, 1916, amounting to ~122.6b, sot covered by ordinance, be f allowed- soma parried upon pall oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Burns.: 'Gardner, Graven, Marton and Washington .b. ~ On motion by Member Gardner, that the petition oY property owners to have a .. { ~~,f ~~,~ street light installed st Fifth and Elisabeth streets be seoeived and ii led, and that a the 9uperintez~deat o! the Light Plant bs instructed to have same installed-' same ~'~ ~~.~ ' parried upon Deli of the roll by the following votst Ysae, Surna, Gasdner, Graves, ;?Barton and Washington •b. ~ On motion by Member Grevse, that the fine oY two dollars asses6ed egain'ht. } (,~ ~ ~Lli•wevcZ 0, E, Ellenwood 1n the Polioe Court for violation of trstio ordinanos be refuadsd p~`~"~ J to him, as requested by the Polioe Judge- same parried upon Dell of the roll by thf ~ "'~' . ~, following vote; Yeae, aurae, Gardner, Grevea, Marton and Washington, 6. On motion of Member Washington, that the Com'r of Finanoo be authorised to /~ ~ pay to Harry Roes ,~bO.Eb, the amount chargeable to the City fps grading and graveling -~--"-' •, 24th street from Broadway to Joiferaon street, as per statement on estimate- same to . ~va.~ J't9 ~~~' be charged to the ooatingerzti fund- parried upon Dell of the roll by the following •~ e v i votes Yeas, ~uurns, Gardner, Graves, DSarton and Pashington, 6. I i I' ~ On motion the Hoard ad3ourned, upon pall of the roll by the following trots;. Yeae, earns, Gardner. Graven, Marton and Washington- b. ~~ any s,..~ nrn~,~t>.:r. i SYELtBER.81. 1916.. I li At a apeolel meeting of the Soerd of Oommisalonere, held in the Oouaoil Ohambes of the City.Hall, Paducah, Kentuolry, on November 81st, 1936, at nine-thirty . j i , ~' o'olook .-. lt., upon Dell of the toff the following answered their aemss; Bums, ~. .(~ Gardner, Graves, Marton end Washington- 6. ~~ On motioa by Member Grevea, that the rules be suspended ae t.o sending out ~ }' , ~/ oopiss of a Resolution appointing pertain members of the F1re Department, and also °~ d,.,e .Of a Resolution appointing pertain members oY the Poliao Departfl,ent, same parried ;• upon pall of the roll bq the following trotst Yoas, Burns,. Gardner, Gravse, Marton •. ~ . ~ Washington- b. .' ,.. Oti motion by the above, a ReeolnLion appointing pertain persona ea members o! j! f,~,e, the Flee Department, at the several stationo, indicating tbair positions therein, ! was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yoea, Hurna, 11 „~,_ ~ Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington. b. ~~ ' On motion by the above, a Resolution appointing pertain members of th• Polio- '~~~`F, Department was inn its sae • u on pall of the roll D the followin voted Yeas, ~' 'k'° Ord" r Burns, Grevea, Marton- 3. nay, Gardner and Washington, R. ,. . ~No. ~l ! z , ,,; ;; Comrnissioner'8 Proceedings, City of Paducah November El 191~oontiausd• ~~~~~~ On motion bq Ltembar GARDNER, that the oommuniostion from 3[elobere Gardner t- I, ~' Washington, whioh is as follows: j ~. ~[. "u~a~'o""'J i ~ " Ln explanation of the vote of lfembers Gardner and , ~;,tll Po+~' { Washington regarding the appointment of L. A. Graham V nj ~ ~, _, as Chief of the Polioe Department, Henry Bailey as ; Day Captain and Will H. Poore ae Night Capptain. said ; j members wish to state that they have no obJeotiona ~4~,p,~,~.~a~~.ahl. to the 1- ; - . reoommendediby Com'rfG aveaailey and lir. Moors, as ~ ... -(tea, ~ 's . ~~ r , I ~ y.~~-~ `+~'-! b~ reoeived, filed and entered into the minutes- same oarried upon oall of the rolY by. ,~ ~~the following vote: Yese, Hnraa, Gardner, Graves, 1larton sad Washington, 6. ~ ~ • ra.;"- --,•, ! y On motion the Board adjourned, upon oell of the roil by the following vote: ' l ~ Yeas, Boras, Gardner, Gravee, 1Sartoa and Washington- 6. ~ . ;;r k i ~; ~1ie~lei-~_~-.191 6 :A`c~~-~~= : «,D ~ :. ~, it ~ :;,., ~:' j % f ri November El. 1916. { . ~ at a epsaiel meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council • a Chamber of the City Hail, Paducah, 8entnaky, on November 21. 1916, at four-thirty o'clock p. M., upon cell of the roll the f811owing aneeere8 their names: Borne. a. Gardner, Graves, Etarton and Washington, 6. • (L,,~,C..• Gn motion by Member Gravee, that rules be enspended as to sending out y( ~~~, copies of a certain Resolution relieving the present City Scavenger. Yleae Wyiis, of `further duties, and appointing Lee Bell in his stead, as City Scavenger & Collector ~~Q,oca.. %loi Dead 6aimels, came carried upon cell of the, roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pj(~a.r ~•"~~' Burns. Gardner, Gravee, Marton sad. Washington -6. ,~, ; On motion by Mayor Bnrna, a RE90LUTION.relieving the present City n ~~~. ~'9oavenger and Collector of Dead Animals, Pleas ~Yylie, from farther duties, end appointing 9~ Lee Bell to fill the vaoonoy oauaed thereby, wee given its pesaege upon cell of the 't:; >'ro11 by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravee, liartoa sad Wnshington- b. ~;' 0n motion the Board.ad~ourned, upon cell of the roll by the following ;,vote: Yeas, Burns, 6ardnsr, Gravee, 1larton da Washington- b. ~- ~•• l~SdYUc"t, ~r ;~~ November E2. 1916• •• . it a called meeting of the Hoard of Hommiasionsre, held is the Council Chambes of the City Hail, November 2E, 1916.. upon call o! the roil the following answered their aemea: Borne, Cardner, Gravee, btarton and Washington -6. Oa motion by ISember Gravea,.that the rules be suspended ae to sending ont (~*~ ' ,• copies of a Resolution relieving Dr, Yau J< Davie of his duties as Asaiatant City Physioiaa, and appointing Dr. W. H. Nelson in hie stead-.same carried upon oe1T of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravee, }darton sad Washington-. 8• On motion by llnyor Horne, a Resolution relieving Dr. Yan J. Davie of hie duties ~rM.+ as Aeaiatant City Physician, end appointing Dr: W. H. Nelson to fill the position of {~ ,(.J. ~.~+-~~Aesietant City Phieioian made vacant by the re®ovat of Dr. Davie- same was given ite~ 1r~" ~, psassga upon call of .the soli by the tol3owing votes Ygea,'Bnrne, Gardner, Gravee, V0'""'•~ ~ ~d~~ ; Marton & Washington- b. I On motion the•~Besrd adjourned, npoa osll of the roll by the following votes k Aiglei 8 r~ G ~dn191~,ratea, ttarton k Washington ~~PR, _~~~~ 1 ,,,.,, , dP, o --~? ~P.o~ici - i • c,. N!:SF .7.+ :,. i. ?'.:»e e,. a., ti.v.e.~ • iw~' 2.Ce°:.^41~:... ,~~+z.s..u,o.' ~.. :~ `:. , ,:. . •. •~,;s. .. "- t ~~ ' ~. ; i i ;i J .~_ ~,.~. _j ,` . i 4 ,.. ~~ .--~., ,~