HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/16 & 10/02/16_ , ... .. _ a '' j ~_ __ ._ ......___. _.. _...._. _ .._..__. __ t Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah sA:tAmbp~ ~~ 191 ~- - at a regular meeting oY tho Board oY Commissioners hold in the Counoil _ 9- •. Chamber oY the City Hall. Paduoah, Kantuoky, on September 26, 1916, upon oeil oP the roll tho following answered their names: Clay, Corbett, Laokey and Washington-4~ .. ~.._.. On motion by 2lember Corbett, the minutes oY a regular meeting held on, Se tember 18th were ado tad ae read, n on Dell oP the roll "~~ _ P P p by the Yollowing vote: , `~ Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey and 1?eahington -4, ' On motion by Member Clay, the minutes of a epeaiaT meeting held on Sept. '" , • i . 23d were adopted as read, upon oa11 oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, i Corbett, Lackey and Washington -4. i , * '"!,. ji On motion by Member Clay, that the Fidelity & Deposit Co. oP L?aryland ~r~"~• a °~~~ ~ ;' bd released ea surety upon the bond of H. K. Hazelip, eama oarriod upon Deli oP ~ ~ , the roll by the followi ^' •,Q~~d~cey° ng vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey rnd Washi:gton ~4. j. ~°''" ~ ~ ! On motion by the above, that the notion oP Commissioner of Safety in . C Ga"'D~~ rapleoing Hoes Hays with C. Sanders, in the Polioe Department, be ratified- .same •{ ~'"~ oarriod upon oall of the roll by the fallowing w te:.....:... Yeas; Cleyr, 7.iokey ~(~`~ ~ ; and Washington -3. Nay, Corbett- 1. ~. On motion by lieaber Corbett, that the petition of G. Fowler, relative to, :4 6L P.~^~ D the improvement oY Broadway and JeYYeraon street Yrom 11th to 16th Street, be + ~.~,y~1 G ~j. '~ np ~ (~ received and Piled- sane oarriod upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas,i ~' ~`~` o- M1~- .r Clgq, Corbett. Laokey and Washington -4. j "~" On motion by Clamber Washington- BE IT RESOLVED by .the Board of Commission-ttP._ r ' C~,~ ~ era that as the majority oY abutting property owners along .the atreeta to be reoon- j C~ struoted, namely: Smadway Yrom 1. C. R. R. to 16th street; Broadway and Jefferson " 11: 0 ~ streets Yrom 16th to 17th street, and JoYforson atroet Yrom 11th to 16th street- ~~ ~, ti~""""" ~ seem to be more in favor of bitulithio than nay of the other natariale on.whioh bide ~ ' _,~c~ were taken, that this Board let the oontraof Por the raoonstruotion;of these atreeta to the Southern BitulithiD Co., oY. N8ahv111e; Senn., in aaoordanoe with their bid,. ;' '. ` provided, however, if the oommenoement of the s+ork is deferred unt11 next Spring, i . ~' that eaid-Southern Bitulithio Co. will.glve the oity the advantage oP any deoline ~~, in Dement- same oarriod upon call oP the roll tr„• the foilowi.ng vote: Yeas, C18y, Corbett, Laokey and Washington -4. i On motion by the above, that the pay roll for the street department j ` • Yor the week ending September 24, 1916, not Dovered by ordlnancsa, amounting to i ,. ylbb.2b, be allasved- sane oarriod upon oall of the roll, b33 the following voto; Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lao1®y, and Washington -4. h On motion by Member Corbett, that a dead•oY oonveyanoe be executed eo;d ~' °`'• .~ P. delivered to L'ra. J. M. Jones Yor lot Forty-three 1n Block Ono. Oak Grove Cemetery, ~0 9.~N Treasurer's receipt for Thirty Dollars being horato attached- sane oarriod upon + . VQ . Dell of the mil by the Yollor+ing vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey and ti'l8ahington-4 On motion by the above, that the rea ignatioa o P Ltiae Sarah E. Do ok, ,> ~ ~ ~t. g ~~' haretoPore Piled with the 1Sayor and Board oY Commissioners, ae auperintettdent of the w''- '-"6~~; Riverside Hospital be accepted, to take effect October let. and that 111 se Gela Harmon. „ ~'''y' at.~°"' . .~yr,',,... ~ the present assistant. be appointed as Superintbsdent oP said Riverside Hospital- ~a~y same oarriod upon aa11 of the roll b,• the fallowing vote: Yeas, Clay, borbett and j, ~__~ Cas}iington- 3. Nay. Lackey- 1. ~ ! ' . ~ .. .. . I. - ~ .Y ~ ..