HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/16 & 07/24/16,,....+~ ~4.Ym.-ice aluUr.~w.s~uw.Sltlm~ .N ~ Rmz:L• W ~., ^~L~s Ybue®+~a. . ~ p ' ~, • ° ~ .. " . i . 1 1Vo.~_ ~iOII'IrillSS1o17Cf'S of Paducah J~1y 17 1916 at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held is the Common • Chamber of the City Hall, Paquoah, Sq., July 17, 1916, npon Dell oY the roll the i following answered their names: C1gy,Corbett, Lackey and Wallace -4. ~ On motion by Member Cortwtt, the minntea o! a called meeting held ~ Jniy 14, 1916 wore adopted as read, npon call of the roll by the following votes ° Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey surd Wallsoe -4. ~ On'motion by MamDer Waliaae. that 1fHSREAS, the Commissioner oY Finanos ~ p;oduoed the font oanoelled notes o! $E6,000.00 each, dsted~.Jannasq 11, 1916 z ~ `.~ Y'''" '' i .payable siz months attar date- that a note bs made on the minutes that said ~'~"_ ' oanoclled and paid notes were produced at this meeting, tams carried npon call of ~. (~1~""• ~~~~ I ~ r the x+oll by the tollanring vote: yeas, Clay, Corbett, Leokey and wallsoe -4. Oa motion by the above, Lhat the report of the Aniitor and Treasurer and: Oommieaioner of Finance showing amount of Sinking'Fnnd end ~eoiel Sewer Fund be rsoeived sad filed- and that claims oi.the Commissioner of Public works, No. ~~ ' E646/Eb66; inolusivs, amounting to X7190.'88, be allowed and ohsrged to the "' . 8psolal Sewer .Fund- .same carried npon Dell of the roll by the follaring vots.i Yeas, Dley, Corbett, Lackey and Wallace, 4. . F: On motion by the above, that the Report of the Auditor de Trssanrez sad Com'r of Finance for Disbursements for the Yiret halt of Jnly.be rsoeived, (ilea ' and wesrante drawn for same- carried upon Dell of the soil by the ~-llowing votes" y: Yeas,' Clay, Corbett, Laoksq and Wellsae -4. - Oa motion by the above; A RESOLUTION DIRECTING AND AiTTH08IZING TSS MAYOR :'r, OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO EXECUTE MOTES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR .THE SUM 0! , , ~%~w - t,~~ V. r " ONE HUNDRED THUU3AND (i~I00,000.00) DOLLARS, AiID PLED(iIN(i ANTICIPATED AEVP~TiJB OF f, „ ~ ~ THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE SECOND HALF OF 1916 TO PAY.3A1tE, was given its . `, passage npon call of the roll by the tollowing vote: Yeas, Clsy, Corbett, Lackey , ' y::~.:,: .. and Wallace -4. ~ . ' . Oa motion by the above, that the report of the Auditor & Treasurer ' showing oomparativb.report of Receipts and E:penditusea for the first siz months ` of 1916 end 1916 be rsoeived amd Yiied, same carried upon call of the roll by the R following vote: Yeas, C1ey, Corbett, Lackey and walleoe -4. /~ On motion. by Member Corbett, that deeds be ezecnted and delivered to ,. c ' n ~ ~"A L. B. Hurt Yor Lot S!= Block One, Lot No. Elev~ Block Ons, in Oak Garove Oemetsrf~ t~- Treasurer's receipts for Thirty and Forty Dollars, respectively, together with >~ ~ ~ order fr H Gi h t , om arry e , 8ez oa, Oak Gzove Cemetery, are presented herewith- some carried npon Dell 0! the roil by the following moots: Ysae, Clay, Corbett, Leeway and wallsos -4. ~~~~Qp~~~,~ ~~~ On motion by Member Oiey, that the ooffes hones license of R. Calissi , '1'I ~ at 833 Caldweil St. be transferred to E. Maeoa at same piece- oarrie8 npon Dell of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey end Wallace; 4.. .t ~"°• ~ ~~~~ ~ On motion by the above, that~the ooffes house license of St. Elmo Smith '~. ~p „- -.,f _ `; [ yw% °"" ~ at 117 N. Fourth Street be transferred to 8teiahsner & White, at the same pleoe- 1 ' ~i , B n_~ ILe carried upon Dail of the roll by Lhe YolloRing mtss Yeas, Ciey, CarDett, Lackey P""""'^~Nr ~d Walisoe -4. oti b th O b n m on y e a ove, that the street isiepeotor bs instructed to employ a euYfioient number of men to clean the gutters sad cat the weeds Prom the property Q in the pity and the sspenees for same bs charged to the Department of Pablio Worsts, ~ ! ~: t'; ;: j ~- ~. 