HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/30/16,,,, - <. _ .,, ..-. r~ ~ ~ .. ~ ra .,y ~" H } ... ~ ., ~ ,. ~' No ~, 0 iL .. , . ' ~, " rotnrnssioner's Proceedings, city of Paducah oesnber Qad 191~oontinued d ' ~ ` On,motion by iismber Washington, that the rseommendations of the City ~ ~ '* i "~? ' I ~~ ~,~,~„ Soiioitor to settle olaim"-of Hre; `lYill lfright for damages to her automobile oansed ? '' ''9-{~ by tanning onto the a:oavation at 17th and Bmadwey which arse not properly lighted- I _.. ~ ~ ~' ~~~ ~ilG ~( bs oononrred in and said olaim allowed ~ -, said olaim being for ~40.OO- / oarrisd upon oaTl of the roll Dy the following votes; r ~; '~4 Yeas. Laoksy, Ciny, Wallsoe and Washington, 4. ~. , f ' On motion the Board edjournsd upon Dell of the roll by the following votei.~ ' " j Yese, Laoksy, Ciey,"Wallaoe and Washington, 4.. i . • ,.t; o.' i _: ;, OCTOBTR.26th, 1916. ~'` . I ~s,° et .a epsoial meeting o,f the Board of Commissioners held in the Connoil ? ,. •,~. Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Kent.uoky, on Ootober 26th, 1816, upon Dull o.i ! '$ S~, '; the roll the Following emawered their names; Laoksy, Clay, Corbett and Washiaigton•4. ~ ' ' On motion by 34ember Washington, that the oontraot for grading Dad ? >i ('!~~ ~~~ graveling the alley betvreen Tenneeaee and Jones street be awarded to Yeaoey de .,,,,, Johnson, ea per report of the Commieaioner oY Publio ~7orke of Ootober 24th, T916- ~ ~,; ~..rw.. ~- ~~ ~~ same oarried upon Dail of the Toll by the following vote: Yeas, Laoksy, Cley, "~ r ' Corbett 'and yashington -4. ~ "~ .~.;;, '. On motion by liember Clay, that the Commisaloner~of Publio Works ba" ,~..~ 4'.• ii:struoted to repair Bridge street 1n, front of or near Wei1e Aiatillery, in auoh e ~ i .' ! ~ ., ~p„~,q, manner as to make said street cafe and passable- came oari~ied upon Dail of the roll `, ~. by the. following vote: Yeea, Laoksy, CTaq,.Corbett and Washington- 4. 4'`` ?•. On motion the Board adjourned, upon Dail of the roll by the following ~ i; ;' vote: Yeea, Laokey~, clay, Corbett cad Washington -4. r^; ;j ,; " -- r .. y .,~~ . ; • OCTOBER 30th..1916. At s regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held is the Couaoil ' ~'~~ y~:;•".~ Ohambsr of the City Ha11, Paduoah, Ksntuoky, on Ootober a0, 1916, upon Dail of the ~"` doll the following answered their names: Laoksy. Clay sad Washington -3.' ?." i On motion by lumber Cla .the minutes o! s rs lss meets hold on Oot. 23 '' y gu ng 0 1 , were adopted es read upon Doll of. the roll by the following vote: ~ Yeas. Laoksy, ~ ~ , Oley and Washington -3. OR motion by the above, the minutes of a epeoisl meeting held on 0ot. 26th were adopted as read upon Dail of the roll by the fo11o1iing votaa Y~aa, Laoksy, r " • ~ ~'' ~. Clepr sad l~ashington -3. -- • On motion by the above, that the City 9olioitor ba inetrnoted to amend the ' ~! { S• ~"~- Rateati6n Ordinanoe raising the salary of the Chief o! the Bire Department from one ? ~, i ~ ~ P~-'. hundred to ~186.00,per month- same lost upon Dail of the at-il by the louowins ~ . voter Yaes. Olay; 1.. Mays Laoksy and Washington -8. .! ~ ~, '. ; • On motion by Mayors Laelny, that Riverside Hospital Anne: be oloaed sad. ~. ~"4, D ~ ,n ? ~s 1~+~+~ ~~ : insaiehings b~ rimoved to Riverside Hospital- osrried.upon Doti of the soil by the e.kea.~ following vote: ria.. Laoksy. Clair and Wae~ington -3. . ~: s ~> ~F 1 ,~ ' ' .. • ,r ... .. ,- .., ,, . , " ~ ~ . . , b _. j ( ~' .• n (• '~ $~ -:YYdw.. 'T`G. y. a .~:. ' . '. a.. ,~ ._. ...... ,. .... • ~! • . ~ . ~ ~ ' - ~-.~:..•.-:~.v -... ~ u..i.+:."r:-.-w ..~:c,+.+ru. ..._.e.+-wi.._-+'~.w-M+I+`_al.~$uw+~.wi:.+Y..• Y...~.:.. .+_.~.Yr.~. _,...';-..a.~:~i.J~-"•.-~.:..'+ . No.,,,~,Q~t: , . • Commissioner's Proceedings, Cify of Padawnh ~•tob.