HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/16 & 06/12/16:,,.,. -~., -~~~ ..- _.r , . lbLrn~ . ~ w ~ . 1 . a , .Y ~ ~ d f ~ . • i > : ,. n ~. ., p', .~ a No.".bbl T ~~ ~or~missioner's proceedings, City of Paducah Bey Eeth 191 6 oentsnued : ` f ~~~ On motion by Stayer Zaokey, .iN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ILfl'ROVEi.~DTT OF - i i s ~ a ~ i A WOODAtARD AVENUE, FROM YEISER AVENUE TO ]tEYER3 STREET, IN THE CI^iY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKS[} p BY GRADII(G AUD GRAYELZIIdG SlddE, wen laid over indefinitely upon Dell of the roll by ~' l c P' - ~ I s:;~AN. thd:follawing vote:. Yoae, Zaokey, Hazelip, Vau bSeter, Nnllsoe and Nashingtnn -b. ~ z i Q/`~~ ~ ~ ~ r .` ' r On motion by Member Hazelip, that the oommuni¢ation Prom the Sherrill-Bing !, i ?~ !'" N-II Lbr. Ca be reoeived and filed, and that the City SolYoiter notifq Sherrill-King Co. F~.. ~ M'~1 $ . "~ that we stand open our rights, oaxried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ! f ~ Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van.Lteter, Nalleoe and V6ashington -b, ~' On motion by the above, that the deed granted to G. Z. Umbaugh to lot is j t '~ ~ Oak Grove Cemetery be oorreoted ao ae to readb G. Z. Umbangh and Rife, parried upon ~. u oa11 of .the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van Lteter, 1Ballaoe and . vim" Washington -6. ~". ~~ 4 ' - On motion the Board ad'aurned upon Dell of the roll by the following votes ~ F •, ~~~ ~ a Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van Stater, Wallaoe~and Weahingtoia -b. ,~ 7 . i ~ ~ ,. >. ~ p.. z' ~h ~i ~U ? ; y r ~ ' ~~ ~ ' ~ 'r I , 1' I 'i ' JUNE bth. 1916. ' y ~ ~ ~ r ii At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaaioners held in the Ceunoil M1 f." r Chamber June bth, 1916, City Hall, Paduoah, Bentuo3gr, upon Doll of the tell the ;following answered their nnmea: Lnokey, Hazelip, Van 8teter, Wellaoe and Washingtnn~ b. j, 1 Upon motion by [ember Hazelip, the minntea of a regular meeting hel"d Liay i I, 'i E9th, 1916 were adopted ea read upon oa13 of the roll by the followixie• unto: Yoae, f,. Lnokey, Hazelip, Van L?eter, Na11ao~ and Nnahington -b.. i On metien by tiember Naehingtnn, the pay rell.far the Street Department not • eovered by ardinanoe, for the week ending June bth, 1916, amounting to pTE6.30, trsa"~ allcmed, upon Dell of the tell by the following vote: Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van i Eiotor, Nnlluoo and Y~aehingtan -b, F. ,. On metien by the above, that the petition Pram property owners requesting r ~(~,d„~l.Jpb`~ that the Nater Oompany bo inatruoted to my water mein on South Ninth from edema to A~°~~~ Jaokaaa otreets be referred to the Paduoah 4dater Co,, with i"negruotinna to lay said ~-^~ '`` -~„p~"'o u :main,if there are auffiatent sign®ra, and the neoeaeary hydreaate be installed and ~:.., ~" Pleoed en the rental list, oarrie6 open oall,of the tell by the following vote: Yoae, , .' ~ ii" Zaokey, Hazelip, Yan iioter, Nallaoe and 1~eehingten -b. ' hn motion by Member Wellaoe, that th® Repeat of the Cemmiasioner of Finanoe ~eho~ring advertisement and sale of delinquent tea bills for 1916. be reoeived, filed and " ~~ .~ ~"` oonovrred in', some outried open Dell of the rnll by the fallowing vote: Yeas, Laokey~ ~"1 .~ $azelip, Yan,a~?afar, Si._llaco ~d Naehington -b. - b - ,- _ a ,. The~~ollewing ist;aroopy:::of,.aaia Rel3ortra:, •~, - - : .. -, a .. , . <, . ... ~ 1 i;. is ~ ~P.aduoahq ~ Kentuoky ~ i June bth 1916. ,. ~'s. ,. '" ~' To the liayar and Beard"o8 Cammleaionera. :i" ; ~ ~ ~ . • _ Gentlemen:- I beg to report, that eooording to law h advertised the ,: ' , June and Deoember pity tea bills far 1916. far tan weeks, beginning Hay 17th, 1916. etld that E offered for 9ele said tat bills at publio : ~ _ ~. - ~ ~ ,~~ 4 , ,.. • r :. . {.... .. , ,r ~ ,~ , .. ..- .. :...: .. ~`. •4. '»•,• s . s.~Wk., 'u:etf9' .2:4^.F.`x 1 - - i/t ~ '2' . '~ t , ~• ti • .. -~~. ' • .' ` 4.. I .~.P..w.•L...W.W.~'+VYS......~u..~...r.~M~-w.«'~.-'.~4 -...,ti-.-.