HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/16,~~ / ,~ I ..., .~..,.~.~...w.-.....+. .~ 5. No.~,~o.... ...1 ........... .. , .., ~ .,_ ::urn ... ~.~ .,+. _- IIOr~1~Irr.r1YIIW110rirrr~~~ l / ~ri'11YI1 S 310ri 61 `'S Of Paducah Norember 10th 196 ~i •t a speoial meeting,oi the Board oY Oommispion~re'hsld in the Connoil • Chsmbsr o! the City Hall, Paduoeh, Bentuolgr, on Norwaber 10th, 1918, upon oall of ' the roll the following anewerdd.theiT aamesa Lsolny, Clsy, Corbett, Wallaoe and i .. Washington -b. • On motion by Hembpr Clay, the minutes oY a regnlsr.mesting field on Sow. 6th `' were adopted u read upon,oall oY the roll by the ffillowing totes 7sad, Laoby, s i . ~~ Olay, Corbett, Wallaoe and Washington -b. t; On motion by member Oorbstt, that a deed bs eseonted and delisered to Rant' i~ JJ pppp Lon Curry for Lot 63 in B1ooY Thrss, Oak.4ro~e Cemetery. Trseanrer's reoeipt foe Ilb+~+ Forty dollars being tiled herewith- same oarried upon oall,of the 2011 by the followins Q tot6: Yeas, ieokg}r, Oley, Oorbstt, Wallaoe ana Waehi~tan -b. On motion by the abora,'that the tales be suspended as to sending. oat . "~': ~ ~ oopiss, Yos the purpose of noting upon ea.osdiaanos grunting to Chas. Risks and Yabei Rieke Kidd a irenohiss to aondnot a pairata oemetery in the oity limits, and the n _ A _ lOrniehing of oopiea of said ordinanos after same has been read sa a meeting of the fir. ~.wTx..J4•~ Board of Oommieeioners be wsind and dispensed with= same oarrlsd upon oail of the t roll by the iollowiag tote; Yeae, Laokey, Clty, Corbst:t, Wallaoe and Washington -5. On motion by the abort, •N•ORDIN•NCE AUTHORIaiNO THE OPffiINO AND OPSR•TIOIf ~d,;,,.,...e{ ~•I~u _ ~ OF • PRIVATE OEL03TERY ffi THE OITY OF"PADITCAH, 8r'JPTUC6Y,.was giren its passage upon r -~;=;, oall of the roll by the following. rote: ?ens, Ldoksy, Clay, Corbett and Wallaoe -4. "~"~? Sep, ,Washington -l. Oa motion by Mayor Laokey,,that the report sad estimate of the Commieaioner • C~ ~` of Pnblio Works,on the ooet per front foot, and the appostionate property assessment, r of the alley seoently oonatrnated between Teuth•and,'8leranth streets and Tennessee ~^ J~~ ~ ' and Jones streets, be reoeired, Yilsd and aooepted- ,same oarried upon oell oY the ~+ a, ~°~•~PP~' roll by the following tote: Yeae, Laoksy, Cisy, Corbett, Wallaoe sad Washington -b. On motion by Hembes Washington, AN ORDINANCE •SSESSIN6 THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ~'~'d""~P'~~' ON, BDTH SIDE9 OF THE ALLEY HdTWEEH TENTH AND ELBYENTH STREETS AND THPHBSSEE IWD JONSS ~M{~~~ • BTREET I2f P•DUCAH, ~tiTOCKY. THB 9UY OF THYRTY-OHE (31y11 CER1T3 PER FR02PT FOOT ON TH-T ~• PORTION OF SAID ALLEY TWENTY (20D FEET WIDE AND TWENTY-THREW (E3~1 CENTS PER FRONT FOOT POD tP ~ ~ .FOR T!#S, PORTION OF SAID ALLEY FIFTE~i X16) FEET WIDE- was giren its passage upon Jr~. + oall of the roll by the follow i ing tots; Yeas, Laokey, Olay, Corbett, Wallaoe and • ~. Waahiagton -b. , 0n motion by Hayor Laokey, that the 1loense o! J. H. Patter 8 Oo. be ~"'~`~` transferred to D. !. T ,g..~bsw ample, u requested, same to bs gaented and take its usual • C~ k1 P~.~.+ C. ~ oonrse- oarried upon osll oY the toll by the following rote; Yeae, Laokey, Clsy, ' ~• ~~ x,w;~• Corbett; Wallaoe and Washington -b. . 0n motion by Bambsr Wallaoe. that a oontraot by and between the City of ~..s.~,,v,,.,y-. ~ Paduoah and the Cumberland Telephone Je .Telegraph Oompany, aoataiaing esvam pages, " ~e;,..t_.~•w: •~ anQ epeoi!loatione attached thereto, and which is made a part thereof, oontsining rifteen '~~~ ~ pagea~, Yor the purpose of 'oil nee of poles belonging to snob, ae therein defined. ' (~r.e.