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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduesh ate. lath jg~~
G. 1t a regales msetinpt of the Beard of Cemmiesinnera held in the Qenaoii
Chamber of the City Hall. City of Padnaeh, X,Y., Oa Jnae 19th, 1916, npna Dell of
the soli the foiloering answered their names; Hasslip, Ysa Moter,•Walisoe end
WsahingLoa -4.
On motion by )[ember Te1Lee, the minntee of a regular meeting held Jane ~•
18, 1816 were adopted ea seed npoa Dell of Lhe roil Dy the lollowing veto: Yeea,
Harelip, Sea Meter, Weirdos earl Washington -4. ~
Oa motion by Member Ysn McLsr, that the snm of ~1196.PA be allowed Qsorge
°;~ ~ j ,, Satter~oha aw paymanp for AoedeLer for Ohle! of the Fire Deperlment, together with
C~"'T horn, bumper, four ezLsasion ladders- 0 X48.00, Las 16~d, sear oarried upon Dell of ' .
! ~E,1I
; the roll Dy the following vote: Yeea, Hasslip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Taeh
ington.4 i
`` Oa motion by Member Washington, that the pay roil for the Street Department j
not oovsred by ordinanos. for the week ending June 18, 191b, amounting to X118.56,
. ba allowed, same oarried upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following votes Yese,
~" Harelip, Yen Meter, Talleoe and Washington -4.
On motion Dy Member Walleoe, that the Report of the Auditor-Treasurer and
• :%h. ~ Oom'r of Finanos for eooonats and ellnwanoea ins the first half of Jura bs reosived ~
~' end filed, and warrants ordered drawn nn Treasury ins same- oarried npna Dell n!
tho roll by the following unto: Yese, Hasellp, Yah i[etes, Walleoe and Washingtnn•4
i. ,
On motion by the aDove,:that on repnrL nt Oity Solioitor that the oiaim !e ~ ,
ill~gei, I reoommend that the rsqueat for rotund of $P.3,80 on 1916 Lazes on
' personal property, marls Dy D.,,J. Levy, be rsllssed, same oarried upon Dell of the
Av ~ ~
" j.-Y!"'* a ~ soil by the following votes Yeas, Harelip; Yap Meter, Wailaoe and Washington •4. ~ •
~~ - '
Oa motion Dy the above, that L. R. Barnes bs released tram taz on ~840.p0
D ~on~~ aoLe transferred to him by Washburn do Oompe~ny, oertifioaLe attached showing note
R• Il
. _•a,c. ~~wea releeaeA MsraD.R,,1816, sear oarried upon call of Lhe roll Dy the following
vote: Yeas, Harelip, Yea Meter, Tallese and Tashingtoa -4.
- OA motioa.Dy Member Teehlagton, roferring to complaint of L. L. HsUoa ~
relative to sewer sonneotioa to his property recently bought from Mr. Lockwood, !• .
• ~_ B,~-.
sQ ~ ~'~'~" LhaL hs De given pe;a:iesion to ooanooL Lo the lateral Lhet now crossed the corner j
;;~ of the property anw owned by Jamse 0lanber, ns ii hs prefers dot to nee this Don."
~# ' ~ neotioa, that he be permitted to pot a Y in said pips line under the sidewalk and 'F.
.,x,. Lhea ran r separate line to h1a hnnse, all of said work to be done at his sspsnae,
. same oarried npna os11 of the tell b7 the following vote: Yeas, Hasellp, San Meter,
Tallaae end Washington -4. j
• Oa motion Dy Member Heselip, that Lnt 81, Block His (b) !a Oak Orove
• ~~,,"'""'"-~ _- Cemetery, be transferred oa the record from Lhe near of Oeorge T. Pidgeon to Mrs. ,_ , ~; . "~"
. dam, ~. ~' Sallie Rogers, lawful heir. cams oarried npoa call of the roil Dy the followins i •
'Y~e• Q ~or~ vote: Yeaa, Hasslip, Ye¢i Meter, Wallace and Taehingtoa -4.
~"^ ,`''`'a O
r a motion by the above, that the South hal! of LoL 96 brook His, la Oat[
`~'~ 1 ~ Grove Cemetery, bs transferred to I. W. & 0. J. Holcomb, upon order of Mrs. 8ellie 'j
i; ~ Eogsre, hereto sttaohed,- eeme.oarsled npoa Dell of the roll by the following ! `
' ~,' vote; Yeas, Heasiip, Yen Meter, Tallsoe and Washington .4.
C'~ (
On motion the Hoard adJnnrned, npoa Deli of the roll by the following -otef ~.
iry Yeas. Hasslip, Yen Meter, Wallsoe and .Washington .4. :' ~,
.~~ ~'.
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