~....x-a.JR~A .-...t+ai.~u'......nn..+.......,a... ~ .Y.. . i • • • _ .. 1 _. • -- - t No. /67 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jnne 6th , 1q J 6 ooatiauon • "` outcry at 10=00 6. DI. June 6th, 1916, at the City Hall hoer, ann there ' r baing ne other bidders the entire tsz list wa@ bought in by Wynn Tully, ' , auniteY, for the City, at full pees value. Said tax list Se attaohed ', •. ''~' ~ ~ hereto. ~ - ~~ ~ Aeapeotfully, ' i Gen. C. Ifalleoe. ~ . • Cemmisaloner of Publio Finenoe. " i . ,, Oa motion by Dtember Hazelip, that dead traneperring South hal! n! Lot { •f ~ He. 86 Blook 47 Oak Grove Cemetery, be grunted prom Itenoe & Selby to 91m Darnell, ~ 'n i Y,e• t~ same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip,., f ~"M~' 1' Yen Ltetar, Wallaoe and ~lnahingtnn =6. ~ ~ ' rr _ On motion by the above. that deed be granted to J. A. Heola311ymor ~ , ~_~ ~" to Let LIe. 41 Biook One on Baker Street in Oak Grove Cemetery, 1'reeaurer'e reoelpt j ~y/' for Forty dollars berate attaohed, -alas that deed be granted t~ J. D. Baokellyaer ~".''~` ~' to Lot No. Fertq Blook One, Baker. St., in Gek Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's reoeipt ~ { for Forty Dollnra hereto atteahed, same oarried upon Doll of the roll by the folloA I ing vote; Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Van Dieter, Wallaoe and Washington -6, • Upon request, ISembar Hazelip was exousad far the balanoe of the meeting. { On motion by Member Wallaoe, that the Report of the Commissioner o! A '_~ I Fineaoe sad 8udltor, showing expenditure of aoonunt of 9peolal Sewer Fenn pnr May f 1y1'-,r„cj'( _,J•' 1916,be reoeived. f1Ted and published, same oarried upon call of the roil by the d k~ lnllewing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Yen Lteger, Wallaoe and Weahingto;l -4. ~ °. i On mntlnn by the above, that the Report of the Cnmmiesinnar e! Finnnos ~ and Auditor, ahewing amount of monthly pay roll for Diay, 191G, together with j a• eoonnnts, be reoeived, filed end published and warrants ordered drarzt nn. ^areaeury .. "' inr same- oarried npnn Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, ~ •. r Yan Dieter, Wallaoe and Washington -4. . On mntlnn by the above, that the Report ni the Onmmieainnsr of Finanoe ,, • and Auditor, showing Oolleotlnna and Liabureementa par the month np Dtay 1916, be ~~ reoeived, Piled and published- same;ourried n nn pall of the roll ~ .,, P by' the following , .., ji r. • votes Yoae, Laokey, Van Dtetor, Wallaoe and Wnshington -4. j i Oa mntlnn by liwnbor Yan Dieter, that the tronafor np Alfren Straus' 1 ;~. i ` Y' ;, `°~ ~y` ~ saloon liooaee at 114 Bontuoky ave. to Hayes ~ Dtatthewe at 826 Wnshington St. take f ~~`~ r, its usual onyrae, same oarrien npnn Dell ep the roll by the inllowing vote= Yoas, j ~,~.~'`~ , Laokey, Yea ,L'eter, Wallaoe and 1Yaehingtnn .4, 9 ;, +: On metinn by the above, that the Report,~a! the Chiei op the Flre Dept. ~ ~ • ~. inr the month of Dray 1916, be reoeived and ailed, same oarrie8 upon 6a11 ep the t;. " ~ tell by the Yellowing vote; Yeas, Laokey, Van ltater,.,`Wallaoa and i7ashingtnn- 4. ' ' ~.:., Oa motion by the above, that the Report of D. J. Lett', City Jailer, ~ ,: inr• the month of }Say 1916, be reoeived ttnd filed, spite onrrled upon Dell of the '~ ~,~ i! `~ ~ - roll by the following vote; Yeas, Laokey, Von lister, Nalluoe and ~lashirrgtnn. 4, ~, On mntlnn by Diaynr Laokey, the Report np the Lieat & M11k Inepeotnr '.~ , inr the month of Ltay 1916, was reoeived and.Yilod upon Dell of the roll by the: i' ' '~r ~1"'~~ following Ante: Yeas, Laoi~y, Vnn lister, Gallaoo and Washington .4, R +.~. ;~ ~ i ~ i• On metinn by Clamber Van lSeter, that an ordinanoe be brought in roquir- j A:. ' '° ~, ing all trnine, street oars, automobiles, buggies, tzagnne, ns my other kind oY h, •b vahiolos, to stop Rlhila .the Fire Department ie passing, ranking a run to n fire, t.. ' same onrrled u nn Dell of the roll p by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Yan Dieterr I' ~, 'y:~ Wallaoe and Wnahirgtnn -A :~ :~ ~ j x , ~~ :~ -- ~~ .. _,:....r!