HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/16 & 05/08/16No. : ~ a Commissioner's of Paducah Haar let 191 s • At a regular meeting oY the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chamber of the City Hall, oity of Yaduoah, 8entnoky, on Eie<y let, 1916, upon oall of the roll the Yollowing aneweied their names: baokey, Hazelip, Van lister, Wallaoe; ~. and 4lnehington -6. - • On motion by liember Washington, made after the reading of the minutes • / ~ of the meeting hold April 24th, 1916, thafi in view of the faot that the property (Y ~ owners on Thirteenth street Yrom JeYfereon to }Ionroe street have all petitioned i ~ l ",~ against the oonstruotion of sidewalks on this street, and that over halt of the - , y ~ ~~_ 0"~ , ~ property owners ou this street gill be hQaviiy taaed for improvementa,oa JefYereoa " ~~~ ~ street, that we reooneifler our notion of April 24th in the passage of the ordinanos ~ } ~Yor this improvement, and that this work be postponed indefinitely- same oarried upon pall oY the rail by the Yollowing votes Yeae, ieoke y, Hozelip, Yan &eter, f' • u Wallaoe and Waalungton -0, On motion by }dember Wallaoe, the minutes of the meeting held April 24th; jj. 1916, weie adopted ae read with the above amendment, upon oell of.the roll by the ` ~~ • 'Yollowing vote: Yeas, baoke y, Hazelip, Van lister, Wallaoe sad Washington.-6. f, On motion by liember Washington, that the pay roll for the street ' • department for .the week ending dpril 30th. 1916, not oovered by ardinana.e, amounting ~, to ~13b.i6, be allowed, same oarried upon oall of the roll b,. the following voter Yeae, Laoke y, Hazelip, Van Meter, i'rallaoe and 4laehington -6. { On motion by liembar Yen }.ieter, that the applioution oY transfer oY saloon • ~ lioenee from Neoy Allen at 116 Bentuoky dvenns to 9TYred Stransa, at the same _,o Iooation, take its usual oourae, same oarried upon oall~of the roll by the. follow- ; ~j ' ing vote:: Yeae, I,aokey, Hazelip, Van I,ieter, Wallaoe and Weahiregtori -6. • /(,[.,~~ ~ On motion by the above, that the transfer of John Dyo'e saloon lioenee ' ~Y to Pate Dolgor, at 192U South b'ourth atrost, be granted and take its ueunl oourae, , o_~,,,~ ./ ~,, same lost,up.on call of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeae, Hazelip and. Van bieteY-$ .. .' %~~ ~~ ~,, ~~ Nay, Lookey, Wallnoo and Washington -3, • On motion by lierobor Hazelip, that deed be granted T.. J. CundlYf to ~~~~~,~y,!~''~y/~ - Lot Number 26, Blook Two, in Oak Grove Cemetery, in oonaideration of Forty di~40.) ._/. ~E~r"" ' •.i+e ~"~ dollars, Treasurer°s reoeipt hereto attaohed- also that deed be granted to lire.. ~ ~s ._~;f~ ~ d•. li. Skinner to Lot Seven Blook Forty-seven 1n Oak Grove Cemetery, in oonsideration ~. ~ r _ ~,~~ oY Rue Hundxed and twenty five dollars, Treaeurer.'s reoeipt hereto attaohed,.ea~me ,~ ~ YJG oarried upon oell of the roll by the following vote. Yesa, iaokey, Hazelip, i'• Van lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above, that transfer be granted to Y}eat 'half oY bot ~`""'~` -' FoYtyfive d46)., Hlook Two in Oak Grove.Cemetery to Horaoe Wilson bq order of ~~,~,~ ~6deline Branton, same oarried upon oall oY the. roll by the Yollowing voter Yeea, `~`• /~' Laokey, Hazelip, Van }deter, Wallaoe and Washington -6. ' On motion by the above, that deed be granted to Eire. J. li. Skinner to fr) .Q ;,_ ~ three feet oY ground on the.Piorth side of lot Six in Blook Forty-seven, in Oak `"-1nn,0. Grove Cemetery, upon the. request oY lire.' Eiazie Leibel, hereto attaohed- same ~~. ~"""- oarried upon oall of the roll by_the following vote: Yesa, 7,aakey, Hazelip, Van ~ . ~~ - lister, Wallaoe anfl Washington -b. On motion by liember Washington, that lir. J. IS. Englert be allowed to F,"_ 1 ~~~• ~ ~ oonneot his property on the Northwest oorner oY 13th and Harrison streets to Sewer a ,. ~„~' ' Dietrlot Number Two after he has signed the oontraot to pay hie portion of the . ~ n' .. k~ s ' J aoete of Sewer Dletriot Number Three riltisn built, and the City Solioitor ie inetraoted '. ~ ~ .. ~` F: ~; 1 _t :~:~._+; ~.