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Commissioner's Proceedings, ~1#y Of Padncsh Deoember 6th ~glt b ~': ~ At a regular meeting of the Board ofCommiasionera, held in the Counoil ~~ 1 Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Eentuolpr, on Yaoember 6th, 191b, upon oall of ~ ~! the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wal]a oo I and Washington - 5. :. ~; ~; On motion the minutes of thq previous meetings were adopted as read, upon ,,; oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and ;, p Washington - b. ~/~~ ~ , ' G:~"'~` J ~ ~ ' On motion by itember 13urna,the Puroheaing Committee was authorised to purohase euoh hose as absolutely neoeaeary for the Fire Department- same to be bought on x ~~ time, ea will permit the pnrohaee pries being taken ogre of is the dpportionment - ~~ ~~ E' ordinanoe, upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Uazelip, • ; Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ', : On motion.by Ltember Ylalleoe, deeds were granted to the following lots in Oak ~~ a ~~ Grove Cemete G~ " ,p .~.~ ry: ldra. Effie Roser, lot 29 1n Blook 1, new addition- John W. t ~~ ~ G ~ Ty ~,~ ~~~Nw Parrotj.lot 44 in Hlook 3, new addition- 14rs. L. 1t. LloIntoah, lot GO blook 1, new ' ~fr~/~ ~b~~s~ addition- D. C. Tuoker, lot 25 in Blook 1. new additon- 1:,ra. E. t3, Smith, lot ( `~p , • 69 in Bleak 1, new addition- and J. E. Lawless, lot 6t3 3n B1ooY. l~ nola additiop, ! upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, liazolip, Ltarton, Wallaoe.( . i -- ~ ~ and Washington - 5. ~ C~lw~Ir~L ` ' !: On motion by the above, the report from the $ohool Board 1n re@erd to ' approximate amount needed for the maintenanoo of sohonle in the oity of Paduoah for ~ ; { ~~,yy,,L ~, the year beginning January 1.1916 and ending Looombor 31, lil1G, as follows; ~' For salaries of teaohera and employees .............80,000.00 .m ;; • !; For supplies and equipment ......................... 4,39b~00 • j For fuel, lights, eto . ............................. 2 OO.UO E ,« For building and repairs ............................ 13~000.UO .; For inaurw:os ...................................... 400.00 i~ For misaollanoous .................................. 1 000 00 ~ J~i~ , C ;~r.. ~' EatLnated Inoome ; `~ ~ r'rom State ,~2©,000.00 ? ~~ ~ ~ From tuition .................. Gb0.00 ......... 28,Gb0.00 , • 'b bo raised by looal tax .........................$ 72,34b,U0 .~ ~' , j. was seoeived and filed, upon oull of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Burna~ ~~ Hozellp, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington b. • ri` . :k ~~~~~ On metlon by l:lember Washirkrton, the following was introduoed " µll ORDINdItOE ! `; ~_ ~ ~ GR+iBTING ^10 a^fiE ILLINOIS CEItI?+iL RwILI?U++D COLIP.iNY TUE BIGHT 1'U COIISTI?UCT a SPUR ' C% 1~7?' ~l~mT TRbCB eiCROSS LtOlti?UE STi?I:ET '3Eil:'I~IF.H itIU4U +iItll TEI,TH STt'?EE^•3, F1iULt TILE TRaCH OF THE K ~ L~ `~~t ILLIUOIS CF IITR IL Ii iILH0 IdY 1D COLA' 1DJOIHILIG THE NP;ST SIDE OF SIlE PROPERTY OF T 1E + + , + + ++ + 1 F d~-~r-iLctie ~~ . ~ 1'bDUC+:}1 BfiEFfE.RY COUP+~IlY, ^a0 THE PNOPEi1TY OF T11E 1~EYfSuN-BRUTON C011'ANY, IN TUE OITY . OF PdDUCr+U, KE[1TUC]iY". ~' ' /„~ ~u, On metlon by the above, the payroll for the Street Department for the week ; . ~ ' - o ^~L}. ending Laoomber 4, 191b, oraounting to v148.E0, not ooverod by ordinnnoa, and pull ,Q by oash order, was rooelved and filed upon oail of the roll by the following votes ~t Yeas, Burns, Hnzollp, Ltarton, Uallaoe and Gaehington - G. // ~~~ ~~ ~ ~'r~vr-,~ ~/ o O otio b t l b r B th t R Hi k B b ti th d ll . , y a n m n . em e urns, . e con . c s nue on e payro , oasried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, l:urton and ". ~ Washington - 3. Nays: Hazelip 8o Uallaae- 2, ' ' On motion by ltayor Hazelip, the report from the Women's Club wee received and ! ~j~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ii filed, upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, ,y ~i~t~ . ~! Wallaoe and Washington - b. `i li On motion the Board ad~ourned,upon oell of the roll by the following vote: ..w ~ ,. . . ~~;~u,.,;; Burns Hazeli Ltarton Wallaoe and Washin ton b `'~ ~' saw ' , . , p. g ' ~ , ~~~~J ~ ~ ~ ~ %l~Glf ~ste ~ 1 ~.: .«~, `° ~~ ._:~-.-. f e • ,~ ,t ~, ~.