-.+,.,.,~a;y~~~'^'T,. .'4?t-„~'S:.~"', ~,..;.r:s!+.-,"„~"?t'..'.~7.'°.;a"*,,~'..°~"`.""°"- ~ :8E'S'd:Xm.4i;R'~T3P,4w9'!'&`nx.~t!:~b ~^;+gxrTxx'z~;:~k?'~R.'~> ~l:'S;t. ?,~~c.,~.gA§'!~'~~, .t.:: ,~ s ~ ~;a;2'"~J."~"„•~::.;r 7 ..d I r .... ti.~m- ~,:U~~,.,;~b ~y Commissioner's . ~.: _. ~. -... ~ ~ ~JJ ~ . ~. . 1 City of Paducah September ~~ 191~oontiaued " On Motion by b[ember Corbett- Whereas, the atreot oars operating over and .-~= '° through the streets of Paduaeh indioate 1ha routes vihioh said oars are to travel by ; small signs on the frorkt of said Dare, end whereas, the traveling publio are sub- ;` " a+•~ ~ heated to great lnoonvenienoe in getting out 4n the atreeta to read amid signs, I nov i ~ ~ `ems. move that the City Soiioitor be direoted to bring in tui ordinance providing that all; , n the tt ers. o street aara operating in the City dt Paducah have plsoed, in large le sides of said oars -at the top. thereof- signs indicating the routes to be taken by ~ t . . anah street oars, and firing a penalty foe a failure eo to do- same asrriefl upon j ' Dell of the Boll by the following vote: Yeea, Clay, Corbett, Laaloey and Washington-i4. " ®tt motion by Mayor Laokey, that the petition of property o~-nera protesting Q~~.~, o~ d~" ~ against the improvement of Eiissbeth etraet, ae oontempiated. be reoeived a~ filed-~ r d "~' same oarried upon sell of the roll by the fallowing vote: Yeas, Clsy, Corbett, ~ Leokey and Washington -4. ~11 for the improvement of i vidin g On motion by the above, that the ordinance pro , ~( (~ $~~'~ i°' Elizabeth street by grading sad graveling same be deferred indefinitely- same ~`"w{r^'e's'"''^ oarried upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Laoh3y .. "'~' , ~ P. and Washington -4. , i' .. On motion by the above, AN ORDINnNCE PRO4IDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A u TWEtiTY l i~~ FOOT ALLEY LYING YN THE LINE OF THE EgTEU3I0N OF THIItTEEDiTN STREET . `r a0~ 4,; ;. BETWEEN TENNESSEE AND dONE3 STREETS, IN TtiE CITY OF PADiTOaH, SEiiTUCKY. BY GRr.DLNG 9L~ 1~+.'~a.'x AND GRe4ELIItG SBtdE, was given its passage upon sell of the roll by the following ! ,. _ ''V`' ~ ~7t~ ! vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Laokey and•Washingtoa -4. ~ ~. ~ G On motion the Board etd~ouraed, upon Dell of the roll by the follos-ing votes ~ . Yeas, Clsy, Corbett, Laokey and Washington -4. ~_ --~~~ ~ . ~ o~ci _ 7 r ' C`~`"_ C~ ~ 0 1~°.~.i.`""~''~O~ x OCTOBER 2d. 1916. .,.. :;,,,;y~ ~ ~ , ,,, AT a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the oounoil ~ . ohamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, KeituclSq, on Ootober E. 1916. upon Dell of the ,, . roll the following answered their neaea: Clay, Corbett, Leakey, gallaoe and ,, Washington -b. .' , h:. , w. On motion of Clamber Corbett, the minutes ot• the regular meeting held on ~_ , . September 2b, 1916 were adopted as read, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Clsy, Corbett, Lea3oey, Wallaoe sad Washington -b. ~pu ,-.~^-~ On motion by Blember Corbett, that a deed of oonveyanoe be ezeouted and k L; w.~ . i delivered to bira.'Fred Luoea for lot No. b6 in Blook No. 0~. Oak Gmve Cemetery. r ~yNw -t M~ Treasurer's reoeipt for Forty dollars being hereto attaohedr same oarried upon ~ . ; Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Clay, Corbett. Laokey, Watleoe and a Washington -6. On motion bq 1~tember Ciey, that the action of the Com'r of Safety in °'. - ~~ J~+. repleoing A. N. BloKinney with Ellie Tyree be ratified- same oarrie d upon Dail of the t s ~ . l roil b9 the following 'vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Laokey, Walleae sad Washington -b. On motion by the abov®, that the monthly report of the Chief of the Fire ; a ~..~d ~`"^'"" `""", , d J Department and Building Ynspeotor be reaelYed and S1eAr see oarried upon Dell of ,'+ the roll by the ibllowing vote: Yeas. Clay. Corbett, Lackey, Walleae sad Washington-'b. _ ,, On motion by 1lembor Washington, that the pay roll ton, the street depart- "' menE for the Keek ending Ootober lat. 191b, amounting to $147.00, not covered by j ,. oadinaaoe, be allowefl+ eacro oarried upon tali of the roll by the following vote! , ~ ~ Seas, Olay, Oorbett, Lac~ay~ We1Los end Washington -b. . - ii ~ `~ ' ' y i k. i # ~ ... ~. t , t 5 i x-. _ . ~ ~ s ` .