1 -~ ~; M.-..... ~ ~ 1 ~.• ,w 1. i .. , ',~~ :~j F:; ~,.. • z..; .I #`d &. 4° - ~~-. ~„ ~" ~,,.. Y' w.„` , . it appearing to the Board oY Oommiseionere Srom the statement of the City Health ^~ ~ Oitioer.that.saah cotioss is necessary on aoaommt of the ezossdiagiy Dad oonditlon' ~1 I ~ a ,- ,. ~~. ,_ ~ _, .. ~--°^9I i ~._ J . ~,. ;.: 1vQ/7~., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~n?y 19Lh jgj~eon~inued of the gnttera and weed., ana it further appearing to the Hoard that the ohaia gang ~: is not euffioieat to aooompiLh obese mentioned cork seem osrried upon Dell of i the roll by the mellowing tots; Ysae, C1ey, Oorbett, Laokey sad Waileoe -d• i~ On motion the Board ad~onrned, upon Deli of the sell bq the loilowing i sots; Y~aa, Clay, Oorbett, Lackey and Walieoe .~. i ~. . d t .~ s , . .' ~ ~; N ~ M.. ~._~y~, ~.~ •,~ ~, F ii i` I JULY E4th, 1916. 1 H g '~ of a rsgnlar meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoll is • ~ f~ Chamber of the C1ty Half, Paduoah, Kantuoky, Jnly E4th, 1916, upon Deli of the roil ,, . ji the tolio~ring answered their namsel Clay, Corbett, Laokey, Wallaoo and Washing- ' ~, toe. ~ b. !~ On motion by ltomber Oorbatt, the minntee o! the meeting held July 17th, • 1916 wore adopted ae read upon Dell of the roll by the following veto; Yea9, .!.. • i Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallaoo and Washington -b. !. ,. • On motion by Member Wallaoe; the bill of Qeo. W. Satter~oha foe motor j • egnipmenL, amounting to $4660.OO,wea allowed,. and ordered paid upon Dell 0! the { , roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett. Laokey, Walleos and Washington- 6 , ~" ~ ^ • ~ .d. ~,,,,,. Oa motion by TSembar Clay, a RESCLUTICN DESICNATINO HAL 3. CCRBETT i9 iLYCR . ~h~ ~ ~e PRO TP![ OB THE CITY OP P6DUCaH, IC;GTTUCl~i( was given its passage upon self of the 1 I • roll by the following vote: Yens, Olgy, Corbett, Laokey, Walleoe and Washington, 6,r • ~~ On. motion by the above. that Horsley Franklin bo relieved o! his duties as ~~• ~ Chief of Polioe of the City of Paduoah, and that Jamee W. Esker be appointed to fill a ~ ~s the vaoanoy oaueed thereby- sane oarried upon Dell of the roll by Lhe following •. • veto: Yaes, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Watlaoe and Cashington -b. ~ ', t•~''1' ~"`~~ On motion by the above, that Y. 4. Birk be relieved of his duties ae .. ( ~ petroimen of the City of Paduoah, and that Healey Franklin be eppointed to .fill i ~.,J t ~,;,r~~"'~ Yho vaoanoy oaneed thereby- same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following •, vote: Yeas, Cley, Corbott, Laoksy. Wellsoe and Washington -b. ~" On .motion by•the above, that. Thad Terrell be relieved of hie duties as ~ . ~~ ~_~~,._ Day Captain of Folioo, and that Henry Bailey be appointed to sill said vaoanoy- __ __ •_-T~ """"'~ same oarried upon asli of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, CSey, Corbett, ~ Wi4ti'r°v' Lackey, Walleoe and Washington -b. .--'1 j On motion by the above. that R. 0. Donee ie relieved o! hie duties-ae • o~•~ Q.tn.'