HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/15 & 12/16/15r` r.+:.~ ~~ o ~;~ C ,~~'-~ ~{~~• ~~2~~L~~~ c.~lt.~' s ~~/j~~ __ ~ a~ [/(~-lam ~~ t~+/~ ~'tAM~ C ~s :N~S~.~.~+~`y' C~~a-sL..--~ r-, e..e. %~~ ~Gc, . :.:~ cu I m~•~I~ar~ ~.usn ~.ouri~~l~al r1~_~Jtv~..-; .L, ,. L .. ,: v: ,..... ~ .. :, ... _. ..~ .,.<.. "x .,, .:. ...., -t„~. ~.cy~, ~.: :. ,. ;~ ,_ :::. ~ .~,,:.: ~...4 ..wra.,.., «w. «„xey~vwiraL......«ati».:~- . ., ., .., . y,..... ~ .~~ .. ... , tsr..~....___ OfPadttCah Dooember lath 191 At a regular meeting oY the Board of vommiaeionere, nerd a,n cne uounoll Chamber of the City hall, Psduoah, Kentuolry, on Deo. 18, 1916, upon oall of the roll tho following, answered their namoe: Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wullaoo and Washington - b. On motion the minutos of the previous mooting xore adopted as road, upon + oell'of the roll by the following note: Yeast Hurna, Haaelip, Ltarton, Walleoe ii! and Washington • 6. E E On motion by 13embor Horns. the transfer of a saloon license of Tuok Lowe ~` - j was laid over for invoetigation, upon oall of the roll by the following votes h Yeae, Burns, Haaelip, Liarton, Wallaoo and Washington - b. On motion by Ltember Ltarton, atatoment from the Liberty Hell Committee, in regard to the exponae of some, wsa received and f41ed upon cell of Lhe roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Wailboe and Washington- b. i On motion by LIember Washington "Fins ORDIIdniiCE Gi?.,i1^aIIdG TO T5E ILLIIdOY$ CEYdTR.aL RAILROAD C013'nldY THE RIGllT TO COIdSTRUC^a a SPUR Ti2nCK .:GROSS L10IiR0E ' STREET BETt7EI~1 IiYNTH AtdD TEid^aH STI?EFTS, ~i'ROLi THE TRACK OF ^aHE ILLI1d0Y9 CENTRAL Ge. i RAILROAD CObiZ'etIdY, e-DJOYNII+G THI: TdESi :iYDE OF THE PRUFERTY OF TIIE PnDUCnli BRE"NERY COLTPbNY, TO TISE PROPE!?^aY OF T1iE WEYI.t.,ti-BRUTOId COLtPaiiiY, IN TLI'.` CI^aY OF PADUCuH, i KEti'PUCKY", was given ita.paasuge upon call of the roll by the following votes j' i 1 ~. Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, tdalleoe and Washington - 6. ~ ! , On motion by Ltomber Washington, payroll for the Street Dopartment for the wool[ ending Sat. Dooember 11, 191b, not oovored by ordinance and paid by cash t i order, amounting to ;~13t3.i16, xas reooived and filed upon call of the roll by th! i ,' •following-vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, 1Galleoe and Washington- b. I i ',~ On motion by 1lember Ltarton, that all bide on Jackson Hill property be i ~~ :re~eoted and the sale declared off, same carried upon call of the roll by the f ' following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallace and Washington- 5. } ~I I On motion by Etembor Wnllaoe " AIt ORDINeidCE RELiu^ING TO nND i2EGULATIIJG ? ~; r, I1, ~ 'THE 1,k1:u~T HOUSE ~OF TilE OITY OF PADUC:II, K1TiTUCK](, PRESCI?IBIIIG THE RULES FOR THE CONDUCT THEREOF AliD THE PEtd..LTIES THEREUiil>EI?, FsIdD FI%ING TIIE PRICES TO 11E { I CHFiRGED FOR TllE i2F,[IT OF BENCHES e1tiD ST.J.LS TliEREIId" was given its pacsai;e, upon call of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, ~ H I; Wallace and S:ushin[rton- b. ~~ On motion by Ltayor Hazelip "AId ORDIIdAIiCE ~LiC1dDING iili ORDINANCE ENTITLED "A21 J` ~"~ ORDINANCE GOYEi2NIIiG THE SALE OF LiILK ..1dD OTHEi? DAIRY PRODUCTS, u1dD REGULA^aIIi6 ~ THE SLIdITAl?Y CONDITION OF DeIi2IE3 AND LiILK DEPOTS n1dD TliE CONDITIONi e,I7D USE OF } !