~, ion a period of tine years, sad according to iYt prorisiohs be now agreed to sad C; .W v ~ ~.. ' ratified, sad the Hayor of the City of Paducah bs end is dissotsd to sigls same on , DehalY, oY the Oity, when prepesly eigrrd and es~ontea by said Tslephhone b Telegraph ~, Company same castled upon coil o! t9;r r»li by the ffillowing totes Ysu, Laoby, Olq Oorbett, Wa1Lae and Washington -8. 1 i ,, i; .: ~. _ ... •.. .~:~ti.~.Y.~.... ~, . ' ~a __~ f~- ~ a' v i . ~,. ,,,~~..:•+..PV.i°~JS .ti:1~w.'awr i :'i~7a z., ?. ,,~'. ,... ~a. "e4 ~:;. .. ~':a-• :,,: ~.... r ~r ~ .,. .: u.z::~.ca ~[o.: .. .,a ~~:.iC'a, • h t M1 :1 . ._.. q r _,.. n...,•,.. Na~i.Q,z,,. ' Commissioner's Proceedings,>City"ofPaduoah•• woT.mb.: loth 191¢yoatianed ' On motion Dy Member Wallaoe, that the 8eport of the dnditos + Tresenras i.. ;, . sad Oommiasiones of linsaos, showing emonat dne speoial ewer toad from general ~ ~(~ ~; ipnd toe SBd4.18, on sooouat o! saadsy oredita due said epeolal sewer fund which ~ ~~ i were passed to the gaaeral rind. be received end lied, and wsrrsnts drawn on ,: General tnad for same, carried npoa cell of the rgll by the following motet Y~aa,i bsoYey, Olay, Cosbstt, Wallace sad Washington, b. ~ Ou motion by the above, that the Report o! Auditor !e Treasussr end Oommie- ~ Y Q~~~~J i ~'/ ~ aioaei of Finame oa special sower fund from January 1st to HoTember 10th, 1918, De ~ • ~~ I n .~ ssoeiTSd~ riled and published- oarrled upon call of the roil by the ioliowing rots= ~ Yeas, Laoby, Clay, Corbett. Walisoe sad Washingtoa, 6. ~` • j On motion by itembes Olay, that the report of John Slaughter, Ohiei of tM ~ .• !', lire Department, for the month o! October 1916 be reoeiTed and illad- same carried ; . upon cell of the,roll by the following mote; Yeas, Lao7~ y, Clay, Corbett, Walisoe -, sad Waehirgtoa -b. ~ • ~, " ,' OA motion by itanber Wallace, thst.tpe 8sport of the •udites to Treasures f ii and OoID'r of lineaoe for eooonatr due BoTmber 10th be reoeiTed and tiled, and, j • ''.warseate drawn on Treasury foe seam . carried npoa dell of the roll by the toilowia6; Tote; Ysse,, Lackey, Clay, Corbett. Wallace sad Washington. B. l"1`" ~ Oa motion by the above, that the report of J. D. Smith, special aooountaat, 9-~v /~`'"'"" , ehowiug statement of accounts of Psdnoah Isom January 1st, 1916 `0 BoTSmbes let, 1916 (/,_._.,,,~7ir~'„ sad anpplemsntal report toe NoTamber let to 8ovember 10th lnolusiTS, bs rsoeited, i. w~- - i~ tiled and published, same oarrled upon call of the m 11 by the followingvotes. Yeas, ~ ~' Leahey, Oley; Corbett, Wallace sad Wsehingtoa -b. ~ ' {! Oa motion by tho above, that the Report of the Auditor a Treasurer and !' Oom's of 8laenoe, showing disbursements and reaeipta from 8ovembsr 1st to 10th ~ • inoiuaive, be reoeirod, tiled and published- sane carried upon cell of the roll by I • ;. the following vote: 'Yeaa, Laohey, Cisy, Corbett. Wallace sad Waehingtoa -b• 1;' On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by tht ibllowing Totesi ,. , ~' Yeas, Laolmy, Oley, Corbett, Wallsoe sad Washington -b. 1 u j , i ,: t' D{OYFJZBER IOTB. 1916 • ~ . • ~t a called meeting of the Board of Oommieaionere, hold in the Oonnoil Chamber dr? got the Oity Hall, Padnoeh, $eatnoky, at throe-thirty P. 8.. NoTea-ber 10th, 1916, the 1. ~lollowing answered their names upon call of the m 11; Lackey, Olay, Corbett, Wallace f 'sad Washington -b. • On motion by ][ember Wallace, the miautos of 8 special meeting held .on Chia f !date, BoTembsr 10th. I816, at one-thirty o'clock P. )d., were adopted ae read npoa call Of the roll Dy the lollosing Tote:. Yeaa, Laoby, Oley, QOrbtt, Wallace and ,', Washington -b. 3 .. On motion the 'Hoard ed~ourned, upon cell o? the mil by the tollowiug -otes i ~Ysas. Lackey, Clay, Corbett, Wallace and'Waehingtoa •b. _ ~j AFPRUV.TSD /I~ ~ rC • 1~.~.~i: ~ 1 ~' ' v~