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vote; Yeas, Razellp,•Ynn Stetar, Wallaoe and Washington -4. ? ,
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• 1G e s 89th. 1916 ,• .
at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council ,
• Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on ].i&y 29th, 1916, upon Dail of the
roll the following answered their names; beakey,.Razellp, Yen Slater; Wallaoe sod `
Washington -5. ,. '
No.~ 1.
afPaducah ~R~ s8ad 191 a oontsnnea
,~ ~ ~ On motion by Stember $azelip, that the request of the property owners
~~ q~' relative to lira. We~.oh'e ohioken slaughter house be referred to the Liayor.ead Board
I ,,~ I~ of Realth- same oarried upon Dail of the roil by tho 4ollowing vote; Yeas,
-~^" Razelip, Yan Stater, Wallaoe and.Washington -4.
Vvv""' On motion by the above, that the petition remBnatrating against.granting
of saloon lioense at 13th and Clay Streets be ieoeived and f31eQ- same oarried upon
(~ Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Razelip, Yen Stater, Wall&oe and j
,,~~ t
' ,~Ni Washington .-h.'
'; On motion the Board ad~'ourned,,upon'oall of the roll by tho following
• ~ of the roll by the following vote; . Yesa, «aokey, Razelip, Van lister, Wallaoe and f
~ ~.
_ Washington -5. '
is '.. i.
On motion by Siember Wallaoe, the minutes of the regular meeting held 1Say
22d, 1916 were adopted as read npan Dail of the-roll by the following votes Yoas,
' baokey. Razelip, Yen bteter, plallaoe and Wasjiiagton -b.. ~ 4
~ Oa motion by Member Haz811p, that the petition of property oamere for light;',',;'
' -~.~~ at Fifth and 6dams street be ieoeived and flied, same oarried upon Dail of the roll
h. by the following vote; Yeas, «aokey, Razelip, Van Sister, Wallaoe and Washington -5.
X On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department:
' for'the week ending Ltay 28th, 1916, not oovered by ordinanoe, amounting to One Rundred ,
and Thirty-eight (y138.j dollars, be allowed, same carried upon Dail of the roll by ' ,' "
• the following vote: Yeas, Leokey, Razelip, Yan 1Seter, Wallace and Washington -5.
b On motion by SSember Wallaoe, &Ii ORDIIt..ItCE GRdI1TING TO THE PADUCdH 6IJD
U p ~,Q~.-~.-
!j°"" I«bISl0I3 RdI7120tiD COIJPtlI(Y, IT3 SUCCESSORS, suSSIGi(S 013 «pa5EE3, THE itIGHT TO COiISTRUCTR%.
,n ~' II+.ZDITaIDf i.ilD OPERe1TE is RdI7S20aD OYER CFitTela STRE..iS, L7.T.EYS, ETC.- IH TiiE CITY OF
/~~,~.•,~~`"~ P.iDUCpR, KEI+TUCKY, was given its passage, upon Dail oY• the roll by the fnlloc:ing
\v~y_ ~~~ vote: Yeas, Laokay, Razelip, Yan Stater, i'lallaoe and Washington -5. ,
• On motion by Siayor «aokey., aDf ORDIH.sUCE PROYIDILIG FOR THE ISIPROYELtEttT OF i
• ~ OFFICE BS I.I~iGGIE S^aREE^a) , FROLi .THE T IPPLE T&sCK OF iliE I««Ibt0I3 Cr^t. ITc~nl R~I7.RO~.D TO
biI7,« STF%ET, ISI 'TRE CITY OF P.-DUC.oti, KEbITUCKY, HY GR:sDIiIG aliD GRbVr.'L«II:G Sal:1E, wen
the following vote: ~ ,
introduoed and laid .over seven days.-upon soil of the roil by~ Yoas; baohuy, ;~
..: ;,.
' Razelip, Yen lister, Wallaoe sod Washington -5.
On motion by the above, liN ORDID1il1CE PiZOYIDI';'G FOR THE ILIPROYEi.tF.['IT OF POW87.t. '
N,t BY GR6DIfrG hbtD GRdYEhbIIdG 5.~, was 7.ntrodueod and laid ever seven days, upon call { '.
~ ..... v., ~..~:-.
