HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/06 & 03/02/16„ ... ' H:~:, .. ~c,.;..:uc,c-x_ssa;'a~~,Mtu'~s ,~k:..;,ggei"4~«v~' .., .v ..e.a:~,'~.S,:i~6ih~r"..w~ws4d'd. _ H, •• ; .,, e . ' • ~---~ ~.WW.. . f. _,~ a - . -~r~ t'.t•,"°•~.","??~t;+•'^~^rir~am^. ,r °'^..-..~„,,".•..^' ,.z;.,- F•~r^,., ~-s.~.yva~:~ rw;*,~ •e, r;,~. , r.. ~.. x.,e. °t . ,gym. ,a..., ^~ ____•_ ~ ___ ..t 1 ~~. No.~ , ;: Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah .. ~~~»•.,a.... "a* 191 ,• wRon proper trunafor ie mnde,'aume oarriod upon call of rho roll by the following `~, , vote: Yeus, Luckey, Hezellp, Yun tsotor, lYalluao and Glaahington .b. i' ~' r i. On motion by the above, that ;~9.OO.be rofunded biuy Sanders-.some being ~~,~t,~, for double paymont public burial permit, as ahovm by Leport oP Oomtnlasiprier of 1 , q'-- I, Finance-, same serried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Lackey, {. ~i Hazelip, Vaa J.teter, Wa11aoQ and Washington .5. ~~ ~.:~~ •'~° On motion by the ubove, that a transfer be granted to lAorth ]salt of { :`~'; j Lot. 46, Block 2, in ne,r•udditlon, Oak Grove Cemetery, from. Jennie Bell to B. g, ~ ! - . /~~ ~ ~~'~'"""" ~ Malone, same carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, baokey~ j c. Hazelip, Van Jleter, Wallace and ilashinp•ton -5. e i On motion by 1?ember Van L?eter, that the Commissioner of P'ubli'c Safety . r 7~`,~~~'7`'~'~~ be authorized to add throe more patrolmon to the police force, same carried upon I //JGz,`~~, i; call oP the roll by the followin[; vote; Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van meter, Wallace i S, and Nashington -5. • ~' On motion the Hoard ad3ourned, upon call of tho roll by the following' f j vote: Yeas, Lackey, Ilazelip, Yan J.feter, Wallace and Washington -b. ~ ~~ I :eon '~----~,..,..~' j '~/ ... .. IIdAYOR• r rs 4" Q1 ler3, ~ j . '' PEBRQaRY 26th, 1916. f{ff ' .' 6t a regalar meeting of the Board of Commisaioaere, held la the.Connail 1! ii Chamber of the City Ball, City of Paducah. Sy., on February 28th, 1916, upon ~ ` sell of the roll the following answered their names: beakey, Vanileter, Wallace I . sad Washington -4. _ ~, On motion by Mayor Lackey. the miautea of thb meeting held Bebruary 21, I • ,. 1916 were adopted ae read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, t r !; Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and WashinECtoa -4. , ~, .: On motiaa by btember Washington, the weekly pay roll for tho Street Dept, ~ ~• cot covered by ordinance, amonnting to $123.00, for the weok ending February 29th.. y ~~O' ~ wee allowed n on sail of the ro b the fol own t e ~ .. ~~ p 11 y 1 S g,vo e. Yea , Lackey, Van Meter, - 6 Wallace sad Washington -4. On motion by Member Walleoe, that the Commiaslonor of Safety be 1n- j ~~ f ,~~~ struoted Lo notify citizens to remove obatruations off sidewalks at.nlght,.eame `'b`ytes , carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Wallace sad ~ ~ ,. ' I Washington -3. Bay: Yan Meter. 1. , ~! /1 ~") ' On motion by the above, the recommendation o! Commissioner of Works, 4 k,L. y~~~D/'~' Washington, in•regard to lights on Island Creek Bridge and twenty-e1z lights in ,; alleys and down town district, was referred to 'the Commissioner of Pnblia Property, I upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~Yeae, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallsoe j and Washington -4. t ~' On motion .by the above, that the oommunioatioa o! Commissioner of I ;, ~~. Public Works regarding repair sad painting od roof on the City Stables be re- v (erred to the Commissioner o! Pnblia Property, same carried upon call of the roll - ~. .