HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/05/16Commissioner's Proceeduigs; City of Paducah s,mtember bth 19/~.oontlinn.d
On >gotion by ][ember Washington, that oontsaot for sidewalks on Sixth
`.'. . street ]ram ~K+sntugky `ve..to Tanniasee streets- also sidewalks on the attests f
• ~
' -el-,~,,,
P~,,d..,,~~~~`~'" r embraosd in the berritory bonnAsd by Ssoond to Ninth streets, Washington to 1[onro• j
N ~ I ..
streets- also sidewalks oa tkm North aids o! Clay street, between 17th and 19th
f ~
N I;
streets, bs awarded to Prosser a Hallide~y, in aooorde~aoe with their bide !or s~me-
~ ~~
;~ . oarrisd upon oall o! tbs roll by the iblloaing voter Yeas, Olay, Oorbett, Lgokey,
.:. i.
Mallaos and 1Paehington -b.
,,.~;. "'
~ On motion by the above, that the pay roll fbr the sESeet department. foe ~ .~_
„., i
the week ending September S, 1916, amounting to g7,69.b0, not covered bey osdlnanoe, f
{i ;
be allosed- same carried upon Deli o! the roll by the ~11eKng vote: Ysas, Clay,
.. ~ Oorbett, baoby, Wallace end Washington -b.
i•. On motion by ltembes Qorbett, that deed be e:eonted eaa dsiivarsd to hula ~ .
oC.~.Lar ~~ `' . Hill !as lot X69, la Block Pour, Oak Drove Ommetery, Treas:asr's receipt for Thirty
d~'"~'~~~y~-,, ~
`~--6 Dollars, assn order o! Harry Ciah, Sertan, attached hereto,- ammr carried upon call
j ,
~ o! the roll >S' the following voter Yeas, Olsy, Oorbstt, baoLy, Wallace sad
. ~ Washington -b. I'
' r ~
On motion by the above, i Resolution authorising liso. W. Satter~ohn to ;.
~~ ~+ ass graves la place of crashed rook is the raooneLrpotion o! Broadway from the Yost
~,,,~ curb ling o! 81ret street to the Baet curb line o! Bourth street, was given its !
1'-r ~ ~=~' passage uipon Dell o! th• mll by the lollowing votes Yoga, C]sy, Oorbett, Eewly, f
ti Wealaoe emd Washington -b.
~ (" ~- Oa motion by the above, that Ed Hubbard be released o! his duties as
~ti.~- assistant Oity Solloitor, and James 0. Cheek bs appointed in his stead- castled
,, ~~, ~ upon call of the roll by the ~liowiag votes Ysas, O7ay, Corbett, Laohry, Walisos
and Washington -b.
~~. Oa motion by IIenber 07syt, .that ttr l~eyor be authorised to purchase s Oode
;~ ~,,~ ~ o! Practice for the nee o! the Judge o! the Poiioe Oonrt- emms carried upon call '
fr,,.....~ ~ o! the roll by the following vote: Ysas, Olay, Corbett, baokey, Wailaos and
~rL'+.~ V ~~ ~ Yashington -b.
On motion by the above, that the notion of the Oommiasioner o! Safety, in ~,
hw ~+-a+.. replsoing oifioer Winstead with Oeo. Brian, be ratified, ea-d that the BgnitabL
~~~~ 8usbty do. be released as bondemmm o! said WineEead- carried upon oesl of the roll'
~ by the following vote = Yeas, Olay, Corbett, 5rao7oey, Wallace and Washington, b.
On motion by Idember Wallaos, that B. H. Phillsy be appointed Dsliagnent
~'~`'' ' "'-"'1 Tae Oolleotor Lo succeed 3fr. Jae. 0. Cheek- same carried upon call o! the soil ty
Q''`'~~ ~O'~
N the following rote: Yesa, Clay, Oorbstt, bsokey, Wallace and Washington- 6.
~ Oa motion by the above, that the resignation o! I[ias Henrietta 8ahn be
. aooepted~ same carried upon Dell of the roll by the lollowing votes Yeas, Olay,
I'u-e~.•~sr '
Oorbett, baokey, Yallsoe and Washington, 6.
' ~ On motion by IIayor baoby, that the Yios Oommission be discharged, and
~"~ C.w.......a..,,,.' that a vo#e o! thanks b• tendered them for their very e:oelbnL worlo- same carried
~""'~'"'~"~. upon Dell cf the roll by the it-lloriag vote; Ysas, Clay, Corbett, bao~ey, Wallsos
J and. Washington -b.
