HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/06 & 03/02/16„ ... ' H:~:, .. ~c,.;..:uc,c-x_ssa;'a~~,Mtu'~s ,~k:..;,ggei"4~«v~'
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No.~ , ;:
Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah .. ~~~»•.,a.... "a* 191
wRon proper trunafor ie mnde,'aume oarriod upon call of rho roll by the following `~, ,
vote: Yeus, Luckey, Hezellp, Yun tsotor, lYalluao and Glaahington .b. i' ~'
r i. On motion by the above, that ;~9.OO.be rofunded biuy Sanders-.some being
~~,~t,~, for double paymont public burial permit, as ahovm by Leport oP Oomtnlasiprier of 1 ,
q'-- I, Finance-, same serried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Lackey, {.
~i Hazelip, Vaa J.teter, Wa11aoQ and Washington .5. ~~ ~.:~~ •'~°
On motion by the ubove, that a transfer be granted to lAorth ]salt of { :`~';
Lot. 46, Block 2, in ne,r•udditlon, Oak Grove Cemetery, from. Jennie Bell to B. g, ~ ! - .
/~~ ~
~~'~'"""" ~ Malone, same carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, baokey~ j
c. Hazelip, Van Jleter, Wallace and ilashinp•ton -5.
e i On motion by 1?ember Van L?eter, that the Commissioner of P'ubli'c Safety . r
7~`,~~~'7`'~'~~ be authorized to add throe more patrolmon to the police force, same carried upon I
//JGz,`~~, i; call oP the roll by the followin[; vote; Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van meter, Wallace i
and Nashington -5.
• ~' On motion the Hoard ad3ourned, upon call of tho roll by the following' f
j vote: Yeas, Lackey, Ilazelip, Yan J.feter, Wallace and Washington -b.
~ ~~
I :eon '~----~,..,..~' j
'~/ ... .. IIdAYOR•
r rs 4" Q1 ler3, ~ j .
PEBRQaRY 26th, 1916. f{ff
' .' 6t a regalar meeting of the Board of Commisaioaere, held la the.Connail 1!
ii Chamber of the City Ball, City of Paducah. Sy., on February 28th, 1916, upon ~ `
sell of the roll the following answered their names: beakey, Vanileter, Wallace I .
sad Washington -4. _
On motion by Mayor Lackey. the miautea of thb meeting held Bebruary 21,
• ,. 1916 were adopted ae read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,
t r
Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and WashinECtoa -4. ,
~, .:
On motiaa by btember Washington, the weekly pay roll for tho Street Dept, ~
~• cot covered by ordinance, amonnting to $123.00, for the weok ending February 29th..
y ~~O' ~ wee allowed n on sail of the ro b the fol own t e ~ ..
~~ p 11 y 1 S g,vo e. Yea , Lackey, Van Meter, -
Wallace sad Washington -4.
On motion by Member Walleoe, that the Commiaslonor of Safety be 1n- j
~~ f
,~~~ struoted Lo notify citizens to remove obatruations off sidewalks at.nlght,.eame
`'b`ytes ,
carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Wallace sad ~ ~ ,. '
I Washington -3. Bay: Yan Meter. 1. ,
~! /1 ~") ' On motion by the above, the recommendation o! Commissioner of Works,
4 k,L.
y~~~D/'~' Washington, in•regard to lights on Island Creek Bridge and twenty-e1z lights in
,; alleys and down town district, was referred to 'the Commissioner of Pnblia Property, I
upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~Yeae, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallsoe
j and Washington -4. t
~' On motion .by the above, that the oommunioatioa o! Commissioner of I
;, ~~. Public Works regarding repair sad painting od roof on the City Stables be re-
v (erred to the Commissioner o! Pnblia Property, same carried upon call of the roll
- ~. .~.:
by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Yaa Mater. Walleoo cad Washington -4. ''
. ~ ~., ,
~ n/ On motion by the above, that the bill of Foreman auto Co. for 1914 and ~
~~ j~ti;,yy ,~ 19].5, smonating to $'70.92, be allowed and charged to the contingent fnnd, same
aauak~ 70'x'
carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Leokoy, Yan Meter, ~
I; Walleoe and Washington -4. 1;,. "'
. •~ .l. ~ 1 _i~i, _.i_..J i._... ~. ..
