HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/16• .~~ ., . ~. i • `~: i ,( I t i i I • , _ nro.1,~_,.. Commissioner's Proceedings, -City of Paducah aaeeembes bah I¢] a ooaeinnea t e ~• {4 u,~ ~ -`_!~I on motion by Member Cley, that tDe Reposb of Jno. 8langht.r. Ohief of the _°6, ; Hre Department ana Bnilalna Inspeotor. for tDe month of Angnat 1916 be reoeivea ~~ i ana tilea• .sms.oarriea neon oati of the roll by. the following votes Yess, Olay. {p^' ~ Corbett. Zaoloey, Wallaoe sad Washington -b. • ~r '~:rr On motion by lumber Oorbett. that rheas be eppsoporistea to the Paanoah ?air q~ ~Ae.~n tD. snm of TRO Hnndrea er:a Fi Doilara to De given as ttY . preminma at the Fair to bs held in MoOraoken County, Hy. beginning Oat. Sd, 1916- said amonat to be t 0 7 ,.paid out of the contingent ihad, -aeae carried neon oati of the ro,li by the tollowiq vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett,.Laohey, Wallaos and Wa~ingtoa -6. ;, On motion by Member Olgy, dlf OBDINd1fCE 41tEDfDINO iN ORDINANCE REOUI.ITINfI THE t7''~ ~, IISE OF YDBISC WAYB IN THE APPY OF PADUCAH, ~NTIIOH7f, BPPSOYED DECEMBES 14, 190b; ~,;,~ was given ire passage upon Deli of the roll tW the following voter Yeas. Olay, ~ ` CorMtt, Lso]wy, Walitoe end Washington -b. . ~, On motion DY ltaabsr Wslleae, Chet the Bill of Geo. W. Yattes~ohn, esonntinr ~~,,,~ . to X1865.19, balance due him on motor egnipmsnt fee Bise Department, be ello*sd- ~• ,~,..~- same oarriea npon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Olay, Oorbett. ~• ~ ieokey, Walleoe and Washington -b. On motion the Board ad~ousned won Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Clay, Corbett, baokey, Wallace and Washington -b, is ~~~ i 4 • •• , t. I , 9EPTEMHSB 9th. 1916. 1 ( ,~ :' At a epeoiel meeting of the Hoard of Commlealoness held !a the Oonaoil ~ j i Qhamb~r of the City'Ha11, Prduoeh, Krattuekg, on September 7th. 1816, npon oeil of , ' the roll Lye following easwered their names: 01ay; Corbett, Lackey, Walitoe and 1~ +. Washington .~b.. • i ~~ " On mat ion Dy Member Waliaos, that the raise De suspended On sending out ~ copies of 8eeolutioa for esteation of time on sidewalk oonatsaotione- same carried a. y npon Deli of the roll by the fallowing vote: ~Yoas, Clay. Corbett, Laoloey, Walleoe 4 ' .' and Washington -6. ~ , '~ On motion by lumber Washington, A HE90LUTION FOH THE ffiTENSION OF TIME ~,~~~.r~ N"`• _ FOS THE COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWIN4 CONTRACTS: eldewa><ks, etc. on Si:th 8tr~et from ~ ~~ r Hentnolgt Ave, to Tennessee Street; Fourth Stroet~irom Monroe 9t. to Clay 8t.; ~' North aide of Clay St. Prom pountain ave. to 19th St.; and from 8aat piopertp line: ~'. r of Second Street tp West property sins of Ninth 9t., South property liiie.,~q~l'y;Waeh.- '~ ! ,.. . , ingtoa Street to Eorth property line of Monroe St.- was given its passage npon sell j t? of the roll by the ioilowing vote: Ydae, Clay, Corbett, Lao~ey, Watleos and. , ~, . ' s ~ Washington -b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-'•"~~ it, On motion 14' Mmber Laoby; that the contracts anbmitted by the Oumberiena ~ {,. n ~+^~' ! ~ ' Telephoae•Company for the approval of the Board. heretofore referred to the loaner . • ~~°`•`~ ~; ! Oity Solloitor and not reported on before his resignation, be now referred to the ~ e ~ rJ' ' O oc...^~."