-,~ a =t ~ 4 ~. ,` ~; ~~ ~ ' ti:' `^ ~~- . ~ . ., ' 4~ ' - _. ~` ~. . .. ~.. . ;c;~-.; a . t: ;. ;+ a '.: J. - ~, . ' . ~' ;, :~ ,_. J ' Si ~ff P 1 ` h ,_ ,;: ~r.. ,7 ~~.~ . ~. t ,. i i ;~ ~. " c,~^, 4:,. ,. ' Co1YlIYt1SSlOttC1''S. Oil ( ~ ~~~ antinued to prepare the neoeasary oontraot, same oarried upon on11 0! tha roil by the t lollooaing votes Yeas. Laokey, Harelip, Van Lteter, Walleoe end Washington -b. On motion by btember Wallaoe, the monthly pay roll for sprit, 1916, amounting to Thirteen thousand three hundred and aisty-seven Qollare and Eighty-fire oenta (y"13,367.85) was allowed, and warrants ordered drawn on Treasury Por same. upon oall oP the roll by the Yoliowing vote: Yeas, Lao]iey, Harelip, Van Meter, Wallaoe and Aashington -5. On motion by the .above, the report o! the Commissioner o! Finanoe ' raid Auditer-Treasurer for the month of Apr11, 1916 was reoeived, ordered filed and published, upon oall of the roll by the lollovdng vote: Yeas, Laokey, liasslip, ~. ' Van Idetor, Wnllaoe and Washington -b. ,.,• ~. ~; On motion the $oard adjourned upon oall o! the roll by the following ',' vote: Yesa, Laokey, Hazelip, Van Iieter, Wallaoe and Washington -6. •. .. ~~ _ , G . ~ ,, ID2A-SCt~ii. }~ ~;, a ~ Cler,;,, ,~,__ Y a s 6th. 1916 At a regsias meeting of the Board o! Commissionsre, bass in. the Oouneii .? i. !' Chamber o! the City Hall. Paduoeh, By.. on May 8th, 1916, upon oall o! the roll ' ;~ the tollewing aaswered their names: Laokey, Hasslip, Van Meter. Wallaos sad ' ;~ Washington -6. •~ ,';~ On motion by Member Washington, the minnt8e o! the meeting heid May let, 1916 sere adopted ee read upon oell o! the roll by the l611owing vote: Yese, !'" ~ ' Laokey. Harelip, Yart7deter, Wallace and Waehingtott -6. ; ;. ,~~~~y ~ On motion by Idember Harelip, that transfer o! deed be made to Lot X41 - C„~`^~"~~1 ~ Section "W", in Oak Grova Cemetery from Richard 8. Smith to T. E. Food, Treasurer's ~.` fY'~ ~j receipt !or one dol3ar !or duplicate deed attached, same carried upon call of the ~~ -- ~",,•.-j° ~ 'roll by the following vote: 'Yeas, Laokey, Harelip, Yan Meter, Wa7.laoe and Washingtoa-gib .' ;,~,:' ~• ~~ On motion by the above, that transfer of deed from Anne M. Todd to lot ;....• `: ~ Tventy.lour (E4) 81ook "B" in Oak Grove Cemetery bs made as follows: North half ~' to G. Z. Umbaugh and the South hall to John W. and Lucretia Counts, ae per order ' G v ~ hereto dttaohed same serried u on oafs oP the roll gQQ,,,,IJ~ ~ ' p by the following votes Yeas, 0 Laokey. Haseiip, Van Meter, 4lalleoe end Washington -b. , On motion by the .above, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 6U89ECTION THREE (3) 08 ~• SECTION ONE (1) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMEBT' j: ,. '~ OR RETENTION, 8Y TtiE HOARD OF COMLtI33I0NERS, OF CERTAIN CITY OFFIOERS, AGENTS AND ~-~l EttPLOYEES OF TILE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING THEIR SALARIES; POWERS AND G ~"d DUTIES", PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMbiTSSIONERS JANUARY 4. 1918 AND RECORDED JANUARY ~'^'"'" 4, 1916, was given its passage upon onll o! the roll by the following vote: Yese, Laokey, Haseiip, Van ?doter, Wallnoe and Washington -b. :, ;,~~ On motion by the above, AN ORDINAIlOE AatENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AW ', 1`'- v ORDIIJANOE GOVERNING THE SALE OF MILK AND OTHL~R DAIRY PRODUCTS, AND REGULATING THE Q 3•ANITARY CONDITIONS OF DAIRIES dND MILK DEPOTS AND TIIE CONDITION AND USE OF llTE[d3IL3~ ;' 1~" VEHICLES, ETC. USED IN THE HANDLIIdG, MANUFACTURING OR SALE OB SILK OR DAIRY PRODUOTB,;, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTIiCKY, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OB PAdUCAH", APPROVED 8Y JA1dE8 P. SMITH, itAYOR, SEPTE1d8ER last, 1911, was given its pseengs upon call o! the roll by the following votes Ysea, Laokey, Van Meter, Wsllao~ ~' and 1laohington. 