HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/16, 8/28/16, 8/29/16' .', ~ . . Y;bs',~ .r .X-?a::`.?' •f.a ". ~''r%e"e "~,~Yst ,~:r +e}°• ri:'i, i ~k;:'»~e'E '"~,' ~'?e'~'~°'f~. i:S ~ '' I .. i .. ~' ~ .~. ,t-....w.w~a:.i.b.su.+c.i+..:n1. _~..-.+.:..--...+-•..=,r~•---.~...*-..i-*::.u,...--w..u..e.r.t.~m...n_-:.e....a.._d...v.dz:.1:.._.,.. ~~.. r N 4 .,. `~ ~ :. 1 ~.~ ~ ., . .. Na ~s ~ w~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191:. 1 6t a special meeting of the Hoard o! Commiaelonere o! Lhs Qity o! Paducah, I hold In the Council Ohambsr of the City Hall; Pnduor~h, Kentucky, on dugnet 24. 1818' ' I: upon call of the rollthe following easwesed their nameas Clay, Corbett, Lackey, ,+~' ~ Walleoo and Washington -b. I. . _ ~ Oa motion by Ltember Washington, that Richard Bell be awarded the contract„ '_.,~/ '~ for grading and gravo111ng the alley between 10th and 11th street and Tennseaea and ~* - i;. ~~`~, i Jones atreeta, in accordance with hie bid, and that the City 9olioitor be xequested , ,~.+ ~: to draw up the necessary contract therefor,- earns carried upon call of the roll by • {- the .toilowing wte; Yeae, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace n~ ~laehington -8, (i On motion by the above, that J. EI. Bradshaw be awarded the aontTaot for grading and g*ava111ng the alley batwoen 6th and 7th street and btonros and btadieoa ~' ~(r~~,N1''~ ! atreeta, in eooordm-oa with hie bid, and that the City $oliAitor be requeatod to "r'" ~, draa up the nooeaeaxy contract therefor,. a4ne carried upon cull of the roll by the !: following wte; Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Laoke y, Wal]aoe and 1laehington .6, ;' On motion the Board ad~ournad, upon call of the roll by the iblloxing j voter Yeas, Clay, Corbett, lackey, Wal]eoe and Washington .6, ~ • ,~ , is a4A.X01L. i, ' F ' ~, ~, i:. ~ ., . l I I ~. BUST 28th, 1916. I. l At a rognlar meeting of tho Board of Commiseionera, held in the Council •~. •,• ~ ± f: Ohambdr•ot the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on august ~, 1816, upon call of the. ;; • ~; A !; roll the ~1lowing answered their names; Cley, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -d. '; LI ~' On motion by ttember 01st', the minutes of the regular meeting held august ' • i _;, ~' 21, 1918 were adopted ea read, upon call of the roll Uy the ~llowing vote; Yeae; .• l . :I '.' .. ~ Clgy, Laolroy, Wal]eoe and Washington -4. ' • ~ On motion by ,iiember Washington, the pay loll for the street department for the weak ending august 27th, 1916, amounting to X208.10, not ooverod by ordineaoe, l . ? was allowed, upon salt of the roil by the m flowing wte; Yoas, Clay, ;,eokey, i; . ~, Wallace and Washington -4. • • Oa motion by Ltember Wallace, that Lhs petition of various property owners' ~ • ~,,,.// ~ :' for Cnlvsrt and till on Yaeseur street be received and filed, and that the matter b~ • ~ referred to the Commissioner of Public ;Jorke and Oity 9olioitor for report ae to ' ' I~• cost and the w1111 ngnesa of county to loin with the olty in the coat of said improve. r4 ~ meat- same carried upon cell of the roll by the ibllowing vote= Yeae, 01st', + • , Lackey, Wallace and YJashington -4. ', y..~ • ~ ` + ~ On motion by Member Washington, S RE30LUTION PROYYDING FOR THE ILIPROVEt1ENT I ~ ~~ ~;_ 08 24th STREET, ?'101i ".'IE NORTH SIDE OF BR06DWAY TO THE SOUTH SIDE Orr JEFFERSOII STREET, ~~ ,'}'j" ~1~`-tL , ,, IN THE OITY Op P:;DUC.~H, 1~itTUCXY, BY GR:-DING d1:D ORaYELING S.sL'E, was given its ,~ - .y ~~ ~ f,~ I passage upon call of the roll tpr the following vets; Yeea, C]ny, Laol®y, Wallace • • •~;~' ~ ~ and Ylaehington -4. . ,~ ~ On motion by il~ror Lackey, that the roaignation of Hoa. 0. C. Oreaehem C.t ' True tee of the Oarnegie Library be aoaepted, same carried upon call of the roll • ~" ~~~~ ! . by the ibilowing rotas .Yeae, Oley, Laoley, Wallace and Washingtoa -4, t , ' 11 ~ ~ ~ '' . .. f ~ .~ ~ • . w~,:r.'