HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/15~ . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of ~. . ~,,.~~ , I y L ; ~ LLB,. ~::,..ti k ~ W~~ n t~.w y _.n~~,~: n yp ' t:as.4 i?;rnrv,~y'9, Na.L,~., • ~ AL a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaeionsrs, held in the Connoil Ohambes of the C1ty Hall, Paducah, Bentuohq~ on November 22, 1916, upon call of . i~ the roll the following naswored Choir names:. Burns, Hs:e11p, !Barton, Wallace ' ~ 8 Washington - b. • ~ On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adoptod ea road, upon, ~ f cell of the roll bq tho following rote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Walleos • } & Weahingtoa - b. . ~~~ ~~ i.• On motion by MemDor Burns, the Fidelitq a Dspoeit Oo. of Maryland was ~~ 4-i h released off of the bond of Steinhauer & Barger, anloon license, same having been ~~r •% ~1 tsoaefarred to Ghria Herger, on cell of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeas, }; ~~,~~ ~ Borne, Hnaolip, itartoa, Wellaoo & Washington - b. . ~ ,., Oa motion bq the above, the saloon license of M. H. Oalisgher at 829 Trimble ~' end bond rocs fed . O~yyJ,G?„~~. +~s- St. wen tsanaferred to Gene Thompson at the samo number,~on osll of the roll by . ~`' ~~ the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, itarton, Wellnoe & Uaahington - 6. * ~rTi ' JI~W On motion bq the above. a transfer of a saloon lioonae wen granted to.Franl 7/"9~>.<-,. Wagner iron 434 Norton St. to 21b South Second St., upon cell of thq roll by _ _ the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Walleoe & Washington - b; ~/~'~ On motion by tho above, a transfer of a saloon liaenee wen granted from . /moo U ~ Freak Wagner to J. 6. Nolan at 21b S. Second 9t.- 1,ir. Nolan offered ea hie boad• . a,,~.~.-~, the Equitable Surety Uo. of St. Louis, Mo., which was accepted - carried upon • ~ _ call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Surna, Harelip, ttarton, Wallace 6 CK%~~ ~ Washington - b. . C~~ On motion by 1SemDer Marton, that the City of Paducah purahaee from the Jae. Yrileon & Oompany of Louisville, the following bonds : 1lerket House, X1,000.00; ~; Hospital, ,~b00.00 -the purchase prior to be 9b~oente and accrued interest- carried upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, eurne, Harelip, '~,'y itarton, Wellaoe & Washington - b. .yfa.. ~'~`"'~ On motion Dy laember Walleoe, a dead was granted to Mra. N. Iverlet to Lot b in Hlook 4?, Oak Grove Cemetery, Padnoah, Xy., upon cell of the roll bq thq ' following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Marton, WaLlsoe & Washington - 6, • ~~f~~t~~aGU.Ce•.G On motion by the above, the Yollowing ordinance wen idtroduoed " ~AN `L~71.'~ ~~'~ ~ ORDIN.diOE CREATIIdO dI1D PROYIDIIdG POR :HE S..LE OF A FRditCHI~ TO CONSTRUCT, EST68LISH, 116IHT6IIi AND OPERdTE A TELSPHOHE $YSTEFd IN THE CITY OF PADUCdH, • ~~f~~~-~ ~, SENTUCISY " ,~ same to ley over one week from date. L-'/~~--~~~~( On motion by }Somber Washirgrton, the pay roll for the Street Department !or ~as22cf/ ~~' the week ending Nov. 20th, 191b, emounting to $128.80, not covered bq ordinance, . paid Dq oeeh order, wns received and tiled upon cell of the roll by the following • vote; Yeas, Burns, Harelip. itarton, Wallace & Washington - b. ~ ~/. On motion by LlemDer Welleoe, that the appointment bythe Magos of C. C. ' ~~ Hp"~ /~ Gsasaham ae a member of the Carnegie Library Board, to till out the unszpirad `~'~`7"`~: term of Rev,, C. 9. ttuin, bs ratified, carried upon call of the roll Dq the _ following vote: Yeas, tlurae, Harelip, L".arton, Walleoe & Washington - 6. .. ~-~-~-• On motion by itayor Heselip, that the Certifioete of Election Commissioners C~~ti~~~ corrected, in regard to the Bond issue for sewer and watererorke, be race wed and . 9.~u~v,%~p;, f- j filed, carried upon cull of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Walleoe & Washington - b, t ` .. I + I• i. '-., ~,;: y !. Y .... <;;~t