~u patrolmen of the City of Paduoah, and that Oharlss Clark be tppoiated to .fill the i ^ ~~ vaoanoy sensed thereby, same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;.' ~ ~"'- ~ ~' t Ysae, Cley. Corbett, Lackey, Walleoe and Washington -b, ~ • • ~ On motion by the above, that D. J. Levy be rellavad of hie duties ee Oity gsr+ p""~"~"Q" .. dailsr, and that Sam Simon be eppolnted to fill the vaoenoy oauaed thereby- same ., 4.~ f•''^^"" oarried upon Dell of the mil by the following vote: Yeas. Clay, Corbett, ~~ ~` Lackey, Welleoe .~, Ysy;:Washington- 1. 11 i~~~.~., ,~ ~ ~.. ~ r- ~ .,~,. ~ „i. ~ ~ ~ -.~.,ni ;.~~'~t ~ ~.p,F- ~-., ~:~ ~ - i ice. F,-,. ~,~ n-~ ,a. ~., . ~ .tee ~,-,..~,: ~r ~ _.. . ,., - ~ No ~_ r~• Commissioner's Proceedings, Cit3~ of Paducah Jnlq zath 1916 eoatiauea ~~ ~~ `.r ,, .~ ~ ~.~'~ ~ '- -` On motion by Hember Clay, that Dr. B. L. Bradley be relieved of his ~ j np ,,;~,:.e~'dntieB ae City phgeloian of the City oi-Padnoah, and that Dr. W. J. Base be Y'N^1' ~. appointed to fill .the vaoanoy oaneed thereby- same oarrisd upon Dell of the roll ~ ~ , bq the following vote: Yeae, Claq, Corbett, Laokey, Wallsoe and Washington'-b. ~ *~r, t .. On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. ;Y+ ~ /, ,~ for week ending Jnly 23, 1916, amounting to ~E14.66, not covered by ordinance, be j fdN ~~ allowed- same carried upon call of the zvll by the folio=ing vote: Yeas, C]sy, 1 4 Corbett, Laokey, Wallace and Washington -b. ,. + ,. ~ ~,~^- ~ On motion by the above, that owing to a vaoanoq existing in the position j ~~'` ; of Chain-gang foreman by the resignstioa of Wm. Walker. Tom Bing be appointed to V CW' f fill the vacancy oooaeionad thereby- same carried upon call of the roll by the 4 following vote: Yeae, Claq, Corbett, Laokey, Wal7eoe and Washington -b i On motion bq Hayor LaoLy, that Lee Bell be relieved of his duties as ; _ ^~~ p•„ ~' Oity Scavenger and Oolleotor of dead animals, and pleas Wylie be appointed to flit (r) HOJV"' the vacancy caused thereby- same carried upon Dell of the ao ll bq the following ~ votes Yeae, Cley, Corbett, Laokey, Walleoe sad Washington -b. On motion by the above, that the letter of eooeptanee of the Paducah 6 ~j Iiliaoie Railroad Co. ordiaaaoo, passed by the Bosrd of Oommieaionars, bs reooived ~_ ,;,,,~ and tiled, and acceptance eo~oniedged- same carried upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett. Laokey, Wallsoe and Washington -b. O On motion by the above, that the petition of oitisens relative to ~~ ~,~,e nuisance caused by Hill & Barnes brick Company, be referred to the Health Oftiaer, . ~~ ~ same carried upon Dell of the roll Dq the iolloxing Dotes Yeas, Clay, Corbett, ~ , • r-~ Esokeq, Wallnoe and,Waehington -b. p, ~~" Y ', 1' ''~ On motion by ldember Corbett, that deed ba ezeouted sad delivered to „ .8rneat Smith for ten feet off of .the hawk aide o! Lot 11 Block One is Oak Grave l~ Ce~meterq, Rhioh lot has heretofore bean conveyed to R. L. Hurt, the order of said R. L- `'Hurt requesting said aonvegaaoo being hereto attached- same oarrisd upon Deli of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Ciay, Corbett, Laokey, Wallace and Washington -b. r. On motion bq the above, that a Committee of two be appointed by the ' c _.,.A Dtayor So iool~ over the firs horses belonging to the city and fiz a price on such ea • !. ^~ Maw .~, ere to be sold and reporE back to the oommiseionere for farther notion- same oarrisd j ~j apon Deli of the. roll by the following vote: Ysss, Clay. Corbett, Laokey, Wallace ., i, y '~, '•7 i .1 i, ;~: r ,,y ~ , ,,~~ \~; u f „ ~ ~ _ ~J ~ ~f.: " ~ '`~ i . ~ x~, ~`-x , 1 ^°.~ I I ...~ "~+ . y