+ald-~v~4na-___ + ....::.... ......v:_,L~-L~iue. ~....:ze: L-.~aWeux+lnan ~~,~ ... I.~..~.... ~..~..,.. .... ~ iew.e¢.~lwmami.:.... ~.:1-v~.^~uv ~ " --m eel ' _r, ~ .. . _ ,t . f w ~ ~ ~ ~./_ . .-u. ,~„ ..;, ',+ ; t f • ., ._. -- _ _' s, i / 6 ~ ~ No '' ~ ',= Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. Jana Gth 1916 oentinued On motion by Mayer Laokey, that the improvement on Powell end Sowell E . n streets be indefinitely postponed, sums oarried upon oell.of the roll tW the follow-~ i ,(~ ,LR. ~,Q~7~ ing vote: Yeas, Laokey, fan lister, Wallaoe and Fiashington -4. ' f Eb~evr" lW~ On motion by luember Yan'ldeter, that the rules be suspended in regard to ~J~''~'+1"~, sending out espies of Bmendment to Traffio erdinanoe, same oarried open Dell of the +~ I_~ roll b the fellow vote: Yeas Laoke an M t a I. y ~g y, Y e er, Wall oe and Washington -4. , ~"'r ,~~~ On metiea by the above, "AN ORDINANCE AI~IlDING Aft ORDINi~IiCE ENTITLID. ~,,~r~ ,; t: ~ " "IJ~i ORDINANCE REGULATIIiG THE IIOYII(G, aR6VEL ~D TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREE^aS AND '' HIGHWAYS OF ^aI~ CITY OF PADUCAfi, AND PROVIDING PIItAL^aIES FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF" '•" ~' k. was given its passage upon Dell of the mil by the fellewi voted Yeae Laoke n6' . y e Ven lister, Wallaoe and Waehingtea -4. ~. On metinn the Beard ad~eurned, upon Dell of the tell ~ the fell wing vote: Yeae, Laokey, Van l;eter, Wallaoe and Washington -4. ." G: ~ j i 8 !qq ' L DffEiXUsE~// .. i JUNE lEth. 1916. it ~ At a regnlas meeting e4 the Hoard eY Commiasienere. held in the Counoil . k Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, $y., oa Jnne 12, 1916, aspen Dell of the roll the ~. ' ~~ following answered their names: Laokey. Haselip, fan Meter sad Washington -4. Oa motion by Member Haselip, the minntee of the meeting held Jens bth, 1916 were adopted se read np7+n Deli r,f the roll tW the f-llewing vote: Yeas. Laokey; '~~~ °',• Haselip, Van Meter and Washington -4. • /n~ ~.r. On motion by the above. that the petition of the property owners for an (~ Are Limit at Niath and Adams Street be reoeived and filed. and referred to the ~'" ,~ ~-yr `C.~u^^'°• Com'r ei Property for investigation and reoommendation, same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote Yeae. Laokey, Hsaelip,.Van Meter end Wsahiagtoa -4; ~y. ~ Oa motloa by the above, E RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE Il~R0YE6~NT 0! Z4~yi,e.ytr-~-~" JONES STREEa^ FROM TYELFTH STREET TO TBIRTEEYTH STREET, IN TH8 CITY OF PADUCAH, C7' /Q/~~",~~~, ~TUC$7. BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING SAME, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID I1dPROVE6fENT 8H~LL `~~ ,, BE MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, Tree given its peesaga open Dell of the roil bq the following tote: Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter and Washington -4. , 9,~ Oa motion by Member Washingtoa, that the pay roll for the Street Depastmeat ~p^ for the week ending Jnne 11th, 1916, not Devoted by erdinanoe. amennting to x].08.86, be allowed- same oarried open Dell ei the roll by the ielirwing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hsaellp, Van Meter and Washingtoa -4. f+n metinn by Mayer Laoksy, that polies power bs granted Misa ldar~erie ` ~~~ BLraeburg open the s:eontien of proper bend, same oarried open Dell of the ro31 by ~ the following •ote: Yeae, Laokey, Haselip, Yen Meter and Weshingtea -4. ~6•G`.c.c P~M~ nn metlea'by Member Haselip, that the superintendent of the Light Piaat be iaatrnoted to piaoe 11a are light at Fifth sad Adama attest, sent oarried open Dell ot~. . the loll by the following vote: Yesa, Laohsy, Haselip, Tan Mstss sad Washington -4. d ' On motion the Board ad~onrard,npon Dell of the sell by the following votes . ;' Yeas. Lao~y, Haselip, Tan Meter sad Washi:gtoa -4. ~~' ~~ ~~ " ~. ~. • ... .:,~. :.: ., •i~ Ulsz v i 3 I I ~,., ~A' ~ I . fir;, x: .: ~:. , G i ~. ~_; ~'. ~, ^, 1~ ~. ~: 4 + ' .