~ ,. .. . .. '., ~. .. .. . ~, y .::. Commissioner's City ofPadacah netebar ~,~ 191 oontinaed t i i ~: ~. r. , I ;~, Y, r i i is s ~" ~ ~'~^` ~ ~~ i. x i __~ ~ .. Oa motion by ltembar Washington, Lhat contract for the grading and graveling of 1~nsoe sad P.dth streets bs mrarded to Harry Rose, in sooosdeaoe~with hL bldr .of c. awe„~,,,~ ;. October End, 1818• same carried upon cell o! the loll by the loilorring voLet Yeas, ! . @''~!~~-•-~ Clay, Corbett, Laolmy, ieliaoe and Washington -5. ~~ # ~ ; Oa motion Dy ltembar Wal]aae, that the ropost of the auditor dad treaearsr i ;' end Com'r of Finance for reoeipta and disburseasnte Yor the month of September be ~. reoeivod, tiled sad published- same carried upon cell of the ro1L by the following voter Yeas, Clay. Corbett, Laoksy, Wallsoe end Washington -5. $ 1 - !, Oa motion by the above. that the rep art of the Oom'r of Finance end Auditor & Treasurer for eooounte and diebureemsnta for September bs received, filed and F- ', r published, and wan7aits orderod drawc.on treasury for same- asrriad upon call of ~ the mil by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett. Lackey, Wallace and Washington, .6 ii ~ '.r On motion by the above, that, e4-sreae, the lsttar attached from Thos. /~ Neely. Cityr Aeaeaeor, ahwra that L. R. Barnes pall city tax for 1916 on lot three "'~ ~~'~. (, block lour, Hays bve. -assessed at y7b.00- anb said lot is arced by lSre. H. L. ~~~ ~ Harrison and she also paid tax on said lot, that the sum of One and SS/100 dollars i be reiwd ed to said L. R. Barnes- Carried upon call of the roll Dy the following t vote; Yeea, Clay, Corbett, Laoksy, Wallace and Washington -6. I' t:. On motion by the above, that the letter ho m W. p. Hummel, regarding by ~~'' rosponsibility of the Illinois Surety Co. and the EqultabL lti New England 8urety.Co.. De G ~, referred to the City Solicitor for attention and investigation- same carried,upon /"""' ~ call of the. doll by the tbliawing rote: Yeas, Clay, Oorbett, Lao]ey, Wallace and I Washington -b. ~ !~ On motion by the above. that, whereas, the Librarir Board paid ouL the t ~-~~ sum of Thses Hundred dollars for walks and expense o! installing the Turner membriel ~ ~'""'~ ~ fountain is 1916. and the Board of Commissioners in 1915 agreed to reimburse said I" 1'~°O" J"`'~`~ Board - tJsat the sum of X300.00 be a13.ared aaPl paid to the Treasurer of the Cnrnegie 7 ~r Library Board and ahasged to the aontinge:rt turd- carried upon call of try roll byt ~. I . the Collaring voto: Yeas, Clay, Corbott, Lackey, Wallace and Washington, 6. Pte` 4n motion by liayor Lackey.:~r URDIN.dtCE REaUlwTINC The OPERATORS OF LfOYINO~ t ~ PICTURE IiACHINES AI~tD THEIR ASSISTdNT3, ..ItD fiECULuTi1w'G Tl£IIt QUALIFICATIONS, ldD ~ pass e PROYIDINO FOR lERffiTS TO BE ISSJEDTO SUCH OPERATORS at1D ASSIST~1TS,was given ita/~ i { .call of the roll by the Ybllowing wto: Yeea, Corbott, Lnokey and Wa113oe -S. Nay. ' "" ~, Clay and Waehlrgtoa -8. ` I., , ~ Oa motion by itambes Clay, that L. 3~. Durrett be relieved of hid duties ss ~Aa.wt ~ City Weigher, and that Brank Dunn De appointed in his stead- carried upon cull o! Lbe .p ~`F''f+Ks ~fr(Q.nw.sT; roll by the following rotes Yeae, Clay, Wal]eoe and Washington -3. Nay. Corbett'end Laoksy -8. • On motion by the above, that the Gity Clerk notify all employees of the ~-~L.~~c i oily whoee~surety ie the Illinois Surety Company that dew bonds must be axeoutsd by ~ % a.~,[, r each with solvar-t eurotiee- carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; ~~-"O Yeae, Clay, Corbett. Laoly y, Wal7aoe and Washington, 5. ~ 1 On motion the Board adiourned, upon cell of the mil by the following vots~: ~;~ Yeas, Clay, Corbett. Laokay, Walleoe and Washington -5. ~?~ ' e ~~~ w r ....... .~../G~ z i I. .~I Na ./ 97 -- ___.., -...._~ti._.. ~ _ .. ~, j _..~.~.~ ij E