On motion by the above, that in soaosdanos with the rsoommsndatioaa o! the
Yioe Oommisaion, adopted by the Board o! Oity Oommiasioners, the lollvsing gontlemea
IYN ~ aw b• appointee as members of the Yorala Oommission, to-wits S. _. 07ay, Bev. Oii~oa ~ ,
8. Qnia, Dr. Yernon Blytlsi, Andrew NiohoL . and Ssbbi bas J..bevinge;-n same ossriaa
upon Dell of the roll by the loliosisg rotes Ysas, Olay, 8osbtt,. Lackey, Wal]aoe
.end Washington -b, j
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Commissioner's Proceedings, -City of Paducah aaeeembes bah I¢] a ooaeinnea
{4 u,~
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on motion by Member Cley, that tDe Reposb of Jno. 8langht.r. Ohief of the
_°6, ; Hre Department ana Bnilalna Inspeotor. for tDe month of Angnat 1916 be reoeivea
~~ i ana tilea• .sms.oarriea neon oati of the roll by. the following votes Yess, Olay.
{p^' ~ Corbett. Zaoloey, Wallaoe sad Washington -b. •
~r '~:rr On motion by lumber Oorbett. that rheas be eppsoporistea to the Paanoah ?air
q~ ~Ae.~n tD. snm of TRO Hnndrea er:a Fi Doilara to De given as
ttY . preminma at the Fair
to bs held in MoOraoken County, Hy. beginning Oat. Sd, 1916- said amonat to be
t 0
7 ,.paid out of the contingent ihad, -aeae carried neon oati of the ro,li by the tollowiq
vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett,.Laohey, Wallaos and Wa~ingtoa -6.
;, On motion by Member Olgy, dlf OBDINd1fCE 41tEDfDINO iN ORDINANCE REOUI.ITINfI THE
~,;,~ was given ire passage upon Deli of the roll tW the following voter Yeas. Olay,
~ ` CorMtt, Lso]wy, Walitoe end Washington -b. .
~, On motion DY ltaabsr Wslleae, Chet the Bill of Geo. W. Yattes~ohn, esonntinr
~~,,,~ . to X1865.19, balance due him on motor egnipmsnt fee Bise Department, be ello*sd-
~• ,~,..~- same oarriea npon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Olay, Oorbett.
~• ~ ieokey, Walleoe and Washington -b.
On motion the Board ad~ousned won Dell of the roll by the following voter
Yeas, Clay, Corbett, baokey, Wallace and Washington -b,
•• ,
t. I ,
9EPTEMHSB 9th. 1916. 1
( ,~ :'
At a epeoiel meeting of the Hoard of Commlealoness held !a the Oonaoil ~ j
Qhamb~r of the City'Ha11, Prduoeh, Krattuekg, on September 7th. 1816, npon oeil of , '
the roll Lye following easwered their names: 01ay; Corbett, Lackey, Walitoe and 1~
+. Washington .~b.. • i
~~ " On mat ion Dy Member Waliaos, that the raise De suspended On sending out ~
copies of 8eeolutioa for esteation of time on sidewalk oonatsaotione- same carried a.
npon Deli of the roll by the fallowing vote: ~Yoas, Clay. Corbett, Laoloey, Walleoe 4
' .' and Washington -6. ~ ,
'~ On motion by lumber Washington, A HE90LUTION FOH THE ffiTENSION OF TIME
N"`• _
FOS THE COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWIN4 CONTRACTS: eldewa><ks, etc. on Si:th 8tr~et from ~
r Hentnolgt Ave, to Tennessee Street; Fourth Stroet~irom Monroe 9t. to Clay 8t.;
~' North aide of Clay St. Prom pountain ave. to 19th St.; and from 8aat piopertp line: ~'.
r of Second Street tp West property sins of Ninth 9t., South property liiie.,~q~l'y;Waeh.- '~ !
,.. . ,
ingtoa Street to Eorth property line of Monroe St.- was given its passage npon sell j
t? of the roll by the ioilowing vote: Ydae, Clay, Corbett, Lao~ey, Watleos and.
~, . ' s ~
Washington -b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-'•"~~
it, On motion 14' Mmber Laoby; that the contracts anbmitted by the Oumberiena ~ {,.
~+^~' ! ~
Telephoae•Company for the approval of the Board. heretofore referred to the loaner .
• ~~°`•`~ ~; !
Oity Solloitor and not reported on before his resignation, be now referred to the
e ~ rJ'
O oc...^~."_ present City Solloitor- same carried npon Dell of the :oil by thw,tollowing wtst 3
~`GI Yeas, Ciey, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -b. #f,~..
1i •'~ + .