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01/10/16 & 01/17/16
~_ z Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January , oth lg) 6 t• !F (• ~; At a regular meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held in the Conaail Chamber of the Citq Hall. Citq of Padnoah, $q.~ at three o`olook P. Y., on Jan. 10th, y 1916, upon Dell oY the roll the following saswered their names: Lackey, Haselip, 4 ' Van Meter, Wnllaoe and Nsahington -b. `_ ~! On motion by Member Heaelip, the minutes of the meeting held Jannarq 3, Y Jannarq 4, and January 7th, were adopted .as read npoh Dill of the -roll bq the ' following.vote: Yeas, Leokey, Haselip, Van Lteter, Wnllaoe and Washington -b.. ~ f ~ '~i ~ ' On motion bq Ltomber fan }Safer, that an osdinanoe be brought is prohibiting ~ /,e-~ '~`'''~~ pedeatriana from orosaing Broadway from Third to Fifth Street, onlq at the infer- f- .. ~ seotion, same oarried upon Dili of the roll bq,the following vote: Yeea, Heaelip . "n Van Meter and Wallsoe - 3. Nays: L®okey and Washington -2. ~. { v ~ On motion bq 1lember Wnllaoe, Mr. R. S. Barnett was appointed a member of ~~a 'the Board of Supervisors, to suooeed F. C. Boone, resigned, upon Dill of the roll ; ~, bq the following vote:. Yeas, Laokeq, Haselip, Vea Moter,.Wallaoe sad Washington -b. 4 ' ~ ~ On motion by the above, the report of the Commissioner of Finanoe for the /~ ~ ~ . w,W,a, ~ ~""'` A year 191b wea reoeived and filed. and the Pn;ohasing Agent ordered to hays 250 I av~~.Q tai, t (two hundred and fiftq) pamphlets printed for diatribntioa -also that the report ~ be published in the official newspaper- same oarried upon Dail oY the,roll bq 4. the following vote: Yeas, Laake q, Aazelip, fan lister, Walleoe and Washington, 6, ~. ~. Y ~ ~ ' 9 ~„"~- Oa motion by Member Washington. the report of the Commissioner of Pnblio ~~,,,,,,,; /,.~.~ ~~, Works for the gear,191b was reoeived and filed, upon Dell oi. the roll by the j i• following vote;.Yons, maokey, Haaeiip, Yan bteter, Walldoo and iashington -b. _ ,,~ j On motion by the above , that the payroll for the Street Dopartment I ,1~~/~`~~ ~Ixi_f-K.~ ' 'for January lit, to January 8th, inolusive, sot aovered.bq ordinance, amonntdng to ' X124.00, be allowed, same oarried upon Dill of the roll by the following vote: ~. Yeas, Leakeq, Haselip, Van !later, Walleae and Washington -b. ~g i>D~~ ,~ ~ On motion by the above. that the City Solicitor be requested to render. y~,~, ..~~~~1 e n written opinion relative to whether the St;set oleaning department hie a right to (J move vehiolee on the etreot in order to olenn the streets, and also who is liable `: Yor damagoa done by sooide~ that oocurred on Deoember 28th, 191b, seine aarried _ _ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, Van 1teter, ~. Wnllaoe and Washington -b. ~~M~ On motion by 3Iember Walleae, NAN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THS OFFICIAL CITY /s~ ~~~ DEPOSITbRY OF THE CITY OF PADUCnH, KE2iTilCHlt, aND DEPOSITORffiS FOR SPECIALLY APPROPRIATED FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH^ wsa given its passage npoa Dill ofths roll bq the following vote: Yeea, Lackey, Heaelip, Van 1:ater, Galleoe and • Washington -b. ~ ~ -7 •. On motion bq ltayor Leokeq, "A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING ETdPLOYEES OF THE j '~ ~ • ~ ~ CTPY OF PADUCAH FROM GIYIIIC ORDERS AOAINST TIiEIR UIi&1RItED SALARII•S" wea given its ~y..Q..:w;! - passage upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Lackey, Haselip, -~ I Van Meter, Wallnoe and Washington -b. On motion bq the above "!