HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/16`_ M'x~y ~ 4' yp~15-17K11~ k Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lrebrunrv 9th 191y. nt a called meeting of the Board of Cor:vniaoionera oT the City of Paducah. }(V., held .in the Council Chambor of the City.Ho11, on February 9th, 1916, upon call of the the.folloRing anscrorod their names: buokey, Hazolip, Yan }feter, r~allaae-and Washington -b. On motion by Lfember Hazelip. the following Notice was ordered served on James Y. Lang, Judge of the L1o0raoken County Court, C. B. Hhitteoioro; Jailer of the t.oCrnoken County Bail, and C. B. Crossland, Juflgo of the Paduoah polioo Court, to wit: " Paduoah, T;entuoi~ Febrnary 9th- 1916. To the Hon. James 1~~. Lang Judge of.}SoCraa~Cen County Court. C. B. dhittemore, Jailer, EloCraoken County Jail. 0: B, Crossland, Judge of Police Court.. City of Paduoah. ~; Gentlemen: ~ . You, and oaoh of you, ure roapeatively notified that by virtue oY ' ~i ~ Section 3151 of the }{entuo3w Statutos, reading as follows, to-wit: ~ }~ " That all parsons aoivnittod by said court ~ h (Paduoah Police Court) for default of surety ' , for good behavior or to keep.tl:e peace. and L ,j .. : all others whom tho City is bound to maintain { when eomrnittod to jail, shall be confined in i ^ l the city wort:house or prison, und.they may ` be oompollod to labor us many days, ut such ~ sum per day ns may bo noceasary to defray ~ ' ,. ~ the reusonablo cost of their board, to be., g „ ~, ~ . .from timo to time, determined by the mayor , , ai,. r" and General Counoil." ~ i ~I the City of. Paduoah will roly upon the Judge of the Faduaah Police Court ` ~ "' ;, ordoring such prisoners as may be finod in his court, for'miadomeunoi~s ~', ~ and violations of city ordinanao:., ooinmitted in the oit;~ of Fuduoa}r, to be confined in tho city prison or jail, and not in tl:e county jail; and j ~ you ure respeotivelg notified that if any oY such prisoners are confined ~ . in tho county jail by order of the Judge of the City Court, same is done !; contrary to and in violation of any authority grunted to said Judge of ~ y the Police Court, and the City of Paduoah will not pay tho lees allowed i the Jailer of 1.1eCraokon County for the keep of said prisoners. " ~', ~.: upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, baakey, Hozelip, Yan Lloter, ` i~ . Wallnao and Washington -6. ` J~ ~' j "'•~ `0' `7 " "~ On motion by the above, that. the OommiesioneY of Finance ordor the Hoard of /7 ,~ p/~ ~,~ /' ii ~/ 6/''-P Supervisors to strike the pall tax of W. G~ Houghland, for the reason that said ~M~ i~ Houghland is not a resident of PuduoWi, snmo carried upon call of tho roll by the i ~ following vote: Yens, baokoy, liuzolip, Vun Lioter, Wulluao and NashinF;ton -5. N ~:~~,~1'~ K_.,,; On motion by ifomber Nnllaoe, that tho U. S. Fidelity E: Guaranty Oompany bo •• ~; i ~+~ ~°~ fi releaaod from .~.. n~M x ~ ury~ future 1,iabillty upon tho bond of patrolman Charloa Bryant . surre ~ pp M il+ ^~"~ '~ carried u on cell of the roll by tha followi 1~~ ~ .: P ng vote: Yoaa, Laoicay, Hazelip, Yun ~.. ,^ ;~~ Lleter,,Wallaoe and Washington -b.~ j ~~ On motion .by 1lombor Hazelip, that the opinion of the City Soliettor, in roforonod ~ ~, !/may fo powors of City Judgo, to 'pardon, dommute or remit fines, be recoived, filed and ~' concurred same curried u on call of the roll g , y, ~i;, p by the followin vote: Yeas 7.aoke ' y Hazelip, Van Lletor, Walle'oe and Washington -b. . i; On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon call of the ro12 by the following vote: Yeea~ l.aokey, Hazelip, Yan Lister, Wallace and Washington -6. i., -_ .9 ~ i f 4 ~ 0~ i~ __r., f ~ J ~~ ~~ ~ ~ !ty cle~~ lie ~„ ~~~ i. ;! ~~ - { rL1&tn'wMh' ':ti ~'4Wr1t:.ij~:L}_ X .u .iMssa,lw°~ -•:^,~, .i~_i r -^°-., I ~:~, ~' i ~m~ ~ u;;.: ~..~~: ~. f !- 1 }