HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/49 & 08/07/16I .. ,'
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' Cornmissionet's .Proceedings, City of Padaeah- du ,. o, 191 •
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• ! Ai s celled meeting of the Hoard of Oommiasiorisrs held In th4 Oounoil „~
,f ', phamber of the Oity Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, on August $id, 1916, the following ,
. i it ~
i. enewered their names= .Clay, Oorbstt, Laoksy, Wallaoe and Washington -6, ~ .
. ,
~,,_,,,~ ~ On motion by 7Sember Walisoe, that the Report of the Auditor and Treasurer '
' 'i. and oom'r of Binanoo for Dlebursomente for the lest ball of July 1916 be reoeived
;, ~
• ~, and flied, and warrants drawn on treasury for eamo; carried upon cell ci the roil ~ ''
~~ by the following vote; Yeae, Clsy, Corbett, Lackey, Wallaoe and Washington -B,
,' ~,, On motion by the above,,that the Report of the Auditor & Treasurer erid
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~; Oom'r of 8lnanoo for Collaotions and pisburaements for the month of Juiy 1916 be
!' reoeived, tiled end published; same oarriod upon oaii of the roil by the following
' ~ ;~~ votes Yeas, Clay, Oarbatt, Luoksy, Gallaos and Washington -b, •
• i; On motion t+y lia;*or Laohy, that the colored people be given the right. •
~ - ;~ to operate lunch and soft drink stands on the 9th day,of August, 1916 tree of
n,~ lioanae; ewne carried upon call of the roil by the following vote; .Yoas, Cigq, '
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~ Corbett, baokey, ~lallsoe and Washington .b.
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~~ • pn motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following .
~ vote= Yeea, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Waileoe and Washington -b,
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•' ~~ August 7th, 1916.
' r At a rogalar meeting o! the Board of Commiesionere held in the Council
• I Ohamber o! the Qity IIell, Paducah. Kentno3q, on August 7th., 1916, upon oaii of the I
x; ~ roll the following answered their names: Clay, Ldokey, Wal}eos and Washington -4.
' !! On motion b 1lember Cla the minutes~ot a re
,. y y, gale: meeting held July 31,
i 191b were adopted ae read upon gall of the roil by the following vote; Yeae,.0ley, ~`
(~ Corbett, Lackey, Wallaoe and 17aehington -b. ~
_ i~ On motion by the above, the minutes of a called meeting held 6uguet $
1916 were adopted as read upon gall of tho roll by the following vote; Yens, Clay,•
' ~ Corbett, Lackey, Wallaoe and Washington - 6.
• r On motion by l:ember Wallaoe, WHEREIB, L. H. Rouse has pnid city Lax on
96.00 of poraonal property foe 191G, and Whereas, attaohe8 affidavit shows that said
,,~, ~,'J•'"" ~ L. H. Rouse is s non-readdent, that he bo refunded the eam of y1.7b paid by him in
..,~_„u ,; error- gorried upon call of the mil by the following vote: Yoae, Clay, Corbett,
Lnokey, Wallaoe and Washington -b.
{ On motion by Liembar Washington, that the pay roll Por the 9traet Departmeni
• i •,
~' for the week ending August Gth, 1916, not covered by ordlnanoe, amounting to ~230.b0,. ~ •
j De allowed- same carried upon call of the roil by the following vote; Yaae, Clay,
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• ~j Rorbett, Lackey, Wallaoe and Washington -b.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ;.,,~,,Rt 7th 191s~oantinued :,; .
n -On motion by liemDer Waehiagtoa, that E. K. Wolfe be permitted to oonneot
';.~' ,~ ~ " ~1. to private sewer oa Jefferson street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets afters ~; ~---+I
,1 he hoe aigaed the neoeesary oontraot to pry and oonneot to sewer Diatriot ~3 wheneveY `
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~°`~ some ie built- oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yesa, Clay. ~' ~: ,
Corbett.. Lnokey, {Yollaoe and Washington -b. ` r-.
~ ~~~ ~~
' ~ On motion by ldayor baokey, thaE the ReporE of Dr. H. P. Linn relative to ~
.Hill & Karnes brink yard, be reoeived and filed- acme oarried upon pall of the roll ~;.1 .
• 6 _,¢ .~'~°1~ ~ by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, baokey, Wallaao and Jashington -b. '
~,~"/k.~J~n"' On motion by the above, thnt the Illinois Surety Company be relieved of s
7~,~t~ tke b9nd of W. G. 9kipwoYth- same oarried upon sell of the roll bq the following ~ ~~ f
t,. ~oJ~'r''"~~ , vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Laokey, Wallace and Washington -b.
k,~^^' ; On motion by the above, thot the Liew England & Equitable Inauranae Co. be ~ •~ '
o~ relieved on the bonds of the following: Ed Sanders, Will Dunn, dndy ulma,_Thad Terrell, '`
` I`^"" P. (i. Kirk, (ieo. T. Gish, R. C. Jones, D. J. bevy. end James Campbell, Jr.- same
//F+oo~f oarried.npon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Oley; Oorbett, baokey. ! ~'
V° a Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~ ~.
- On motioa.by Ltember Clay, that the petition of oertain oitizene,requeating' s.
Q~~~` that the Hoard of Oommiseioners oall.mn eleotion, be referred to the City Solioitor ,i
l r' with inatruotione to prepare the proper onll Yor auoh. en eleotfoa and report to the
`-~~_) nest re lar meet!
1- , ~ gu ng oY this Hoard it legal opinion ea .to m+hether or not thin Board ! ,
is required, under the law. to oe11 suoh an eleotion- same oarried upon oall o Y
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~~''" 1` the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Cley, Oorbett, baokey, Wallaoe and Washington! bo
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' On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, 7~aokey, Wallaoe and Washington -b.
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