~ UTENSILS, VEHICLES, ETC., USED IN HAIIDLING, LL~NUFnCTURIitG OR SuLE OF LIILK OR I • i {~ .DAIRY PRODUCTS IN THE CITY OF PADUCeH, KENTUCKY, AND I2EPEALIiiG CEi?TdID ~' ORDIIdeIdCES OF THE CITY OF PADUCnH, APPROVED BY Jn1+~3 P. SLIITH, LwYOR, SEPTEL(B8F[ (l li 1, 1911" xea given its passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~ ~' Yeae, Borne, Heselip, Harton, Wallaoo and Washington- 6. f On motion by Liayor Hazelip, "Ali ORDI1tu1dCS i?EPl`sriLING ORDItdAIiCE NULIBFaT 18 ~i I• ENTITLBD "AN ORDINAitCB xLtEIiDIIdG SECa^ION lb OF dIi ORDINANCE EN^aITLED "AN Oi2DIId61i'CE GOVERNING THE SeLE OF LIILK AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, AIiD i2EGULATING THE it ~, SAiII^aAIiY CONDITION OF DAIRIES AddD HiILK DEPOTS AI1D THE COfiDITIOtd FudD USE OF u r UTENSILS, VEHICLES, E^a0., USED lid HANDLING, 1.LtNU~LLCTURING OR S„LF, OF LtILK OR DAIRY PRODUCTS IId THE CY^a7( OF P..:DUCAH, KENTUCKY. AIID REPEFSIiiG CERa^eIii ORDIN.;IdOES OF THE CYTY OB' PADUCAH, eiPYi?OVER BY JAL~.S P. SLRi~i, LLiYOt~, SEPa^~.tBER s' 1, 1911", Pw,",SED BY THE BOAi?D OF COi~tISSI0NER3 I.i.-RCIi 1, 191 b, .;.ND RECORDED ~,liiARCH~ 8, 191b" wua,given its passage, upon"osli of the roll by the following J . " , '., ~: y,- ~~, , . g: _~ _i ,~„ . H. • . .. '., ~ -' :. ;'. 1 ,. r ____ . " ..., " • f • . .• . ;.. .. . ,... ... _.,. t j Nn // 3 " _ ~ CQ22't$l1SS1U22CT'.S P1DGC1Cf~IngS, Cil~ Of PaaFtia~h - 'n„-,. • ~ ath - ~ ~'"j~jj~aontinued , i' "vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, L:arton, Wallace and Washington.- b. ~, ,9 r~ i On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the City ~oliaitor be, and he ie hereby ~ y . f ~„it j; instructed to bring in an ordinance providing that all aereot milk sold in the pit9 'r j ~ oY Paducah shall be Yrom tuberculin tested case, and Ynrther providing that no ~ . ;_';~-,. general test oY nettle shall be made until Jan. let, 1918, same serried upon call ~ + ? y; " ~ ~, oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, darns, Hazelip, L'arton, Wallace and ~ „ ~ Washington- 5. • ,, ~.. !' On motion,.the Board adjourned, upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: ' Yeas, Barns, Hazelip, L:arton, Wallace and Washington- 5. ~ ' ~, ~~ `Y~ ~, ' ~q.,,~ t ~ ... .. ......_.-., 2 ' ~: t ~~ t .. ''' - . ,, ~ , . ~ i ~ ~ ~ •~ g ~ ~ 1}i} .. ~ .. ~, i~ D E C E Lt B E~j 16- 191b. , 'I ~; ~-t a called meeting oY the Boaxd oY Commissioners, hold in the Counoii, ." Chamber oY the City ]call, Paduonh, Kentucky, on yoo. 16, 1915, upon call of the. • ~ roll the Yollowing answered their names: Liurton, Walluoe and Washington- 3, €€ On motion by itombor ]Barton. the Yinanoiul allowance Yor salaries, etc., { ~~~n+~-~-~ t" amounting to r~3.07©.7b, was n1loMOd and ohoolcs ordered drum. for seuae,"upon cull ~ ,. ~; " ~~~ur-sne,c oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, btnrton, Wnlluoo and Washington- 3.' 1. i (Hazelip name in ) On motion by itomber Iaarton, transfer oY saloon lioonee oY iuol: Lowe from ~/ccc<~ ~ is 1325 Wuehinpton St. to 622 udams street, wua graritod, upon call cY tho xoil by flat ' ;i%<<~~~-~ ~ ~~ Yo11oe+Uil* voto: Yoaa, Hazelip, T.turton, tYnlluao and Wushin(~ton- 4. ~n fi rte... ~' On motion the Bonrd ud~ourned, upon null oY the .roll by the, followinec G . w (,; ! " ~ votes Yeas, Suzolip, ldarton, Wallace and Y~ushirutton - 4. } Citp Cletl~ ~ .u:. .c;~~ ~~ ~ • (`4~ `, ~ " ? j~ ~ [ - F ~. p ~ y, ~. ~ ~, ~ ' !. i ~ , `, i ~. r. i' i f ~ 1 , i • ! i, l~ f ~ ~` ,, ~ , V :.,. ... ~ ,. .x,. ..,._... .. -~..' .:..: ,. , ' ~- . , ..-,SC<q ~,vt+. °~J, rS?~f .v...._ .... _ .. ....w .. .. .,,. :''.,,,•~#~"~.'`S,S~.='.5.~4"e?.~"~:7"~ ~f~A'n'.,,""~b~'"'+'"~•.FI°'!,se a«"%w "„-!t~ ~..