_uL ~_ .. .i ., V, . ~.
' I
~~o.,~ _
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Fe Lruayy. 2eth 191St oontinned
. ~.
h~..~ ~1
q~ ,ct
µ ..
On motioa by Member Walleoe, that,lPHEREd3, the Sohool Hoard hse pnrohaeed
the Rroperty of 8. H. 8eiiy on Broadway, and WH8REA8, there are apeoiai atree~
improvement ohargee against acid property 4or the years 1918 to 1916, inolnsive. ~.
amounting to 9eventy~eeven dollars and 414ty-eight Dente (~77.b®,,- oheok be given 1
for the above amount and oharRed to the Contingent Fnnd, same parried upon Dell 02 ~
the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, iaokey, Vsn Meter, Wa11so0 and Washington -40~
On motion by Ltember~Waeh$ngton. that th® mattes o4 pnrohaeing or allowing
th® Rieke heirs to operate a oemeterq on the Did Rieke Farm, Sa the northern part
of the pity, be ds4erred until Maroh 18th, 1916, to be oonsidsrad bq the Board of ~
• Oommieeioners together with the Wol4ars Oommittee, same parried upon Deli o4 the
: roll by the 4oliowing vote: Yeas, &eokey, Vea Meter, Waliaos and Washington -4. ~
• i
On motion by Member Van Mater. the saloon lioenae o4 R. Oaliaei was trane4ess'~
ay, same being looaLion j
to J. B. Robinson at the Hotel Sinnott bn44et, PA1 Broadw ~
~y o4 Osliaai lioense, upon Deli o! the roll b9 the 4ollowlag vote: Yeas., baoksy, •.
~~ Van Meter. Walleoe and Washington d. 4
On motion the Board ad~onrned npoa Dell o Y the roll bq the 4a11owing votes
.' ~
~;'.,, Yeas, Zaokey, Vas Meter, Walaaoe and Washington -4..'
~F V17~
•~ ..f'
Maroh 8nd, 1916.
At a speoial meeting o4 the Board of Commiaeionera held in, the Oity Hall,
s' Maroh 2. 1916. npoa oelY o4 the roll the following answered their namee: Laakey. j
v Pan Meter, Wallsae and Washington -4. ~
Oa motion by Member Aalleoe. all oleima 4or the month o4 February were '
,~ allowed, npoa Dell 04 the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas. ?,eokey. Van Meter,
~i W~llaoe and Washington -4.
On motion by Mayor Y,eokey, that .the Commieaioaer o4 Finanoe. Geo. C. Walleoe
~ be instrno4ed to write Mo8lnneq-Gnodry Co. that Hader the opinion o$ the City
i. Solioitor sa18 oompany is aoL e~itlsd to exemption o4 ta=ea, same parried upon
=' Dell 04 the roll bq the 4o11owing Tote: Yeea; Laokoy. Yen Meter,'W8118oe and
"~ Washington -4.
,/;:- 0n motion by btember Walleoe, the report o4 the Commiasioner.o4 Finanoe,
Auditor and Treasurer, 4or the month o4 February, 1916, was reoeived, 411ed and
ordered published, upon Dell 04 the roll bq the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Saokeq, Van
a Meter, Walleoe and Washington -4.
F On motion bq Member Washington, the Ylatson hairs were prranted a re4land o4
Twelve dollars and eleven seats 012.11) on over asseasme:rt 04 Zot Six on the South
aide o4 Olemeata street, about 23b fleet saathweat o4 biegera street, said payments
t being made as 4ollows: In the year 1911 on X140.00 over-assessment dr $1.76 per
r' hnndrefl. $2.46; in 1912 on X140.00 over-asaeaament ®$1.70 per hundred, $2,38;
j', in the year 1918 on X140.00 over-aseeaament ®$1.76 per hundredo$2.4b; in the year
1914'on.~140.00 over-ssaeeament A $1.76 pas hnndred,$B.4b; In the year 191b on
'r 140.00 over-assessment ®,$1.70 r hundred,
pe $E.38 ..npoa pall 04 the roll by the
' $olloRing vote: Yeea., Zaokey, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -4.
t On motion by Msmbss Washington. that the Oity.9oiioitos bs instraoted to tak<
~~! np the mattsr•with the parties snow owning the o18 Rsx Mann4aotnriag Oo. property, in
+ F ~ °.