= ao T9Y~.ao~tinu4d ~ ; • ~ _ ,'. on notion Dy Hmmber Clay, that the gnbtion u to the liability of the 01ty , to the County for its proportionate part of e:psnae of Juvenile Court be referred to i.: ~.. the Oily Solioitos for hie seoommendationa, same to be reported to Chia Board at its ! ; ~ i nest r~gnlar meeting- carried upon call of the soli by th4 toilowiag vopet Yeu , ~ • • ': Lsokey, Olgp and Tashington, 3. 4 r Oh motion by Hembsr Taehington,.that the pay roil for the street department !: !or wak ending Oot. E9. 1916. mmonatiag to $140.bb, not covered by ordinance, be j ~..P ' 4 allowed- same carried upon cell of the full by Lhe Bellowing voter Ysu , Lackey, i ~. Olay and Tashi:gton, 8. j • ~u~1 i • ~ ~+W-•--~ f On motion by the above. riot Lhe oiatm of 11r. Sassy Jamieson for repairs i ' ' , VeL•""' to automobile, which wee dmmaged Dy sunning into tilled ditch at 16th and Broadway 4 '! on ~i:g. E7, 1916. amounting to $4.10. be received. tiled and refused- carried upon •~ i. • Deli o! the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Olay and TaehingLon, 8. i . On motion by Yayor Lao]ay, that the matter of personal aeseeement of C. E. ~ ' G f• - ,,;,j( ~ Osidley be referred to the Board of Supervisors- carried upon oatl of the roil Dy ' /~, h~, the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay and Taehingtoa, S. } i/''F On motion by the above, that the 9npsrinteadent of the Light Pleat bs in- • ~~~, etrnoted to place an arc light at, the oo;net of Eighth and Clark attest, same oar:led ',. , 4 .~ °~ npoa cell of the mil by the lollowing vote: ~ Yoae, Lackey. Clay sad Teahington, S. pp ~ On motion by Member Cle~y, that the bill of T. C. Seaton for $11.40, costa 1a •, p ~ the notion of Jno. R. Scott &o. ve City Commiaaionase, be allowed and paid out of the ~~ ~ p contingent fund- same carried upon call of the mil by the following vote: Yeae, ~ . ! Lackey', Clay and Teahingtoa -8. ~ ` ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call o! the mil Dy the following voter ` ~ • Yeas, Lackey. Clay and Yiaehington -3. ~ -, }. ,~ ~.. ~. y:~ ,~.._._ ............. .. ~ .. _.,...... ~A v .~..~~ r ~<~,.. ~, . f ' NOVEItBER S. 1916.. ~ i I •t a special mseti~ag of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council I . . ? Ohambes of the City Sall. Paducah, Hentnoky, on BovsmDer S, 1916. npoa Deli of the ,. i',~ roll the tollewlag answered their names: Laok~y, Olay, Corbett. Talieoe and ,•. ~. ' Tashington -b. Oa motion by 1(ember Mashingtoa, that the Com'r of Finance be iaetsaoted to ~~~~,.~ ~ lesw Improvement Tarrant to 0. W.. Setterloha for $Eh16.b4 for work none on Broadway b.A~1•~"~"~"'~"' during the ewrrth.ot October 1916.,e. per attaobed statement- carried npoa call of the; ' 0 ~~ ~'~~, roll by the following votes Yeae. Lackey, Clay, Corbett, Talieoe do Tashingtoe, b. ~ ' i. . Oa motion by the above. that the Oom'r of ?insane De inatruoted to issue 1 . ~9~ .;: Improvement Tarrant to Prosaes 6,Sallide~y toe $189E.41 toe work done on contract toe ~': _ • A _--J~ ~ ooasLraotiag concrete eidewalka b o is territory embraced by Second, Hinth, WuhingLo~- '~ 6 ucnsoe streets, during the month of October 1916, u per attached statement- carried ~' upon Dail of the mil by the following vote= Yeas. Lackey, Ciay, Oorbett, Talieoe i Tashingtoa, 6. ~ `'~ '` On motion by Yamber 0orbett, that an Aso light be plaosd.at the intereeotioa ~' ~~, of Elet street and Beatuoky ow.- the segnsat of oitissns living ad~eoent thereto j ;£ ~~~ ~ '~ being filed herewith- same oarrfed npoa Deli of the roll by the following votes :~ ~ Yeae. Laaksy, Clay, Oorbett, Mallaoe and Taehington, b. '• j `~ r~ .. r 4 i i r ~ -~ _... .. _ _, .. _. _ _. .. o :9#rfM!fpN<t•.1tu4zaam X3a~i@x~ss.alannas~.wav~.r». +~~-.mmx~um~*.rn.n.~.a.wwMrnwwz~~nc.u~-.. 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