HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/16(:ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Maroh 27th 191 6 i At a regular meeting of the Board of Cor®issloners held in the Conaoil ~~ Chamber of the City Hall, City of Pednoeh, $y., on Maroh 27th, 1916, upon oall of• i '• " the roll the following answered their names: Laokey, Harelip, Yan Meter and y :• ' Washington -4. ~ • Oa motion by Member Van Meter, the minutes of the regular meeting helQ Maroh 20th,. 1916 were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following i vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yen Meter and Washington -4. j ~' Mr. Walleoe Dame in the meeting at this $ime. i " On motion by Member Harelip, the tales were snepended on sending oat ~ • Dopier of all street, alley and sidewalk improvement Resolntione, upon Dell of, I~~J~'~`'"~~""' r the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Yan Meter, Walleoe and ~~ ~R,,,, ~a.~a,~„ Washington- b. i • -~ °•"~`"O' On motion by the above.."A RESOLUTION PROVIDIItO FOR THE RECONSTRIICTYON /, ~ ~ ' OF BROADWAY AND JEC~FERSON STREETS FROM ELEVENTH STREET TO SIBTEENTH STREET. IN THB, s-~ ..-~~ ~sw-v 1~ OITY OF PADUCAH, III;bTTUCSY, AND ASSESSING THE COST THEREOF AGAINST THE ABUTTING • ;V ~ I~''~'~)~~"','~ d '" , PBOPERTY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE C03T THEREOF ESAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN .YEAR BOND . PIAti " it th t i l th b f llo i Y ~ was g w , ven s passage upon oa ng vo eea, l oY e roll y e o e: _ . 'Laokey, Haselip, Yan Meter, Wellaoe end Washington -6. ° On motion by the above, "d RE30LUTIOtt PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP ' [~~~ f "'. '" -' CONCitETE 9IDEWALg3, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALb NECESSARY DRAIN-PIPES, MANHOLES AND LHTAKES, ON BOTH SIDES OF SI%TH STREET FROM THE 80UTH PROPERTY LINE OF ~~ ' ; f~",..--"" KENTUCKY AVEIdiIE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET -EBCEPT IN FRONT 0! THE MoORAOKEN COUNTY COURT HOIISE PROPERTY, EgTENDING FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO , ,CLARK STREET", was given its passage apon.oall of the roll by the following rotes •~ x Yeea,, Laokey, Haselip, Yan Meter, Walleoe end Washington -S. On motion by the above, "A RESOLUTION. PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF , ~tv ~ AN ALLEY E%TENDING FROM ELEVENTH TO TWELFTH STREETS BET7rEEIT BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON, , ~~ ~ ~'V . STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AENTIIC$7f", was given its passage upon Dell of ~; (~,,,~,~ v~{. 1 the roll by the tollowing vote: Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, lielleoe and Washington =6. d--}~~ ~ 1~G tO'~"~•+-~ Oa motion by the above, "A AES.OLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OB .' .THE DRIVEWAY ON BROADWAY FROM FIAST STREET TO FOURTH STREET, IN THE OITY OF PADUOA$, KENTUCKY, OF IMPROVED PAVING MATERIAL" wen given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Harelip, Yen Meter, Wallnos and Washington mob, ' i On motion by the above, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AHD'; RECONSTRUCTION OF SID]~WALKB ON AND FROM THE EAST SIDE 08 SECOItD STREET TO AND 0p p~%~o-(.<<0 INCLUDING THE WEST SIDE OF NINTH STREET, THE NORTH SIDE OF MONROE STREET TO AND ~~„N,, G~ ~ INCLUDING THE SOUTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET, AHD ALL TERRITORY Ei4HRACED THEREIN, '; E%CEPT 6N BOTH SI8fE3 OF MONROE STREET FROM EIGHTH BTREET TO NINTH STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ~NTUCKY, AND ASSESSING THE COST THEREOF AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST THEREOF MAY B8 PAID UPON THE TEN YEAR BOND 'PLAN",.was given its passage npoa Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Laokey, Hazelip, Pan bteter, Walleoe and Washington -b. / On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a aeoeasity, and desired : • by the property ownsre,.that the alley between Tenneeses and Jones etreete, from • "h~"~/ ~e~ ~ s i the middle of Tsath street Wset, leading to the middlq of the biook; thenoe South ; ~~ to Jones attest, be improved by. grading and graveling same- oarried upon oall o! the roll by the following votes Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -8. ~.w . . ., _, ,. ,"~ . r. .'