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No.,~.e3.: ;~~
_ vorr-nussioner's Proceedings; Gity of Paducah No.embe: lath .1816 ~~
• LL s regales mooting o! the Hoard of Oommissioaers hold in the Oouaeil Chamber
of the City Hall, Paduoah, 7lbntnoky. on November 18th, 1916, upon Deli of the roil the`
• following answered their Hamra: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -6. j
Oa motion by Lumber Graves, the minutes o! a epeoiel mooting held'at fives ,•'
thirty o'oiook on November 10, 1916. were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by j •. ,
'' the following vote: Yeas, 8urne, Gardner, Graven. itartoa end Washington -b. ~,y~
f' Oa motion by the above, the minutes of a epeoiel meeting held oa November il, _~
• 1916 were adopted 88 read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns,
~ !Gardner. Graves, ttartoa sad Washington -b. ~• ~;
i !
~; On motion by Member Washington, that oomplaint of Mr. Sheasor relative to ~
f ~~~ ~ lsroNrs selling meat .other than raised by themselvos on the City Markets be referred
to the Com'r of Pubiio Pm psrty same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following ,''•
vote; Yoea, Burns, Gardner, Gravoe, Marton end Washington, b.
• ! On motion by Mmber Graves, that the oommnnioation from the Paduoah Brewery Oo.!
s ~e"'""a..,.,rAy ~ ~~ is the matter of ermneona. esaese~nsat, be referred to the City Solicitor and Com'r •of
! ,i/y~un.~v0 Flnange for investigation- amo oarrisd upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ,
~"'"'" ', Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Gravoe, Barton end Washington, b. ~ 1 ,
On motion Dy the above. that the Mnyor be dirooted to appoint e.Committee d!!om
v~ J~'~°~"j", oitissns to attend the Rivese do Harbors Congress at Washington, Deo. 6, 7 and 8th,
• ~°;.u~^'"- to go at their own e>~onse- carried upon Dell of the mll by the following vote: '••...
' ~ Yoea, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, ldarton end Washington -b. ~.~
• On motion by iiember Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department ,for f.
the week ending Nov. lEth, 1916, amounting to .117.90, not oovored by ordinanos, be j:
allowed- same oarrLed upon Dell of the roll by the following vole: Yeas, Hu;na,
GardnerR,Grevee, Ltarton aad Washington -b. ,.,.'.
On motion the Hoard adaournad, upon call of the roll by the following voter i ~;,
i Ye69, Burns, Gardner. Graves. Marton and Washington -b. !• .~'a
cKy er.r ...... ..- ~TdX-L~ ~=~ ~ f
NOitELiBER 16th. 1916. ~ '
~ ~ .
At a epeoiel meeting of the Hoard of Commisaionere.held inthe Coanoil Chamber ~
'.oi the City Hall on November 16, 1916, upon Dell of the roll the following answered {
their Hamra: Borne, Gardner, Marton and Washington -6. ~ "4
On motion by Member Gardner, a Resolution releasing Geo. C. Wallsae from his
C ,~,ljo;j,~ie,e,,, bond ae Com'r o! Fineaoe, and the U. 9. Fidelity do Guaranty Co• ae surety thereon,
• ~,,.,, 'was given its passage upon call of the mil by the following note: Yeea, Horns, Gardner,
Marton end Washington -b.
Oa motion Dy the above, 6 Resolution releasing Hal S. Oorbett from hie bond es i
~~' ~"' ~'4`~ Com's of Pnhlio Property, and the U. 9. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. ea auroty thereon, was' -
{"`~`C ~~ given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner.,.
Marton and Washington -b. ~ i.
On motion..by Limber Marton, that the semi-monthly payroll of the City of Paduoahi
' for the Brat half of November, 1916, amounting to ~6,466.7b, bo allowed and checks + '
,`issued for same- carried neon Del 1 of the m 11 by the following vote: .Yeea, Horns, + '
;Gardner, ltartoa k Washington,. b.
On notion the Board adJonrned, upon Dell of the m ll by the foil"owing vote: j
a ,Yeas, Boras, Gardner, Marton & Washington -b. ~,--~;:.:.,,.;-~,.~? 11
Aieptei per-/a~l,~~,,~~~ C.•~~'~ ,. I.:; ; - '
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