_ _ ;.,r,,.,~,.
Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah Wtareh 8na IQ~g eontinued •,
lt4oLaaiorbnrg~ Lo either Open np alley dedioated by ~ lGig. Oompany or to give • j
' .
deed for alley where the Eex 1[ig. aompaay hoe opened alley, same oarsied upon„
• Dell of the ra31 by the following votes Yeas, Leoksy. Van Meter, Malleos and
Waahiagton -4. ~ ~~
~A,,,,µl On motion by )dayor Laokey, that the parer of attorney of a. rt. lorsman {
a"~h`" ~"'`'" for the Illiaole 9nret 00 ~
~,,,~~ p ~ ~, y mpaay bs reoaived and died, same oarrisd upon Dell of ~
• ~ the roll by the following vote:• Yeea, Laokey, pan 6tetar, Malleos and Weshingtoa •4•~ ,
~ On'motioa by ldember Van Meter. the report of the Fire Ohie! for the
month of February was reoeiVed and tilod upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ ,
~ )'• i tots; Yeae, Laokey. Yen lister, Wellaee and Washington -4. i •
On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon Dell of the roll by the following f
~ .
? vote; Yeae, Laokey, Van lister, Walleoe and Washington -4. f
.: . ~
i ,
• !~ f
:. ~ r OP'T~:D
} ..
• ~~~
1[ s r o h 6th. 1916.
;; aT a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Ooua~il ~ ..
• Ohambar of the Oity Ha11, City of Paduoeh, 8y., on ileroh 6th, 1916, upon Dell of
{ ~; the roll, the following answered their names; Laokey, Haeelip, Vea lister, Walleoe
~' end Washington -b.
• ;'
., " On motion Dq lSember Walleoe, the minutes of the meeting held February
4 EHth, 1916 ware adopted as read upon os12 of the roll by the following votes i
Yeea, Laokey, Haeelip, Van Meter, Waileoe and Washington -b.
On motion by the above, the minutee of the meeting held•ltaroh End, I914~ ~
f ,
b were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae,. Laokey, ~
Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. F
~ On motion by the above, the oommunioation from Oeo. 0. Walleoe, with
~~~eQ•' reterenoe to a rotund to the Cumberland Telephone & ~'elsgraph Oo.,in 1904, was ~ f
F: "
`~•• a ~' ~' raoeived sad filed
on Dell of the
oll b
ll I
owing vote; Yeas, Laokey,
~y ~ Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. /. ,1•ry
~ ,
~t~ ` Oa motion by Ltember Washington, that the pay roll for the street depart. ~
' ,k ,;'
~~1! ', went toe the week ending Ltaroh 6th, 1916, not ooverad by ordinanoe, amounting to 4~ ,.
~$ ~ ~ $49.90, be allowed, same oarrisd neon Dell of the roll by the following vote:
Yeae. Laokey, Haeelip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b.
• ~
Oa motion by Member Haeelip, that the petition of oitizens asking foe f I/
! ~~ ~icct~ i amendment to yeotioa 1S of the LSarket llouee ordinanao be_ raoeived and filed- he.
also reoommendiag that no amendment to Bald ordinanoa be made at this time- same •4 .k .
!,.oar;fed neon Dell of the roll by the SollowinR votes Ysas, Laokey, Hazelip, k
• Van Meter. Walleoe sad Aashlagton -b. ; f
. ;' ~~ i On motion by the above, that the offer of Hoy ~ade on lot at the Dorset of ;: ;a:
, Hays sad 9owe11 streets, belonging to the oity of Peduoah, bo referred to the ,
~ `~ ~;
L Oommoeelones of Pnblio Property for report oY value of said lot, and hie raoom- I
'~ i mendationa, same oarrisd nyon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. l .
~ Oeokey, Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b.
On motion by the above. that deed bs grunted ltre. Josephine Rhodes to ipnth,
__ ,,. ~..
n,.- - , '