- RESOLUTIONt DIRECTITiC THE MANNER AIiD FORM IN ~. ~~ ~ WHICH CASH ORDERS MAY BE ISSUED BY ANY OF THE COLIIlI33I0NER3 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; ~ ~~ ~ AND CASHED BY THE COMISISSIOttER OF PUBLIC FINANCE OF THE OITY OF YADUCBH" was given ' its passage upon Dell of the roll bq the following rote: Yeas, Lso~ y, Heaelip, J ~!i • ~ Van Meter, Walleoe aid Washington -6., ~ ~ t ~. { . .. ~ ~ ~ '~ .,:~ w ; • ;`'. 's -r e. -t ~ i, ~' r.. _~ i s x ! t , y A ' On motion by 3[euobar Haselip, that the Market House ordineaoe be emended eo that ~~~~~~~/` ..~JJ ,.-',••,` the annual reutal o! wall benohea, A, B, C, D, S, F, G end H, shall be Thirty .030..001 Dollars per year lnetead of Sizty 060.00) Dollars per yeas, same oarrisd~ I i~ upon oall of the .roll by the following vote; YeBa, Lao key, ..Haselip, Yan Meter, I ' '~ Walleoe and Washington -b. " i On motlon by the above, the petition of the Saotlnd Baptist Churoh, looated on ;~~/pq,~r,'~~ ~ the oorner of Ninth and Ohio Streets, requesting that an aro light bs.plaosd et ~r[lr { L~~' ~i the interaeotion of Ninth sad Ohio streets. same wee referred to the Commissioner Rt i ~~ Property to inetivot the eaperlntendent of the Light Plant to grant Laid request, ~ oarried u on Deli of the roll b the followin vote: Yeas Lnoke Haaeli Yan i P y. B . y. p.. ,, Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. • ~; On motion by Member Van }deter, that the Commissioner of Publio Property order p• ,,pp ~ ' !C PL"'`"'~ ~ light installed st the oorner of Seventh and Madison street, some oarried upon oall~ 7~tfil~µ'.J of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter, Walleoe end ~. Washington -b. i;' ~; On motion by itember Washington, that Subseotion Two, under the. Head of Depart. _ f meat of Pnblio Works of the ordinenoa entitled "eN ORDINriNCE PROYIDING FOR THE i ~~.l+~~' ~~ 6PPOINTISENT a:}D RSTE}tTION OF CERTdIDT CITY OFFICERS eto dND FIXING T " I` / HEIR SAL~IRIE9 !!ff f' be emended so that said Seotion, when amended, will read "Eighty-five (;~©b.00) ~~ Dollars per month" instead of Seven Hundred sad Eighty (~T80.00) Dollars per year- 11~ ~~ The above motion was amended by Member Haselip; by eubeLituting the words "Eighty ;, ($80.00) Dollare•for"Eighty-five (~£3b.00) Dollars"; upon Dell of the roll on the .~ • ~ }; amendment same oarried by the following vote: Yeae, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter. ,~ ,and Wellaoe -4. Nay, Washington -1. Upon oall of the roll of the motion ea ' ~ amended, same oarried by the following vote: Yeae, Laokey, Hazelip, Van iteter and ~ Walleoe -4. Nay, Washington -l. ~' i On motion by Member Hazelip, that the tine of weekly meetinge be ohanged from '0 three o'olook P. }d. to one-thlrty P. M., same oarried upon oall of the roll by the .. ~~ ,. ~( following vote; Yeae, Laokey., Hazelip, Van 1}eter, Walleoe and Washington -b. fj On motion by the above, Thomas H. Clayton was granted deed to lot No, One (11 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~y~ Blook "Y" in Oak Grove Cemetery, for the amount of One llundred and Fifty I~ibO.) ~ ; Dollars - treasurer's receipt for said amount eooompanying Bald application- upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Walleao •~ Fl ~.; and Washington -b. - ~ ~~~ ~; On motion by the above. a transfer of Lot No. Two (2) Hlook 43 in Oak Grove f ~~ ~,,,;fy i; Camotery was granted from Mra. Haily Young and Geo. H. Jeoobe to W. &. Evitte, +~ E v~ ~ Clara Bean. J. E. Evitte and J. o. Evitta, upon call of the roll by the tollowing.