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Commissioner.'s Proceedings; City~.ofPadueafi• :~ ~ Maroh 13th X91, 4
At a regalar meeting of th0 Board of Oommiasionera, held 1n the Connoil ~
r Chamber•of the C1ty Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on ifaroh 13th, 1916,. upon Dell of the ~
roll the following ensxered their names; Laokey, Hazelip, Yan Metar,'Wallaoe and
~;• On motion ~by Member Walleoe, the minutoa of the meeting held Marsh 6th, ,
~j 1916 were ado ted ae road n on pall of the roll b the Yollowi
. P p y ng voto; Yena,
i; Laokey, Hazellp, Pen l:eter, Wullaoe and Waahingtan -b,
/~ ~~`~ i
~ On motion by btember Washington, that the pay roll of the Street Department
~~ for the waek ending Maroh 12th, 1916, not oovered by ordinance, amounting to X109.84,
be allowed, same parried upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Laokey!
~~.. Hezallp, Yan Lteter, Walleoe and Washingbon -b, ''
• j;
i On motion by Llember Hazelip, that deed be grunted to C. P. Houseman, for
~~ ruteeeuuf
l` eight square feet on the Southeast oorner of Oak Grove Cemetery, known ae Lot 49,
7. ^~
~ 1n Hlook Four. new addition, same being ea a transfer of said lot from W. W.
i 811keraon to C. P. lloueeman- same parried upon pall of the roll Dy the following
s vote; Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan sister, Walleoe and Washington- b.
~o ,..ps< .Q- R.
~ I
On motion by the above "AN ORDINaUGE PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYb'~NT OF d '
~// PRESCRIBIIIO H19 SALd1tY dad DUTIES" was gluon its passage upon pall of ttia roll by .. i
i~ the following, vote; Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan Mater, Walleoe and Washington -6,
S y„~,~/ h On motion by the above, that ,there be purohaeed from the Caron Direotory .. 1
u. f'~ 111
• atnc~~~G~, Company five direotories, at Five dollars eaoh, ewe parried upon Dell of the roll ,
b the follows , p, , ng
~~ y ng vote'; Yeas Laokey, Hazels Yan ~i:eter Walleoe and Washi ton- bi
• /
On potion by 1.Sayor Laokey. that the New EnPland & Equitable Ineurenoe 1j
heel ~~~ ~~~'~ Company be releeeed from the bond oP Eugene Thompson, saloonist, said Thompson
~~ ~/~~1,o~D"^ having sold out. same parried upon,oall of the roll by the following vote; .Yeas,
Laokey, Hazellp, Yan J.ieter, ~allaoe and Washington -b. ~ ,
~ On motion the Hoard adjourned upon pall oP the roll by the following vote= ~ .
1 Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan l:eter, Wallaoe and lashington -b, i
~.... =ei.a~.
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% M a r o h 16th 1916;
ii . At a apooisl meeting of the Board of Commiaeionera, held in the oounoil ~
ohamber, in the'Citq Hull, on Maroh 16th, 191G, upon Deli of the roll Ohs followln$ .
3 answered their names; ------ -Yan Meter, Ylelluoe and Washington -3 ~
p ~ ~~;': ~ On motion by ISember Walleoe, the semi-monthly pay roll for Maroh,'emounting~~
' ~ ~ - 7+c ~! ~ i
,r..f.Q ,,~ to 4879.89, was allowed an3 warrants ordered drawn on the Treasury for same,.
~~ ;; neon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Van Lister, Wnllaoe and ~ .
'' Washington -3.
j,. On motion the Board adjourned, neon pall of the roll by the following vote=s
.Yeas, Yan Lleter, Walleoe and Washington -3.
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