4. Nay, Ilsssiip- 1. I . ' -;. . p~u'~"`•"'~e*.,"•`n~}",~""",~'s~"'...T~~~„., ~„we;*r3°'a"T,^,T,"A'1 : i`:,:i!"?" d. ;,a-,> a„a^"h^9r ,?y~"'e.. r'.Zv:,~„ , :: r er , .. ~ f ... n. ,~. x .. <~s _ . ..:~ ,. ., .. '~/... ;~'°!a: , :;."a'a , ~,a, .q.. q ,y r~ ~ ~ .~.., .~mm~ wl-.-Ti F ...~.7r.,~~-r,n-j m.~~Jr ~ -~~ ~ ~- -:,rmFmf ,~ ~u-..- i u~ ' ° ,• .: moo. ~ 6 0 C;ornrnissior~er's .. ~ ~ ~Js_ w ~ i s ~+ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ i_,J Y Sri ,.. k... ...i~~., . f - ~ fr, '~ ~ On motion by itember Van Deter; the report oP John Slaughter, Ohie! of the Fira Depertmeat for the month of Lpril 1916 Was seoeised and filed, upon oa1S of the roll ~ ~ ' by the fo110eting votes Ysas, baolos•y, Haaelip° Van Mater, Wellaos and llaehington -bo ~ - ,~'O~` On motion by the aboeee that the transfer o! Bohn Dye°e saloon iioense to ~-"~ Osoar DSmmiok at 1788 Meyers Street be granted and take itsi usual. oonrsa, came oarrSed( ~N~"" ' ~ ~ ~: ,n_, upon Deli oY the roll by the following ®o-tee Yeas, Daokay° Sae;ei.ip, Vea Deter aafl ~:~r ~". ~: Wallaoe - 4e Nay, Washington, 1. ~ ' On motion by Member Aaehingtoa, that the pay roll for the attest department ~~ ~~ for the weak ending May 7th, 1916, not oossred by ordinanoe, amounting to $8b.bb, be i ' '~ allowed, same onrried upon Deis of the x011 by the following sot®: Yease Laokey, Hazeiip, fan Meter, WaliBOe and Washington -b. „ On motlon by. the aboee, that foe the improvement of Broadway Yrom First to ?ourth etseete that oreoeot~ wood blooke be acid and epooifioLtione, plane, eto. be ~'~ mafle for this kind of oonstruot'ion, ears oarried upon Dail of tho roll by the following ' , sa ~ votes' Yeas, Zaokey, Haaelip, Ban Meter, Wallaoe and Washington -6. ~ •~ rn ,0 0n motion by 3tember wallaoe. that the taws f~ 181b to the amount of $116.70 ~ , . r- 1 ~,.~,~~- be remitted the Paduoah Oooperage Oo., they having paid all taxes Yor that year with that axoeption, this omount was on sooount of double taxation on maohinerye same , rd_ -- N'~- ~ oarxis6 upon Deli 0S the roil by the. following votes Yeas, &aoksy° Hasalipe Van bteter, Wallaos,and Washington -b. , ,: .; On motion by Mayor Leokey, that Ooiesnan Boyd be grantee polioa powers when f' ~Y ` proper bond is exe0uted -he being paymaster Yor the Weat Kentuoky Coal Oo.- same - ~ . ~`" ~ oarrie8 upon Deli of the roil by the .following vote:. Yeas, Laoby, Hazeiip, Yaa Meter, j n ° t,~,~rt Po-'^~"'"°'., paTlaoe and 1Paehingt0n -6. 1- ~~I On motion by the above, that the Maryland Casaalty Oo. ba released from the i ~~ ~ ~~ bond of Pleas Wylie, same oarried upon Dell 0i the ro1S by the following vote: Yeas, ~A_ _ .~-~'°'"` baokeye Raaelip, Van Meter, 1Valleoe and Aaehington -b. ~;` ~"' On motion by the above. that the Mayor's Botion in elgning oontraot with the s.:; ~~A' -p~ Kelley Springrield Compepy Yor Strost Roller bs ratified, cams oerrisd upon Deli oY the t„ fN~ic~ ~p- `/ _ HIV-~'' ,roll by the Yollanring vote: Yeas, &nokey. Haselip° Van Meter, Aeilaoe and Washington. bo ~"'- On motion by the above, that the MoOSaoken Oounty Medioal 9ooiety be tendered 'c~(D 'r, tie ue• of the OonnOll Ohamber to hold Chair Oonventioa May 8tih and 10th, 1916, same -~,~,°,te.? oarriod upon Doll of the roll by the ioliowing votes Yeae, baolsey, Hazelipe Van Meter, , ~~~' v 9laliao• anfl Washington -b. ~ - v On motion by the above, that the New ffisgiand Rquitabie Enenranoe 00. b® released ~- (,~ p ~,Q.~-ems ~, from the bond oY Neoy Allea, sold out, same oarried upon oetl oY the roll Epr the `dz"^/'' ~"' following. vote: Yeee, 7,eoksy, Hazeiip, Van Meter, iallsoe and Aashington -b. 1 ~ r ~ ,.'.