• ~, voto: Yeae, Leol®y, Hazelip, Yan Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. •. . Bcu...~~! N On motion Dy the above, the request of iiey Sanders for a refund of Nine (~9.) 9!-° Dollnra .. over-payment on burial parmlt- same wea referred to Geo.. 0. Walleoe, ~'"~""i P`~ 4 Commissioner of Fineaoe, for investigation, upon call of the roll by the following ` ~; ~ Tote; Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, Van }deter, Walleoe and Washington -6.. ' • r. Oa motion by Kayorr Laokey, the rooommandation of City Solicitor Campbell, in' • ~/~ ~~~~ ` .regard to settlement of claim of Joe Ltnllins Qu;,./..,~....7..~.y. against the City,for eooldent occur- ` ~ ing Deo. let, 191b, on Tennessee street, in the amount of X20.00, was oonourrad ~d. ~ ~. ~ and warrant ordered drawn on City ^arenanrer for Twonty Dollars and charged to the i• account of Costa &.Suite, upon Doll of the roll Dy the following votes Yeae, Laoksyl ~; Hazelip, Walleoe -3. Noys: Yan Meter and Washington -2. ~ On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; i. i _:, , ,. .~.,,..~_„_ ~ . ,. _, _ . _ . ..~ _._„_w.... ,_ ~. ~ , .. ~ . ,i ~;,,_ i - ~r ~. P. ~ ~~r. n • ~ m-~~-~r--r ~r~r= 1 L CofYtlrilsSlOri61''S PrOC6Cd1n~S~ City of Paducah ~ January 10 lq~ 6 oontinued r, ~ '' Ysae, Laokey, Harelip, Van.ldeter, Wallaoe ang Washington -b. A !. j! .~..~ 4 '..:.,.: J A N U d R Y 17th 1916. !; t E1 et a regular meeting of the Board of Commiseionere. held in the Counoil ;{ t Chamber, of the City Hall, city of Paduoah; Ky:, on January 17th, 1916, upon pall of ~ ~; the roll the following answered their names: Laokey, Hazelip, Van ldeter, Ylalleoe ~ ti and Washington -b. j )i ~ On motion by 1,lember Hazelip, the minutes of the meeting held Jan. 10th, 1916 r. ~ were adopted ae road upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote: Yeas, Laokey, ~ ~': Haaelip, Van 1Seter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. I, On motion bq Liayor Laokey, that Capt. Fisher be allowed Ten 0110,00) Dollsrei ~~~ ~~ ~,~`,, ~ per month on house rent for threo oonaoontive months, same to be oharged to Charity ~`! aooount, snore carried upon Dell of the roll by .the following voto: Yeas, Laokey, ~ i ~„ Harelip, Van Efeter. Wallaoe and Wanhington -b. i ii On motion by 1Sember Van Meter, that an ordinanoe be brought in. prohibiting j ' a-. !~ I ~"'~° i` the parking of automobiles on the Eaet aido of Third and Fourth 3treeta between i `_a:-~ ~ Kentuokq avenue and Jefferson attests, anme ourried upon call of tho roll by the ;• 'r, ~ :. following vote: Yoae, Lc.okey, Ilazelip, Van IZeter, W~alluoe and Ylashington -b. i Pa.,.A-~c- ~/A/1~ On motion by lSembor Washington, the pay roll of the Stroet Dopartmont for /~ -~~ LF ;: tbo Nook onding Jnn. 1G, 1'J16, not. aovored by ordinnnoa; amonntinq to ;~77.OG, Noe ~' nllowed upon onll of the roll by tho fallowing voto: Yeas, Lankay, Huzolip, j r ~' Van Neter; Wnliaoe nnd.Waehington -b. ~ y~~l~ On motion by the nbovo; that the City bolioitor'e report of opinion on "`~- G ~~ vohi0lea being left standing on the street in the wny of the City Cleaning Departme~,~ , ~. ~ i! be rooeived and filed, some ourried upoh Dell of the roll by tho following vote r UUU ~~ +, Yeas, Laokey, Hnrelip, Yan Lietor, Wallaoe and Washington -b. r n ~ On motion by 1[ombor Wallaoe,thnt the Report~of the i-uditor, showing olaim ~.f.lA-~.fA 4.t. 6.