HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/14/16 & 08/17/16 . . Commissioner's .Proceedings, City of +.:J ?. ,. q ';,~ . 'y •*. =t ~, xa'. I a {, (.' ,m No. ,Lr3 j; At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiealoasrs, held !a the Counoil' ~ . ~ Chamber of the City Hell, Paduoah, Bentuoky, on August 14th, 1916, neon Dell of . i the roil the following answered their names; Clay, Oorbstt, Laololy, Wallaoe and ~. ~, lYaahington -b. On motion by Member Corbett, the minutes of the meeting held August 7th, • ! 1916 were adopted as read, upon Dell of the roll b the followin y g vote; Yesa, Oily, Corbett, Laolaey, Wallaoe and Washington -b, On motion by lfember Clay, it appearing that Y. F. Maeohmeyer has been r~ employed as 1Serohant Polioeman by the marohants o i the oity, that said Y. F, p ~;J~ ltesolunsyar be, and ha is heroby given polioe power upon oxeoution of the propor, • r/" Dond. oarriod upon sell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Olay, Corbett, Laolaey, Wellaoe and Washington -b. !,; On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the 9treat Dept. ~~~-,~'~, " ;: not covered ty ordinance, amounting to X184.90, bs allowed- same carried upon Dail ~! of the roll bp• tho follcwing vote=. Yeas, Clay, Corbott, Lackey, Walleoe and 1. '' .._ c, Washington -b. .. •~ On motion by L'ember Corbett, that a deed be executed and delivered to Mike ~'-''"J'~.,Jw" Hettisr to Lot Six Block forty-five in Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's raoeipt for I Liu ~f~'"_ ., ~12b.00 being filed herewith- setae serried upon call o f the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -b. C, ,r,~, ~ On motion by the above. that s deed be executed sad delivered to W. Y. ~ , I° ~ ~ Eaton for Lot Eight block forty-seven in Oak' Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's reooipt foe (j ;~12b.00 being filed herewith- same oarriod upon call of the roll bq the following .f vote: Yeas, Cley, Corbett, Lackey, 17ellaoe and Washington -b. ~~ ~',~~- On motion by the above, that o transfer of the Southeast quarter o,f Lot ~~*F'" 1 twenty-one block tour is Oak Grove Cametorq from Alma Sr9utaer to G. Lt. Dorris bs. -1,,,, F~"'" made, the written request of said A].taa Ereutser being filed herewith- ewae ~• {~~ carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbott, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Zfember Washington. that Section thirty-three (33) of the n Y~ "~'' Building Ordinance be amended eo as to epeoiiy the diiteront roofing materiels which i . "`~_I ~ ~+a,.~~r- arc eooeptable with tlb .Hoard of Fire Undersritere, and that the M•~or be instructed to appoint a Committee to pees on these materiels- ,setae carried upon Dell of ttr ' ~ , roll by t}ae following vote: Yesa, Clay, Corbett. Laokoy, Mallaoe end Washington-b + " )v~ ~~. On motion by the above, AN ORD1Uf.1NCE PROYIDII{G FOR THE COLII'ELLII{G OF dNY ~ • (M''~ #o WiaTER C03u'F'AN7(, CORPORATION OR iDfDIVIDU6L TO CHANGE OA RE-LOCATE ANY WATER MAID 0$ Cw~r"'' ~'PT,PE, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Clay • u'~ ~'! -' Corbett,; Lackey, Welleoo end ~ashington -6. On,motion. by the above, AN ORDII{AI{QE PROVIDING FOR THE IEa'ROYELtEhIT OF JONES STREE"i', FROLI TWELFTII STREET TO THIRTEEIITII STREET, II{ THE CITY OF PADUC[.H, EEI{TUCBY, BY GR6DII{G 6I{D GRBVELLING Si+L~.', isND PROVIDING THAT SAID IE~ROYEGtEI{T SHALL ~~Yw`~~' 3E 1V.DE UPOI{ TliE TEI{ YEAR PAYEiF!