~.: by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Yaa Mater. Walleoo cad Washington -4. '' . ~ ~., , ~ n/ On motion by the above, that the bill of Foreman auto Co. for 1914 and ~ ~~ j~ti;,yy ,~ 19].5, smonating to $'70.92, be allowed and charged to the contingent fnnd, same aauak~ 70'x' carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Leokoy, Yan Meter, ~ I; Walleoe and Washington -4. 1;,. "' ~. a . •~ .l. ~ 1 _i~i, _.i_..J i._... ~. .. _uL ~_ .. .i ., V, . ~. ' I ~~o.,~ _ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Fe Lruayy. 2eth 191St oontinned . ~. ~~~~~~~ h~..~ ~1 q~ ,ct µ .. On motioa by Member Walleoe, that,lPHEREd3, the Sohool Hoard hse pnrohaeed the Rroperty of 8. H. 8eiiy on Broadway, and WH8REA8, there are apeoiai atree~ improvement ohargee against acid property 4or the years 1918 to 1916, inolnsive. ~. amounting to 9eventy~eeven dollars and 414ty-eight Dente (~77.b®,,- oheok be given 1 for the above amount and oharRed to the Contingent Fnnd, same parried upon Dell 02 ~ the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, iaokey, Vsn Meter, Wa11so0 and Washington -40~ On motion by Ltember~Waeh$ngton. that th® mattes o4 pnrohaeing or allowing th® Rieke heirs to operate a oemeterq on the Did Rieke Farm, Sa the northern part of the pity, be ds4erred until Maroh 18th, 1916, to be oonsidsrad bq the Board of ~ • Oommieeioners together with the Wol4ars Oommittee, same parried upon Deli o4 the : roll by the 4oliowing vote: Yeas, &eokey, Vea Meter, Waliaos and Washington -4. ~ • i On motion by Member Van Mater. the saloon lioenae o4 R. Oaliaei was trane4ess'~ ay, same being looaLion j to J. B. Robinson at the Hotel Sinnott bn44et, PA1 Broadw ~ ~y o4 Osliaai lioense, upon Deli o! the roll b9 the 4ollowlag vote: Yeas., baoksy, •. ~~ Van Meter. Walleoe and Washington d. 4 On motion the Board ad~onrned npoa Dell o Y the roll bq the 4a11owing votes .' ~ ~;'.,, Yeas, Zaokey, Vas Meter, Walaaoe and Washington -4..' ~F V17~ I •~ ..f' !t Maroh 8nd, 1916. At a speoial meeting o4 the Board of Commiaeionera held in, the Oity Hall, s' Maroh 2. 1916. npoa oelY o4 the roll the following answered their namee: Laakey. j v Pan Meter, Wallsae and Washington -4. ~ i Oa motion by Member Aalleoe. all oleima 4or the month o4 February were ' ,~ allowed, npoa Dell 04 the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas. ?,eokey. Van Meter, ~;~ ~i W~llaoe and Washington -4. On motion by Mayor Y,eokey, that .the Commieaioaer o4 Finanoe. Geo. C. Walleoe ~ be instrno4ed to write Mo8lnneq-Gnodry Co. that Hader the opinion o$ the City u i. Solioitor sa18 oompany is aoL e~itlsd to exemption o4 ta=ea, same parried upon i; =' Dell 04 the roll bq the 4o11owing Tote: Yeea; Laokoy. Yen Meter,'W8118oe and "~ Washington -4. ti ,/;:- 0n motion by btember Walleoe, the report o4 the Commiasioner.o4 Finanoe, ~; Auditor and Treasurer, 4or the month o4 February, 1916, was reoeived, 411ed and g ordered published, upon Dell 04 the roll bq the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Saokeq, Van i a Meter, Walleoe and Washington -4. c F On motion bq Member Washington, the Ylatson hairs were prranted a re4land o4 Twelve dollars and eleven seats 012.11) on over asseasme:rt 04 Zot Six on the South rf aide o4 Olemeata street, about 23b fleet saathweat o4 biegera street, said payments il. t being made as 4ollows: In the year 1911 on X140.00 over-assessment dr $1.76 per r' hnndrefl. $2.46; in 1912 on X140.00 over-asaeaament ®$1.70 per hundred, $2,38; f, j', in the year 1918 on X140.00 over-aseeaament ®$1.76 per hundredo$2.4b; in the year 1914'on.~140.00 over-ssaeeament A $1.76 pas hnndred,$B.4b; In the year 191b on 'r 140.00 over-assessment ®,$1.70 r hundred, pe $E.38 ..npoa pall 04 the roll by the ' $olloRing vote: Yeea., Zaokey, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -4. t On motion by Msmbss Washington. that the Oity.9oiioitos bs instraoted to tak< I: ~~! np the mattsr•with the parties snow owning the o18 Rsx Mann4aotnriag Oo. property, in .; + F ~ °. ~. 