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Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPsduQah` Ne*=*•r.~-1Q1_.6_
' ~t a regains meeting of the Hord o! Coemiteeioaere held in the Connell I
~„ Chamber of the.0lty.Hi11. Padneah, 14., oa Nov. 6th, 1918, npoa oa11 og the roil ~
the following answered their names: Luby, OorMtt, Wa1Loe and Ruhingtoa -4.
t; Oa motion by Nember.Railaoe, the minntss o! s regalar meeting held oa
~; Oot. mth were adopted ae read upon oall of the roil Dy the following votes Yew,
Lsok~y, 0orbstt, RalLsoe and Rashington -4. ~
• a •
is Oa motloa by the above. the minutes of a apioiai meeting held oa Nov.. Sd, i
were adopted u read npoa oell of the roll Dy the following voter Yeu, Leo14y,. +f
t Corbett. Walleoe sad Washington -4. ••,
11 1
Huber Corbett was e:oused from the meeting.
8ember Clay oams Into the meeting. {
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Oa motion by Harsher Washington, that the pay soli for the Street Depart.
j msnC for the week a~adiag Nov. 6, 1916, mnouatiag tq X1{8.66, not covered by '( '.'
osdlaanoe, b• allowed- creme oarried upon call of the m 11 Dy the lbllowing votes l ~.,,
. ~; Yeas. Lackey, Olay, Rsllpos and Washington -4. i '
1; Oa motloa by HmDsr Clay, that the report of the Oom'r of tiaauoe ooaoesn- 1
o.,~" ~ i
+ ing the sale of deliagnent tears be received, filed and ooaonrred la, same oarried
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~; npoa call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Laoksy, Clay, Weilaoe and
~ ~
i~syuti ;= Wae~ingtoA -4. :
. . %
• ~ I Oa motloa by Hayor Lackey, that the resignation of Dr. Break Boyd be •
• Q~~+t~ +;. aooeptea sad that a vote of thanks be tendered him for ye ere of valuable services
~ ~~~~ ~~ to the Health Department of the City, end that Dr. W. $. parsons be eUotsd to ,
~,,,,~,~~, ;, fill the nae~ired term of Dr. Boyd- saes oarried npoa call of the roll Dy the
• ~ following vote: Yeea, Leoby, Clay, W811sos and Aeahiugtoa -~.
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Oa motion by the above. that the trewsfer of saloon license of &. 4.
~~ ~~~` ~ ° &othrook to J. B. Aothroo~, u per attached request. b• grunted and take its
~~B.+.c~..~c~.- nsurl coarse- esmo oarried upon cell of the roll by the tollowing votes Ysu, 3
Leakey, Clay. Wallace sad Washington -0. ~ ~
• " Oa mot ion the Hoard add corned npoa cell of the ro 11 by the following vote a
Yeas, Lackey, Clay, Ralltos end Washington ~4.
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