HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/16n j • N ~. .y .. .. -. ,~~ ~... _ _ . '• , , Jnae 24th 1916 }, ~~ C+~mmissioner s Proceedings, City of Paducah ~. i ~. ~~~---111 At a oslled meeting of Lhe Board of Commissioners, held Sri the Conaoil ~. Ohamber of the Oity Hall, Paduoah, %y., June 24, 1916, upon oa11 of the soil the ~` iollowing~aneRered their names: Clay, Corbett, Laokey and Wallsos -4. `_ On motion by Member Rley, that the Commission t7rom Gov. A. 0. Stealey ~ .6;.. appointing S. 8. Clay a Commissioner of the City et Yaduoah, together with as y ~;-,. ~ attaeted oopy of a judgment of the MoCraoken Cisonit Court, be tiled by the Clerk ` ~~ ;l to Lhe Beard of Oommiseieners of said City and spread upon the minutes of said ~"' j 'Hoard by said 01srk, same oarried neon oe11 of the roll by the teilewing voter P Yeas, C1sy,Corbett, Laokey and Walleoe -4. ~ ~1 ~ ~. On motion by Member Corbett, that the Clerk of the Board of Commis- i ,~~ ~ ; sinners of the Cit of Paduoah bs direoted and insLruoted to rile and make a ~"~" Y ~xs 4 ,~~~ ~reoerd ei Lhe appointment nt Hal S. Corbett leaned by the Gorernor.ei Heatnoky, ,,~.~ appointing the said Corbett ae Commieaiones of the City of Padnoah, and that said 'i ~n--l ~4V^"1~-~ ~ i l~'~` C~01erk also be diseoted to Yile and make a reoord et the judgment of the MoCraokea ~~U Cironit 0eurt dsolaring tha ettioea of Commissioners et the City of Padnoah, Sy. i ;t„.a.; U s' oeoe~, whioh said judgment; was tiled June 23, 1916, same oarried npoa oa11 of ~ s: the roll by tha following vote: Yeas, Clay, Cosbstt, Laokey and Ysllaos -4. ' '~ On motion by Member tialleoe, that the. Commission issued to Geo. C. ~ . ~p.~'°'~/ Wsllaoe by Hoa. A. 0. Stanley, Gsneraor.o? the State of 8entwoky, appeinLing.him ~*jD ~~ as Commiseionor of Paduoeh, Hj•.., be reoeived sad tiled, sad a note thereof be made' '~ upon the minutes of Lhis meeting- same nettled upon oe11 of the roll by the ~; :-~ following •ote: Yeas, Clay, CorbsLt,.Laokey and Walleoe -4. "" 4: On motion by Mayor Laokey, Lhat the Commission leaned to Ernest Laokey ;. ~. ~ ~,_,~ ~~~ by the Hen. d. n, Stanley, Governer ei the State of Bentuokq, appointing him as ~~ ~/~ 9 ~ Idayor of the O~Ly of Paduoah, ge~ntnoky. be reoeived sad Yiled, and a note thereat ', q~~,~c~ c~"r"n~"~~,),,l-,~~''p'~ be made ripen the minutes et this meeting- same oarried upon oall of tha tali i ~, PJ~''- ~prLa''" bq the telle+wiag vote: Yeas, Ciay Corbett, Laokey and Walleoe -4. ~ ~ . ~'~ The following is a oopy ei the jndgcient rendered in the MoOrsoken t Oisonit Oenrt., whioh is referred to and ordered eg~ead upon the minutes is tha a'; .. torsgeing m~tione: w 1to0RAC2ffit OYRCUIT 40URT. • • ; .. , F. N. BURNS vs ERNEST LACEEY F. E. GRAVES va GEORGE 0. WAtLACE ET AL 3 ~ , rU ~~,~a~ DON P. MARTON ve GEORGE C. WALTACE ET AL ~ ~ %'~" N CONSOLIDATED ACTIONS: ~'~ v ~"~ ~ ,. ~, _ 1„~,,,,,.:w~'. Ths mandate in this aoLion frgm the Court of Appeals o! Hentuoky having ,;~ iV1'v'°-~ been tiled is this aese haretota~e. it is sow ordered and adjudged by this oourt, :. is oeniaa+mity therewith, that the judgment of this oourt heretofore entered is ! this nose bb, an8 the same is now set aside, sad it .is ordered, adjudged sad ~; direoted that the eleotioa of Erne et .Laokey as Mayor of Padnoah, and George C. ~. ~,, Wallaoe, C. L. Man Meter and Thomas N. Harelip as. Commissioners, at the Hovsmber ~, ~•' eleotien, 1916, was and ie void; sad each o.! eai8 ottia:ee are dsolarsd vaoant as ~ ~~. -. tar as said parties ors oonosrned: " ~ ~,~^~ Oa. motion the Heard adjourned, npoa osli of the roll by the tollew fag 4 _. . vote: Yeas, . Oisy, Oorbett, Li~okey and Xalisos -4: ~ ~+~ ^-~=-~ • -. j ~'~ .: , ~. j ' .. ~ ~' ,, .. .. . ;, ., ,, . ..: , .,. . ~ ~ ~. . ... • €. .. ,a .. ~...+ ,. ,..,:.. ~. ....... t '%3n. ~' ,::''+e.;,,%hr,.~,;.q~, .r?:::. ~.r US"~'.a+J'4a>.` iii. ~z. ,.. .,%. .au `ux.. a. e.,..~ . a ass ~- ~-a., .,:ia<.<b.•.;-a./u'-. .. r~e ... ....