1~ ~,,,,:,, .:,~~,.- _ _ ;.,r,,.,~,. Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah Wtareh 8na IQ~g eontinued •, lt4oLaaiorbnrg~ Lo either Open np alley dedioated by ~ lGig. Oompany or to give • j I ' . deed for alley where the Eex 1[ig. aompaay hoe opened alley, same oarsied upon„ j • Dell of the ra31 by the following votes Yeas, Leoksy. Van Meter, Malleos and Waahiagton -4. ~ ~~ ~A,,,,µl On motion by )dayor Laokey, that the parer of attorney of a. rt. lorsman { a"~h`" ~"'`'" for the Illiaole 9nret 00 ~ ~,,,~~ p ~ ~, y mpaay bs reoaived and died, same oarrisd upon Dell of ~ ~~ . • ~ the roll by the following vote:• Yeea, Laokey, pan 6tetar, Malleos and Weshingtoa •4•~ , ~ On'motioa by ldember Van Meter. the report of the Fire Ohie! for the month of February was reoeiVed and tilod upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ , ~ )'• i tots; Yeae, Laokey. Yen lister, Wellaee and Washington -4. i • t On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon Dell of the roll by the following f ~ . ? vote; Yeae, Laokey, Van lister, Walleoe and Washington -4. f ~, .: . ~ i , • !~ f :. ~ r OP'T~:D } .. • ~~~ ~ 1[ s r o h 6th. 1916. ! t ;; aT a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Ooua~il ~ .. , • Ohambar of the Oity Ha11, City of Paduoeh, 8y., on ileroh 6th, 1916, upon Dell of i { ~; the roll, the following answered their names; Laokey, Haeelip, Vea lister, Walleoe ~' end Washington -b. • ;' ., " On motion Dq lSember Walleoe, the minutes of the meeting held February f 4 EHth, 1916 ware adopted as read upon os12 of the roll by the following votes i Yeea, Laokey, Haeelip, Van Meter, Waileoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above, the minutee of the meeting held•ltaroh End, I914~ ~ f , b were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae,. Laokey, ~ Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. F ~ On motion by the above, the oommunioation from Oeo. 0. Walleoe, with ~ 4~ ~`~' C~ ~~~eQ•' reterenoe to a rotund to the Cumberland Telephone & ~'elsgraph Oo.,in 1904, was ~ f F: " `~•• a ~' ~' raoeived sad filed u on Dell of the oll b th f ll I , p r y o e owing vote; Yeas, Laokey, ,-.. ~y ~ Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. /. ,1•ry ~ , ~t~ ` Oa motion by Ltember Washington, that the pay roll for the street depart. ~ ~'~'`. 7~ ' ,k ,;' r y„`,. /~ ~~1! ', went toe the week ending Ltaroh 6th, 1916, not ooverad by ordinanoe, amounting to 4~ ,. ~$ ~ ~ $49.90, be allowed, same oarrisd neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~ I Yeae. Laokey, Haeelip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. • ~ I Oa motion by Member Haeelip, that the petition of oitizens asking foe f I/ . " ! ~~ ~icct~ i amendment to yeotioa 1S of the LSarket llouee ordinanao be_ raoeived and filed- he. also reoommendiag that no amendment to Bald ordinanoa be made at this time- same •4 .k . !,.oar;fed neon Dell of the roll by the SollowinR votes Ysas, Laokey, Hazelip, k • Van Meter. Walleoe sad Aashlagton -b. ; f . ;' ~~ i On motion by the above, that the offer of Hoy ~ade on lot at the Dorset of ;: ;a: , Hays sad 9owe11 streets, belonging to the oity of Peduoah, bo referred to the , ~ `~ ~; • { L Oommoeelones of Pnblio Property for report oY value of said lot, and hie raoom- I i '~ i mendationa, same oarrisd nyon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. l . ~ Oeokey, Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above. that deed bs grunted ltre. Josephine Rhodes to ipnth, ! ~>•f __ ,,. ~.. i n,.- - , '