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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ Febxnarv 16th 19~ s
', j, February 14th, 1916, also of the apooinl.moeting held on February 16th, 1916. j
~' were adopted ea read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
.. ~
4 Laokey, Hazelip, Yan Eietor, Wallaoe and Wushinpaon -S.
On motion by Liombor Washington, the weekly pay roll for tho atroet j
,.department ending r'ebruary 20th, amounting to X103:20; not covored by ordinance, j
Y~y'~IG ' was allowed upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, $nzelip, I
Yun Eteter, .Wallaoe and Washington -6.
~ ~~'~ .. On motion. by the above., that the City ltoalty & Investment Co. be
y?aWa~~' ' ,allowed to construct oonorete sidewalk on Fourth Street between Broadway and
Jefferson atroet, provided they comply with the City°a epeaiffaatlona and •~
!` neoeesury requirements, seuno carried upon gall of the roll. by the following
. ,4
.~: vote: Yeas, 7,uakey, Hazelip, Yan linter, Wallace and i'rash3ngton -S.
~~ ' ./~.~°~' ~ On motion by the above, that liurl:e & Idiohaelson be allowed to son- j
ly :~. atruot oonorete sidewalks on L'adison street betweon Seventh.und alley between
et a called mooting oY the Board oY Commissioners, held in the j
Council Chamber of the City of Paduoah, By., at one-thirty P. li.. February j
16th, 1916, upon call oY the roll the following oaswered their names:. w
Laokey, Haaelip, Yan Edeter and Washington -4.
' On motion. by Member Haaelip, that claims against the City oY ~
Paduoah, amounting to $3,038.40, be allowed and warrant drawn for their '
respective accounts, same carried upon e811 of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip. Yan Lteter and Washington -4. ',
' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the
following vote: Yeas, Leakoy, Haaelip, van 1Soter and Washington -4.
~0 .0.. O
L,~ _ .City Clesls,! ~r
nt s regular mooting of the Hoard of 4or.•imisaioners, held Yn the '
Counb~rl Chamber of the City Hall, City of Paduoah., Kentnoky, on February 21st, ~ ..
1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Laokey, ;
Hazelip, Yan iteter, Wallaoe and Washington -S.
On motion by Etember Hazelip, the minutes of tho regular meeting held t
FBBi?U.1RY 21st- 1916.
' Sixth and Soventh street; anme to be done ender City's apeoiYioations and in
_. ;i ..
~' compliance with sll city regulations governing such work, same carried upon aall~
~' .
p- of the roll by the following vote: Yens,. Lnakoy, Hazelip, Van Eieter. Wallaae '
and Washington -b.
On motion by the above, that the Dalbey 1;leotrio Co. be allowed to
~ ~.•
aonLtruot a White Wuy on ^.hird street between Brondway and Kentua}aI evenne, as ~
" per plot and letter filed, same carried upon sell of the roll'by the following
• ~ tote:.' Yeas,, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan Lister, Wallaoe and Washington -5.. i .
i~.~ On motion by liember Hnzellp. that the report of Harry Gish, Sexton
',~ f....~+ " oY Oak Grose Cemetery, in referenoe.to pnblio grave, be received, Yiled and
R-~...-:~. ~.q~. y -'
'~' (~.~/<.,,..~j• ~ oonourre3 in, i;n~ thaL said lot be aaoepted and Jennie Bell be refhnded X5.00.
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No.~ , ;:
Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah .. ~~~»•.,a.... "a* 191
wRon proper trunafor ie mnde,'aume oarriod upon call of rho roll by the following `~, ,
vote: Yeus, Luckey, Hezellp, Yun tsotor, lYalluao and Glaahington .b. i' ~'
r i. On motion by the above, that ;~9.OO.be rofunded biuy Sanders-.some being
~~,~t,~, for double paymont public burial permit, as ahovm by Leport oP Oomtnlasiprier of 1 ,
q'-- I, Finance-, same serried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Lackey, {.
~i Hazelip, Vaa J.teter, Wa11aoQ and Washington .5. ~~ ~.:~~ •'~°
On motion by the ubove, that a transfer be granted to lAorth ]salt of { :`~';
Lot. 46, Block 2, in ne,r•udditlon, Oak Grove Cemetery, from. Jennie Bell to B. g, ~ ! - .
/~~ ~
~~'~'"""" ~ Malone, same carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, baokey~ j
c. Hazelip, Van Jleter, Wallace and ilashinp•ton -5.
e i On motion by 1?ember Van L?eter, that the Commissioner of P'ubli'c Safety . r
7~`,~~~'7`'~'~~ be authorized to add throe more patrolmon to the police force, same carried upon I
//JGz,`~~, i; call oP the roll by the followin[; vote; Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van meter, Wallace i
and Nashington -5.
• ~' On motion the Hoard ad3ourned, upon call of tho roll by the following' f
j vote: Yeas, Lackey, Ilazelip, Yan J.feter, Wallace and Washington -b.
~ ~~
I :eon '~----~,..,..~' j
'~/ ... .. IIdAYOR•
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PEBRQaRY 26th, 1916. f{ff
' .' 6t a regalar meeting of the Board of Commisaioaere, held la the.Connail 1!
ii Chamber of the City Ball, City of Paducah. Sy., on February 28th, 1916, upon ~ `
sell of the roll the following answered their names: beakey, Vanileter, Wallace I .
sad Washington -4. _
On motion by Mayor Lackey. the miautea of thb meeting held Bebruary 21,
• ,. 1916 were adopted ae read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,
t r
Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and WashinECtoa -4. ,
~, .:
On motiaa by btember Washington, the weekly pay roll for tho Street Dept, ~
~• cot covered by ordinance, amonnting to $123.00, for the weok ending February 29th..
y ~~O' ~ wee allowed n on sail of the ro b the fol own t e ~ ..
~~ p 11 y 1 S g,vo e. Yea , Lackey, Van Meter, -
Wallace sad Washington -4.
On motion by Member Walleoe, that the Commiaslonor of Safety be 1n- j
~~ f
,~~~ struoted Lo notify citizens to remove obatruations off sidewalks at.nlght,.eame
`'b`ytes ,
carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Wallace sad ~ ~ ,. '
I Washington -3. Bay: Yan Meter. 1. ,
~! /1 ~") ' On motion by the above, the recommendation o! Commissioner of Works,
4 k,L.
y~~~D/'~' Washington, in•regard to lights on Island Creek Bridge and twenty-e1z lights in
,; alleys and down town district, was referred to 'the Commissioner of Pnblia Property, I
upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~Yeae, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallsoe
j and Washington -4. t
~' On motion .by the above, that the oommunioatioa o! Commissioner of I
;, ~~. Public Works regarding repair sad painting od roof on the City Stables be re-
v (erred to the Commissioner o! Pnblia Property, same carried upon call of the roll
- ~. .~.:
by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Yaa Mater. Walleoo cad Washington -4. ''
. ~ ~., ,
~ n/ On motion by the above, that the bill of Foreman auto Co. for 1914 and ~
~~ j~ti;,yy ,~ 19].5, smonating to $'70.92, be allowed and charged to the contingent fnnd, same
aauak~ 70'x'
carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Leokoy, Yan Meter, ~
I; Walleoe and Washington -4. 1;,. "'