•i a n 4 T ' .£~.:: ~~ +x ' } ~- ; ` ~` i ~~' f: ~~~ ~, ti- ` i .~» ~. ~„ d ~ ~i ~:: :.~ Y' . ~~"" 1 _;. , i r~ { i I . . i {, X ~;_ ~~:: ~. r * r ~. . !~ ~~ ~r:.~ ~i 4. t ~ ~ a ,,~., ~ ~_._,.! N .. ~ x elaNwra. Rr _...-. ...nsiA,.~_ ,_.,.......4ae. a,.,w Commissioner's tl S xr - _ ---a. _, .tl~~.. _ No,~~. , City of Paducah_ _ ~e`*~h e~th jgl s oontinm d Oa motion by l[embsr Haseiip, that the Qoamiisaioner of Pnbiio Property be 1 anthorlted to adopt snob ralee and regulations se he may doom ezpedient and neo- i esesry for the oond t d Cam`+ no an management of Oak Orove Oemetsry, and to prasoribe enoh P charges or fees that may be' charged by the Sezton o! Oak Orove Oametery for the np. (/l+w~~ keep and maintenance o! iota in sass oamstary- eems oarried upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Laokey, Haseiip, fan Meter, Wallaoe and Washington- b. ! n On motion by Member Yan Meter, that transfer of oottee house license bs ~ ,~„J a gsantad item Ciurio. Burger to Willi mm d. Znoarello, at 200 Rentnoky $venus- earns -l„w+a !' oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Hasslip, Yan ~ F 'i .,: Meter, Wallaoe and Waehington -b. tl ` _ On motion by tho above. that traneter of oofiee honao iioenee bs granted ~:. r from 11. 0. Standlord to Ben Soeweil & Co. at 129 8. Saoond St., same oarris¢ upon-, ~••. 1111--- +(d•e•,6s•--~~"D ~ Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Laokey, Haaslip, Yan Meter, Wallaoe . ~~ ~ and Washington -b. 4 On motion by the above, that D. J. Levy be appointed Oity Jailer, to 2111 U ~ the vaoanoy oauaed by the. death of Thoe. J. Evitts, same oarried upon Doll of the ~ ' ~~ roll by the following vote: Yeea, Laokey. Haseiip, fan Meter, Wallaoe and Waehiag- j '' ton. b. h ~ ., °~ ': .~--•" i Pte On motion b y, y Mayor Laoke that the Qommisaioner of Safety be empowered to bu n el l f • s .- y o o gna or Fourth and Broadway; also to build additional eignalo 1' ~N ~ ? eooording to pattorn of the oas to be pnrohased, and plane them at any oornere he '' .r, , ~}^ deems neoseeary- earns oarried upon Dell of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, ', Laokey, Haseli Yan Meter, Yellaoe and Waehington .b. p~ ( On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll of the street aspartmen~ i for the week ending March 26th, 1916. amounting to X128.40, not oovsred by ordinanoe~ be allowed- some oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. 1° ~ e ~~ Laokey, Hasslip, fan Mater, Wallaoe and Washington -b. •'"N` • On motion by Mayor Laokey, that the Commisaloner of Pablio Property be ~ , hereby inatraotsd to hays a light ereotea at 20th and,8dame atreots- same oarried i " i; upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Laokey, Hasslip, fan Meter, 4 ?' Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~ - ••a, "'L`''O,_) ~,~•~a•A••~!-~` On motion by the above, that the rules be suspended on the eending out of ooplse of the Ap ortionmont and L 0 ' s ~ e.w s,~,,.d•+.-~ P vy rdinanoea !os 1916- same oarried upon e-~'N1"-~ `~- ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hasslip, Yan Meter, Wallaoe p ~~~~ end Waehington -b. p~..o"~'~`'' On motion by the above •AN ORDINANCE FZXINO THE APPOHTIONMENT OF THS ~ •. `,~~ PUBLIO FUHDS OF THE CITY 08 PIDUCAH, ISEDTTUCKY FOH THE YEAR 191b" wan given its. I ., f fi~~~ ! paeaago upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Laokey. Raselip, Yan ;_ Motor, Wallaoe and Washington -b. f ' On motion by the above •AN ORDINANOE FIZINO THE LEYY OH RATE OF TAXATIO~H ~,,; •"' • ~ ~ oa PROPERTY I2t THE OITY OF PADUCAH, ~iTUOKY F08 THE YEAR 1916, AND THE RATE 08 ,k.,..'.. ,~w-+G°~'„` !. THE POLL TAZ, WITH '.YiE PURP08E9 OF 3f-ID LEYY THEREUNDER DEFINED"- was given its ••~ I passage upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeea. Laokey, Hasslip, Yea i . . .~ ~ Motor, Wallaoe and Washington .b. ~ j'; • ~ On motion by the above, the report of the Board of Supervisors was re. ~ tl ~ v ~ t f '. ! Delved, ailed and oononrred 1n, upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeas.,. I!