~'n .+'~""i.~. . ...... ,.... ..~. .'n~"°"".'~.:'X'~,•ti`~i'~°~5~.~;7"r~;t'rte`~;'9~tkey'~iSR:RM'F!?~XrPt,A;F~m7~R^~4L"!Y&~Y/r?~YS.1M; !4.'~q°p ~ e.'"~.u"S.M'R$'BY~IYt~°k~9~r$ ~'S~:", . , ..... ,,w.f ,. ..:..,.,.,. . " f ~ No..l,d.d_ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah dngvat 28th 1816 oontYnnsd ~ .. On motion by Mayor Lackey, that Dr. Yeraoa Blythe be appointed to Lill Uv,,,,* ~~. ~~ , out the unexpi6sd term of C.. C. Grasehsm .ae traetee of Carnegie Library- eoms carried n C G~..~,.. ~~,..~;,,,,, ~ npon call of the roll by thq following rotes Yeas. C]ay, Laol~y, Wal]aoe end r _ _ p Washington -4. G •~j On motion by the above, that the City of Yaduoah turn over to the Oounty , f' ~ ~- for the Anti-tuberouloeis hospital the old patrol wagon or ambulame, for the purpose 4 ~ ~~ i • ~ of conveying patients to the said hospital- same carried upon cell of the roll by ~-~" ~~ ~ ~~ ~ the 4ollowiag vote: Yeae,'C1~, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -4. „~. On motion by Member.wsahington, that tha City retain the old paving brick ! n n ,` F to be removed Prom Broadway, which is to bs repaved, ea per aontraot of G. W. j { i~ `^ ~~ Katterjohn- some parried upon anti of tha roll by the follmring rote: Yeas, Clay, j i'O''~i ~ p., , ~~ >aaokey, Wallace and Washington -4. ~, _.On motion the Board adjourned, upon call oY the roll by the 8ullowing ' '. ~~. dote; Yeas, Cley, Laoksy, Wallace and Wa~ington -4, ' ~. . ~ . ~3D ~~ _ . ~ ~p ~ ~ - Gam/ ~ 1 ji` ... . ~~ti MA R 1 ~i ~ i ~ . ~ 1 I t ~i ~ • AUGUST 29th. 1916. I " At a special meeting of the Hoard of oommiseionera, held in the Connoil it Chamber of the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 29, 1916, upon Dail of the roll 'i the following answered their names: Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Aallace and Washington- 6. On motion. by Member Clay, that the ¢ommiaeioner of Public Forks be i. ~~,~ ~e~.+~- ~ authorized to award a aontraot for onnoreting the floor of the patrol house and _-}_ ~,Q,,.,,i ` repairing the drivewny into said patrol house - same carried upon call of the roll by w~""' r k the following rote: Yeas, Clsy, Corbett, Lackey, Wal]ace aid Washington -6. ~. h On motion by the above, that Z.. T. }lazelip be relieved of his duties ea j ' ', ~, ~~,~(~ Ynspeotor cf Lioensea, Weights unit Meaeurea, and that Sam Abell be cg pointed as enoh~~• M~ a Inspector- same onrried upon call of the m lI by the following votes Yeas, Clay, ~•~•'7 ;~ Oorbett. Leaksy and Washington -4. Nay, Wallace, 1. > On motion bq Member Corbett, that the services of Hubert HazdZip ea City } /~ ~ ~ ~ Clerk be, ra-d they are hereby discontinued from mid after this date, sad that E. i. ii { ,I. Rio hard Miller be selected and appointed as City Clerk, sad upon the execution of i. ~~,.~.,~.,/ ~ the band required by law the said M111ar will take charge of said office ffid enter !I~ upon the dieohsrge of the duties of same- same carried upon call of the roll by the j I following rote; Yeas, Clay, Corbett, bao]oey end Washington -4. Nay, Wallace- 1. j ~ n ~ On motion by Member Wallace, that WHBREAS,,it is neoesaary by reason of j J• ~. ~ ~ . the work to be done in making asees~snte on property which is soon to begin, to ~,~•~ ~~ ~~ ,; ,employ•en experiQnoed assistant, that the Com'r of Finance be authorised to employ r~ T. T. Neely as au oh extra assistant, at a salary of ~125.00'per month, and for s . .~ , •~ period of four months from September 1, 1916, same. to be charged to_the contingent ` :x ~~ fund- carried upon call of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas. Clay, Corbett., ~,. ~~ 1 j. Laolq,y, Weallaoe sad Washington -~6. ~ ~, On motion the Board adjourned, upon,osll of the roll by .the following I " ~ votes Yeas, Clay, Corbett, 1,aokOy, Wa1]soe ea8 Washington -5, F G .,tea ~~, ~ ~~ " ~•~ ~ .~ ~.~ , .. ~.. y .: ~ ~f k: .: zr ~i ~ . c~ ,, r F .i= 7 ~ ~:pp t- i, i 1