~ /~~a,,,~.. ~ia~d i .for allownnoe, nmounting to ~p12,3G4:8S, bo reoeived and filed, and oheoka drawn on ~ 'I / '~' Troaeury to pay sumeg also that ohooka be drawn on ^.reaaury for ~610.G4 to Dover ~. i onah ordeis made by the Coruniasionere on the Commissioner of Finnnoe under the old t ' `! 'system, some ourried upon Dell of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas. Laokey,. Hazelip, Van Ivieter, Wullnoe and rtashington -b; ., i ,,,,g~..:~ 0n motion by tdember Hazelip. that tranefor of lot ten f10), block "E^. east ?~~ti~~wl:~'.; half, Oak. Grove Cemetory, be grunted from, Anna Karnes and 1Sra; Cummins to Ilrs. wnelia Nestor, sa*ae onrried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey. 73`~__ ~r.-~. Hazelip, Van I~Ioter; Wnilaao and Washington -b.. ' On motion by the above, that the Board of 3upervisore be, and they are ~ ~ i ,~~ Q,~t.~,,.,,,;,~ hereby inatrnoted to romoge all penoil oorreotiona from the real estate book -further,, ~ A~ ~~„~„~,; ,that they are hereby instruoted not to make spy changes in coal estate aaseasments. L. eaoept as to new ikmrovemente, as provided by law;'same.oarried upon Dell of the coll.`s ' ,. i by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Ynn Sleter, Wallaoe, & ~taehington -b. ~ ~~ - j ~' 1 . I i • ; , ~ e ~' . *,` ~ ~~, • ~ ~ .. ~ f .• .,a :. :. .• •. F , II '~ ,~ Commissioner's. Proceedings, City ofPadueeh .,,,.,,,,,*y ~ ~ .h 1SM~., continued On motion Dy iiayor Lackey, that W. J. Forrest, watchman for the ~ I{ Palmer Hotel Company, be granted police powers, without eolary, upon exeautlon of ~.. ~ ~~ { ~ proper bond, ae required b~ law, same curried upon cell of the roll by the ! ' . ..following vote: Yeaa, Lackey, Harelip, Van Ltoter, Wallace and Washington .6, /~~ ~.~ (r~' ' On motion by 1Sember Washington, that Lhe Fidelity & Deposit Company II~ L~'3 Itl/~""' of 1Saryland be roleaeed from the bond of M. F. uheoler acme carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Harelip, Van L:eter, Wallace & Washington -6. On motion by 1lember lYallaoe, that the petition preeented by itr, C, B,, p~ i` Craig, for a cshnnge of Soation ihirtoan (13} of the L:arket House Ordlnunoe, be ~ y . ~}°"~"""`°"~ ~, referred to the Commissioner of Public Property for reoo:.~unendation, same carried ,' ,i :';;,;,> upon oo.ll of the roll Dy the following vote; Yeae, Lackey, Huzelip, Yan thter, Wallace & Washington -6, I On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the Poliowing ~; f votes Yeas, Luokoy, Harelip, Yan P.totor, Gullaoo and Washington -G, • !~ .~ , i H SOP D ~~ t{ ; { +I . • ~~~ ~; f • t i • f' r: ~~ i • r ' I .~ ~~ ~ ~ ,Z II ~ .. U `~ • .. 1, i ~ .. ~. ~ I.1 ~ i~ ~~ .. ~• .. • • ~! ~ ' t ~ .. .. 1 ' ~ ~ k f ~ .. v 1, I i• .. yT 1. ' ,. a . : ,~ .,. ,, a ~, ~ :. . ,:f ~, - r~..rr .w~r~ . ~...~ ,.,,.~~. ~.,~.,,. ~...~ ,.... ~., ~.. ~.. i ..., .~ ~ ... ~. u.u~~y .........,., r.,„F,.....H.,..p.i...„,,,, ,.w Iwwu a ~w....,u.~Wn I""'T., ..~+ww,+wr W'.r.