_ present City Solloitor- same carried npon Dell of the :oil by thw,tollowing wtst 3 i ~`GI Yeas, Ciey, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -b. #f,~.. 1i •'~ + . j ..ry4r ~,c.~ _ ._ td,Y"ilWli 1 fV No. / 9 Z Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah september 7th 191 t ooatinuea ~ ~' • Oa rirotion by Member tlorbett, that the Oity Jailer deliver to the Yark~t I . P Yaeter euoh prisoners as the Yarkat Yaeter may imm time to time request, to be need ~ . e d~,,,~w+ ma cleaning the market house end the promisee attatSsed thereto, sad the Jailer ie `~, `yk~"~"~. ,. directed to let the said Market Yastsr have men v~o are docile prisoners and, ae `Y-~"'~'~~. nearly as map bs, prisoners serving short sentences- same oarriednpon call of the mll by the iolioaing votes Ysae, Olay, OorbeLt, Laoke y, Wallace and Washington -6. Oa motion by Yembsr Wallace, the Report of the Yepror that contract had .{ !~'~' '~- ~' been signed and proper bond essoated by 8o R. Bradshaw for the oonstraotion of an ''"'~ ~, ~, ~ I alley between Sixth and 8evsnth streets, 3tonrw' end I~adisoa Streste. in the Oity oY i e ~ ~ ':, ~'("~ Paducah, Ky., was received - upon call ~oi the roll b7 the `ibllowing rotes Yeas, I. .. clay. Oorbett, Laokey. Maileoe and Washington -6. ~` On motion the Hoard ad,~ourned; upon cell of the roll by the following r • ' _ vote: Ysae, O1ay, 0orbett, Laokey, ~sllsoe sna Washington -6. } •i _ •- i . .~ ~ ~i ~ 3EPTE6U3ER 11th. 1916. dt a regalar meeting of the Hoard of Commiseionere held in the Council Chamber' ~~. of the City Rall. paduoah, Hentuoky, on September 11th, 1916, upon aall of the mll ry the following eaewered their names; Clay, Laokey end Washington -3. On motion by Ysyor Laokey, the minutes of s regular meeting hs1A on September 6, 1916 were adopted ae read upon cell of the roll by the following vote ; Yeae, i tlley, Lsakey an8 Washington -3. • On motion by the above, the minutes of a epsoisl meeting held oa September 7th,. '; 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Clay. Laokey and Washington -3. On motion by Yembsr Washington, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIttO FOR THE INPROYE7dEPJT Ol ~"" O'''` ~ `" TWENTY-FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTR SIDE OF BROADWAY TO TtiE SOUTH SIDE OF JEFFER80Y ~ - ~x ?"~~ f''~"~" w ~~~~ ~~ ,' en given STREET, IN TflE tlITY OF PADiAAH, KIIQTUCKY, BY GRADINtl AND GRAYELINO SALtl4, d k ' ey en the follawl vote: Yeae, Cl its assn e n on call of the mil b P g P Y ng ay,.Lea Washington -3. On motion by the above, that the pay soli for the street department for the week ending September 10th, 1916, not covered lq{ o~dinaaoe, amounting to X184.90, be allowed. e~e..oarried upon dell of the mll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay. Laokey sad Washington -8. .•'• ~ On motion by Yeyos Laokey, that the name of Yrs. Margaret Ford be added to tha ~'""~`^'`~~ ~ Yorele tlommiseioa- same carried upon call of Lhe coil by the ibllowing votes Yew, ~+.+f+ ~""""~`~"" Oley,L9okey and Washington -8. ~ • • Oa motion by Yembes Olay, that the notion of the Oom'r of Safety Sa relieving P~„ ~~+~ Pete Anderson ae pstmlman be ratified, sad ,the l~quitabls Surety Company be tisehsrgeA A,~Wx~~ ae .his bondsmen- same osrried upon nail of the roil by the following rdt~s Yeas, .Oley, E; ' i Laokey and Waehiagtoa, 8. v ry. R..'. i ~.