{T PLAN, ass given its pasanga upon call oY tho roll ~ . by tho following vote; Yene, C1ay,.Corbett, Laoh y, Wal]aoe and Washington -6 ~ ~`f • On motion by E{eyor Lackey, that the Ferguson IIardwood Company be granted ~ ,' exemptions from taxation for a period of five yearn, ea per ordinance covering some. ~ ~~•` O.NA'"'" ~;, ~ carried upon Dell of the roll ~r tho mellowing vote: Yesa, 01ay, Corbott, Leokey, .j A Wallace and Washington -b. `` .. _~. ,i Nom -- Commissioner's.. Proceedings, City of Paducah Au~at 14th 1916 oontinuea ~• : . qn motion by Bieyor Laokey, that Col. H. 0. Rhoden be reappointed Yank , w {... k ' ~:~ ~~, i Oommieaioner for Yive yearn Yrom 1(ey lbth, 191b- .parried upon pall of the roll by f i , . ~~ w-+ t he follow vote: Yeas C1 Oorbett Laok Watleoe mid Wsah ton -b. 't in6 0.v. e9, ~B ~ "°"'1' _ _, ,~"" ~ 4~ P~r On motion by the above, that the New England Equitable Insurance Company j ~: ~ ~ be relieved on the bonds of W. .S. Heavers,. Dr. B. L. Bradley, and L. E. Durrett- ~ `" '~ ~ .•e` eeme.carried upon cell oY the roll by the following votes Yeas, Olay, Corbett, { ~, ~ • Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington =6. i -~ ~• 'i On. motion by Member Corbett, that the opinion of the Oity Solicitor ~i.M ~ with reference to the oelling of a Primary for an election this Fall, be reQei~ed 1 $ ~~" "- bbb sad filed- some parried npnn cell 03 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Cley, { i_; ~ Corbett, Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~ r' " ( ~ ~ , ~, -Y Oa motion by the above, that a Committee be appointed to contract Yor ~ I *• decorating pity bulldislge on the 2Ersd oY this month, in preparation for Elks re- ~ ~ union- said Committee to have Hill power to not, same aexried upon pall of the roll • ~ !p~ ~ ~~ by the Yolloeing vote: Yeas, Oiay, Corbett, Lao3wy, Wallaoe mad Washington -b. ~ . ~~ ~gr~~ On motion by 1lember Wallaoe. that the Hoard of Commissioners ado~it the i ~'ti recommendation of the vice Commission not heretofore adopted, embraced in the report ~ °a '. ~,,~ ~~ ~',~''"~ +~ ;oY said Commission, in Section Toe. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, il, 14, lb, 16, 17; E1, 2Z, ~ V~ „. . E4, E6 and ES, and pass ordinances where neoeaeary to enforce esid raoommeadatioaa- ~ , :` same parried upon pall oY the mll by the following vote: Yeaa, Clay, Corbett, {~' •~ ~ Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -6. i „ L Oa motion the Board adsourned, upon pall of the.rb].l by the following. + . '.~ ^ ; voter Yeas. Clay, Oorbett, Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -b. t ~ • . i `..~ ~: -+ ~ ~ ~ NiM. +if. ~a'iv.tulg, MAYO' i - .. . ~+;' dUGUS~ 17th, 1916. ~ ,~.' ~ At a ape.oial meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held is the Council `;? i Chamber of tha bity Hall, Padnoeh, Kentucky. on August 17, 1916, upon pall of the roll the •f911owing answered their names: Clay, Oorbett, Laokey, Wallaoe tusII Washington -.6. ~ ~ On motion by lSember Olay, that the ahengea made in the Dept. oY Public ~ r d d _ ' Safety by the Commiasioaer oY Public Ssfetq, ae ehawn by the lief.herewith filed, j ' ,6/,( _!__ _~ be ratified- same oarrie8 upon pall of the roll by the following •vote: Yeas; Clay; ` ~„e ~~""~ ~~~ Oorbett; Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -6. ~ ~' ~t if Oa motion by }Sember Wallaoe, that the Report of the Com'r of Finance end ! p%~~ I • ~ Auditor, showing diaburaemente 2or the Yirat half oY August, 1916, bs received and (~, i - filed and warrants drawn on treasury Yor same- parried upon call of the roll by , ~' ; I ,the Yollovtiag votes .Yeaa, Clay, Oorbett, Laokey, Wallaoe sad Washington -b. °i•' On motion the Hoard adfourned, upon pall oY the roll by the following votwl Yeas; Clay, Oorbett, Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -b. • ;,x: ' ~ ~ i ~•,, 9 _ ~ I 1, ~~,3:.. a > i :. ~ •~ C~1,_vJ ~ ~: h ~y~ ~ 11 d • r ~ ~ . ', q t ., U ~ ` ~ ,,. ~ ... .. 4:i ` ~., -.r. • 4 ~ • • ~ • , ., ~~ tea:- • ~~ ,.. ~ ~. . - ~ - bw4'tit+~B.i: q ,: M.: ..,., .at'wx«z_;.~y ;,"~n,a~ ,<,w.. ~.i~laG.4~ 'd:.t•Y- +.n~+xo:c ~.i;:. uk.,,' ~ t:, ;,. ,,.. , . ~ ~, ~~..,. - - ~ . ~ '