;., t.}^^r+m,.~ya'.aq~p. ~`Y'~'~nB^,'127T 7i: ..r;r.,q, a,.,... ,, r~ha«'~.etc"}~~x"w&ffr?'"15??R4T6fr,+m+8~,%~'4bm.5Fn., .,n. :!:`;+'-3.1e' .. N°r,rr =-s'1 ,.. ~s.• ,1~, °F' i,:,. i .K.??Y^, 7.5;~'f» r ..:
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No.".bbl T
~~ ~or~missioner's proceedings, City of Paducah Bey Eeth 191 6 oentsnued : ` f
~~~ On motion by Stayer Zaokey, .iN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ILfl'ROVEi.~DTT OF - i i s
~ a
BY GRADII(G AUD GRAYELZIIdG SlddE, wen laid over indefinitely upon Dell of the roll by ~' l
c P' - ~ I
s:;~AN. thd:follawing vote:. Yoae, Zaokey, Hazelip, Vau bSeter, Nnllsoe and Nashingtnn -b. ~ z i
Q/`~~ ~ ~ ~ r .` '
r On motion by Member Hazelip, that the oommuni¢ation Prom the Sherrill-Bing !,
i ?~ !'" N-II Lbr. Ca be reoeived and filed, and that the City SolYoiter notifq Sherrill-King Co.
F~.. ~ M'~1 $ .
"~ that we stand open our rights, oaxried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ! f
~ Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van.Lteter, Nalleoe and V6ashington -b,
~' On motion by the above, that the deed granted to G. Z. Umbaugh to lot is j t
'~ ~ Oak Grove Cemetery be oorreoted ao ae to readb G. Z. Umbangh and Rife, parried upon ~.
u oa11 of .the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van Lteter, 1Ballaoe and
. vim"
Washington -6.
~~ 4 ' - On motion the Board ad'aurned upon Dell of the roll by the following votes ~ F •,
~~~ ~ a Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van Stater, Wallaoe~and Weahingtoia -b.
,~ 7 .
i ~ ~
,. >.
~ p.. z' ~h ~i ~U ? ;
y r ~ ' ~~ ~
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1' I
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JUNE bth. 1916.
' y ~ ~ ~ r
ii At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaaioners held in the Ceunoil M1
r Chamber June bth, 1916, City Hall, Paduoah, Bentuo3gr, upon Doll of the tell the
;following answered their nnmea: Lnokey, Hazelip, Van 8teter, Wellaoe and Washingtnn~ b. j,
Upon motion by [ember Hazelip, the minntea of a regular meeting hel"d Liay i
I, 'i
E9th, 1916 were adopted ea read upon oa13 of the roll by the followixie• unto: Yoae, f,.
Lnokey, Hazelip, Van L?eter, Na11ao~ and Nnahington -b.. i
On metien by tiember Naehingtnn, the pay rell.far the Street Department not
• eovered by ardinanoe, for the week ending June bth, 1916, amounting to pTE6.30, trsa"~
allcmed, upon Dell of the tell by the following vote: Yeas, Zaokey, Hazelip, Van i
Eiotor, Nnlluoo and Y~aehingtan -b,
F. ,. On metien by the above, that the petition Pram property owners requesting r
~(~,d„~l.Jpb`~ that the Nater Oompany bo inatruoted to my water mein on South Ninth from edema to
A~°~~~ Jaokaaa otreets be referred to the Paduoah 4dater Co,, with i"negruotinna to lay said
'`` -~„p~"'o u :main,if there are auffiatent sign®ra, and the neoeaeary hydreaate be installed and
~" Pleoed en the rental list, oarrie6 open oall,of the tell by the following vote: Yoae, ,
.' ~ ii" Zaokey, Hazelip, Yan iioter, Nallaoe and 1~eehingten -b.
' hn motion by Member Wellaoe, that th® Repeat of the Cemmiasioner of Finanoe
~eho~ring advertisement and sale of delinquent tea bills for 1916. be reoeived, filed and "
~~ .~ ~"` oonovrred in', some outried open Dell of the rnll by the fallowing vote: Yeas, Laokey~ ~"1 .~
$azelip, Yan,a~?afar, Si._llaco ~d Naehington -b. -
b - ,- _ a
,. The~~ollewing ist;aroopy:::of,.aaia Rel3ortra:, •~, - - : .. -,
a .. ,
. <, . ... ~ 1 i;. is ~ ~P.aduoahq ~ Kentuoky ~ i
June bth 1916.
,. ~'s. ,.
'" ~' To the liayar and Beard"o8 Cammleaionera.
:i" ; ~ ~ ~ .
• _ Gentlemen:-
I beg to report, that eooording to law h advertised the
,: ' ,
June and Deoember pity tea bills far 1916. far tan weeks, beginning
Hay 17th, 1916. etld that E offered for 9ele said tat bills at publio
: ~ _ ~.
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