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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deosmber E7th jgj 6
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at a rsgalar meeting o! the Board of Commiasionere, held in the Counoll
Chamber of the City Ball, City o! Padnaah, 8entnoky. on Dso. E7th, 1916, upon :~
sail 0! Lhs roll the following anawored thslr names: Marton. Walleos and
Washington - 3. ~
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On motioa~ the minntea of the previona meeting were. adopted ae read, npoa
oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Marton, Walleoe ead.Waehingtoa- S.
On motion,by Member Marton, Bssry Healey was granted transfer of saloon
liaeaae Prom 1039 to 1043 $entuoky •-venne. upon oell of the roll by the follow.
ing vote: Yeas, Marton. Wallaee and Washington - 3. ~
On motion by Member Washington. the pay roll for the Street Department for
the week onding Dsoember,E4th, 19ib, not oovered by ordineaoe, and paid by oaeh
order, amounting to iF13b.60, was reoeived affi filed, npoa oall of the roll by
the following vote: Yeae~ Marton. Walleoe nod Washington - 3.
Oa motion by Member Wallaoe. deeds were greeted to Mra. dddie O'Brien to iI
Lot 36. Hlook 47, South half, and Mr. D. C. Tooker, Lot 24, Blook 1, new edditioa~(
both 1a Oak Grove Cemetery, -also transfer of lot 10 in Hlook 47, from pied iii
Roth to Mrs. G. W. Robertson, in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon oa11 of the roll Dy '
the following vote: Yeas, Marton, Walleao and Washington - 3.
Oa motion the Board adjourned, npoa oall of the roll by the following
. vote: Yeas, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - 3.
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DECEMBER 30th. 1916.
- it a oalled mooting o! the Board of Commiaalonsre, held !n the Connoil
Chamber o! the City Ball. City of Padnoah, Hantnolq, on Deoember 30th, 1916,`
upon oall of the roll the following annerod thou names: Burns, Baselip, Marta
Wallaoo and Washington - b.
The Hoard met for the purpose ot~granting l~'rnnk .-ugustna a trial - ho hatia
been suspended from the Polioe Department on November 16, 1916, for alleged
upon motion by Member Walleoe,
ooadnot nnbsooming nn offioer-/ldr. 0. s. Wiokliffa, attorney for said Augaetns,.
filed ea affidavit, withdrawing Mr. auguatue' request for trial, on aooount o!
inability to eeoure alleged important witness. Said affidavit wan rsoeived
and filed npoa oell of the roll by the followlttg vote: Yaae, -r..., Bazelip,
Marton, Wallsoe and Washington - b. Nay :Burns, 1.
On motion by.Msmber Waehingtoq,::that::tha report oP•Commieeio:l'er'Butns,npon:
tha.enepeneion of;pa~rplman:,~uguatuq.ba_.liled sad~oonoursed in, same oarried
end said duguatua was suspended to January 8, 1916, npoa oall of the roll Dy
the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Bazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washin~eton -b.
On motion the Board adjourned, npoa oell of the roll by the following vote
Yeas, Burns, Bazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington.
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