HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/15~ Na fi'r' Commissioner's Proceedings, Cify of Paducah November -9 jQj••¢- ' ___ i 1 z ' ;s e ~. v .,.~ ;~ `> t {{{+ $ ~ ~. e , • part of the picture ba not shown in Paducah, same oarried upon Deli of the roll ' by the following vote: Yeas, Hums, Hazelip, Efarton, Wallaoo and Washington- 6, ' 4i ~ -~.r.,:~..~ ;; On motion by iiember Burns, the matter of permitting Chos.•Rieke and sister, • ;; L1aba1, to open a private oemetory, or the purchase of their p mperty by th.e.0lty, I ' i and the matter of the contemplated sale of Jaokeon Hill property be referred ao. ~ ' Commiseloner of Publi P t d C t S at a regales meeting of the Board o! iiommiealonera of the City of Paducah,. ha14 in tho Council Chamber of the City Hall, Padnouh, Iiontuoky, on November 29,. ' 191b, upon cell of the roll the following answered tlJelr namoe: Hurns, Hozellp, ~ ±. ''' Ltarton, Walleoe and Washingtdn - 5. t On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon cell +I{ of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Hurns, Hazelip, 1larton, Wallace and /J~ • ~ ~~ 17eahington - b. c.~sc-tr`%~^~- ~ On motion by lleyor Hazelip, that it ba the eenBe of the Board of Commission. i ara.that tho part in the picture "The Birth of a Nation" be out out whore the (<<~ee~~ir.G '~ negro soldier proposes marriage to a white girl and purauee her, and that that o roper y an 1 y olioitor for investigation and report •beak to this Board, serried upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, ~~1 `'-_ `" ~~"~'• ~ Burns, Hazelip, L'artoa, Wallace and Washington - b. • " On motion b iSembar Walleoe deed was Y granted Susie Ford to Lot E7 in Block one, new addition to Oak Grove ~ematery, oarried upon oBll of the roll by the ~ following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, itarton, Wallaao and Washington . 5. ~•cc~.y ~~ '' --~ On motion by 1Sember Barton, that }larket House bonds, numbers 23 and b0, sad ~ i ~~. - City of Paduash ~ioapital Bond Ho, lE- the puroheae of which wee authorized at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners 11ov.2E, 191b- same were ordered destroyed i by the Clerk at this meeting, which was done- oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, itarton, Wallaoo and Washington, 6, Ili•-Q.tD Q ~ I- y/ / i On motion by Liembor Washington, that the payroll for the Stroet Dopartmant for ,J ' ~ - ~ ,~~~*,~y ~•~-I~ ~ the weok ending Uovember 2?th, 191b, amounting to y~169.10, not oovored by ~ i- ordinance, and paid by cash order, was roceived and filed upon sell of the roll r ._ _ by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, l.Iarton, Wallaoo and Washington - 6. l~i~s ~ i On motion by ttembor Uulluoe " AN OIiDINeilICE OREdTING dliD PROVIDIIIO N'OR THE ~'~ !~ SALE OF A FRAIICHISS i0 COIlSTRUCT, ESTABLISH. l~[INTdIH AIID OPERATE !! TELFPHOiJE . ~~j2 GiL•t~l~l. 1 SYSTEii IU THE CITY OF PaDUC.~I, KENTUCKY" was given 1ta paesago, upon cell of the. • roll by the following, vote: Yoae, Burns, liuzelip, I:Surton, Wnlluoe and Washington,5 ~-- A ~ ' < ~.~ c~7"- On motion Dy~the =~abOve;•.that~+the; contract .between the~Puduouh.lt9me,1'elopho+}e ~/ ~ ~ ~` , ~~`~ `~y4 Comp4ay~and,the~City,of..Padugah:.be.•o=seated by:xhe-Etayor, oarriod upon call of the roll by the following•vote: Yeas, Burns, linzelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washington-6~' Oa motion the Board ad~ouared, upor• call oY the roll by the following vote: Barra, Bazelip, >zarton, Halleoe & Washington - b. _~ i I '. Oity Oler$ ~ Y - , w .. .. ;'' ~: .. i i ~` . ~.......-+--+v.y~;a-. ~ .~ n