- .~ • ~ Laokey, Hasslip, fan Meter, Wallaoe and Waehington -b. ', ;, { u .~a-meecv~yspcnttmnm ~. .'r r .-. r .. of g ' 1 ~ 1 e ,'~. u ~ • .. ~ ~ ' ., ,'" t, i~~ w - 1' ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 16aroh 27th 1916 oontinned :~ " - On motion by DdemDer Saselip, that petitions of oitisene relative to r; ~• improvements De received and filed,-same oarried upon cell of the roll by the ~.' ~} ~-~ iolloting vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haaslip, Yan.lSeter, Walleoe and Washington -b. j On motion the Board adjournod, upon cell of the roll by the following ~ ~ ~. votes Yese, Lackey, Haaslip, tan 1[eter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ; ~'"'_,; j~ i ~'~ ' , a~'~)~'~ j,~ ~ r ?aaT~ i + 4 • ~e C j :i t ~, ~ dY'~~.FY i 4 3. ~ ; I '. .. ~ .. '. J a F APRIL 3d. 1916 ,; ~ ! ~ ;,, '6 t1.. f:. Y, , ;', ~, At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council ! ~•- . Chamber of the City Hall on April 3d, 1916,. upon cell of the roll the following . ~"~,'' ~. i ' I answered their names: Leokey, Haselip, Yen Meter, Walleoe end Washington -b. ~ '. Oa motion by 1Sember.Wallaoe, the minutes oP the meeting held ltaroh 27th, ~',..' 1916, were adopted•as road upon cell of the roil by the following voter Yeas, ~' Leokoy, Haselip,, Yen lister, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~ , ' '~ On motion by Member Haaslip, that deed be granted Bud Dale.to South half ~. e"'^^^ N'p'G' of lot 34 block 47 in Oak Grove Oemetery, upon the request of 1tise Susie Bennett, .' "` y~~~ ~'~~~ ~~' the present owner -said request being hereto attached- same oarried upon cell of . ~;i --7 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Yen lister, Walleoe and j, I!i • Washington -6. .f i ~ ., On motion by liember ~fashington, that the pay roll for the street depaxt- ,,= .ment for the weok ending April 2nd, 1916, not severed by ordinance, amounting to ~ '' i • $130. E0, be allowed, same oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, LaoYey, Haselip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. '. . On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a necessity en8 desired by I x. ~~,Q ~~~ne4- '; the property owners I move that bothaides of Clay atree~t, from the West property ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~W; C.Y~ dine of Fountaln Ave. (or Seventeenth street) to the East oarb line of Bineteenth {, ,. street be improved with concrete sidewalks end.guttere and curbing, same to be i ~~ paid for upon the ten year payment plan, and that the City Solicitor be hereby inetruotod to. bring in an ordinance for said oonatruotion, same oarried apon call `~ of the .roll Dy the toliowing voter Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Yan Lieter,.Wallaoe and ! i Washington -b. . ~" On motion by the above, that it .appearing to be n necessity, and desired j' by the proporty owners, that the alley running between Monroe e~zd Atedieon streets ~, ~"^^~' in the block bounded by Sixth and Seventh atre:+ta, Monroe and 1[adison, be improved 4 .! -r~wtw ~ by grading end gravelling same, and that the G`.ty 8olioitor bs hereby inatrnoted "'~, to bring in an ordinance for said oonatreotion, same oarried upon cell of the roll , -YV~a-d.~.a~n.. F j ,.-v, . by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey,.Haaelip, Yen Lister, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~ On motion by the above. that •it appearing to be a necessity, and desired ~ ! ', ~':; i ~. T. .. by the property owners, that the alley in the block between Jefferson and ltonrae ,,,.,,~ streets and Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets (Harahan ev.), running Weat from 14th ~: ~~ C street to about the middle of said block, thence Borth to 1[onsoe street, b.e improved ~. ;; ;' by grading and gravelling same, end that the City 8olioitor.be hereby instructed to. a , bring in an ordinance for eeid oonstrnotion, same oarried upon cell of the roil by ~ Nt .. , m -. • ,~ ~. ~. t B.. ~'' 'MS y -."YkY, W~.m.:. ~: un. .N~ £~i'~Lr'T('Cik. ..w t&4ww;.:Fl .. e.,.iu.. o hi L.~:S.. .,. a . .,a ~' ... ..' .. ...v. .. .a _.S!'.~!^^~"^''-~ @'. r, 1 t