HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/15• .:~~ ~- ~., ~ ,. ,: ~~ i ~~~~ I ~. .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of ~.. No. /° 3. j • , aT•a regular meeting of the Board of Coma-iaeionese, hold in the Oounoil 4( • ChaiQber of the City Ball, Paduoeh, Bentuoky, on November 8th, 1916, upon Dell of '~ e • ' the roll.ths following answered their names: Burns, Heaelip, Wallaoe and f Washington - 4. Marton absent. .. •f{~ ~~ On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted ae read, upon i ~ t Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Haselip, Wallaoe and 'I Washington - 4. ~ ~~ti~ ~ On motion by Member Burns. the request for a transfer o t saloon liaeneo of V ~~ Frank Wagner from 434 Horton street to 726 9. Third Street, same was reoeived and ~ filed upon Dell oY the roll by the iollowing vote: Yeae, Burns, Haselip, Wallaoe 1 ~y_ and Washington - 4. Cs//~~ /~ Y/ i. On motion by Ltombar Washington, that the Mayor be authorised to appoint. C7°~~0~ ~~~~ four delegates to the Ohio Yalley inprovement ~1as'n. whioh meets at Cinoinnati, ~~:'~-•`-"~'`~•~ Ohio on Nov. 1Bth, the expenses of thioh is not to azoeed ~r150,00, and said ~~ ~ amount be taken from the Contingent Fund, oarrled upon oall of the roll by the i _ following voto: Yeae, Burns, Heaelip, Wallaoe and Washington - 4. ~i,.~~~, On motion by ltember Washington, that the payroll for the Street Dopertment ~ ` _ '. for the week ending Nov. 6th. 1916, amounting to y~142.60, not oovered by ordinanoe .•~ :and paid by Dash order. be reoeived and filed, onrried upon Doll of the roll by p p ti the following vote: Yeae. Burns, Hazelip. Wallaoe and Washington - 4. ~•~O ~~~ On motion by Member Wallaoe, that deed be granted to C. C. Covington, to lOt ~,-~ ~ 1 ~.~~p,~ 10 Blook 40 in Oak Grove Cemetery- also a tranafor be granted W. C. Cruse to ~~~w the North half of Lot 26 in Blook 49 in Oak Grove Cemetery- also that the south half of Lot 26 Blook 44, in Oak Grove Cemetery be transferred to Mrs. Leota Newman from J. W. Craham, onrried upon Dull of the. roll by the following vote; CD Yeae, Burns. Haselip, 'L'ellaoe and Washington - 4. ~~t''~"'' On motion by 1!ayor Haselip, that the oertifioatoe of eleotion grunted by the.. ~ ~' • eleotion oommissionera of L1oCreoken oounty to Ernest Laokey, ae Lluyor, L, a. ~ ~,=,~ry ~R ~~~p ,~~ Washington, Geo. C. Ptallaoo, Thos. I{. Hazelip and C. L. Yan ISeter, as Commieaionera G~ ~,,~~~~e/3~~ to take their seats on the first Lionday in January 1916, bo reoeived and filed, and ', c'j,~/j~jc~.fY e~~ made part of the reoord of this meeting, and further, that the oortifioate of :7,=c~X's'~1i~i~Y County Judge James Lt. Lang, showing the quelifioetion and npprovel of bonds of Ernest Laol~y ea Iiayor-eleot and Ceo. C. Wallaoe, Thoe. N. Hazelip , L. a. Washington and C. L. YanL:eter ae oommiasionera-eleot, ba reoeived and filed and reoorded as part of the pr ooeedinga of this meeting- said oertifioetee of County f Judge Jas. Li. Lung being ne follows, to-nit: BaaTE OF KEGiUCKY ~ ae. • _ ' COUIITY OF lioCRaCKEH ~' TO WHOM IT iL,Y COIiCEi'tH ; I' i I. James 11. Lang„ County Judge of LioCrnakan County, Kentuoky, do oertify ' that L. d. Washington, Commisaionor eleoL oP the City of Paduonh, hoe presentod to me a oortifioate of his eleotion, and has Qualified- aooordiag to lea- by exeouting bond in the sum of Ten Thousand (,p10,000.00! Dollars • for the faithful performnnoe of his duties as euah, and hue taken the oath ~~ presoribed by the Constitution, and that said bond, together Witt. the Suroty thereon, has boen duly and regularly approved and aooepted, ;; Thde 8th day of Iovember 1915. (Signed) Jne. Lt, L ounty Judge. •' a.' . "\ ?' ,., , t .. ,D 5 '~ { ~. ' ~°~" 4 :~ . ,. r "~ .~4= -~~.~~.. :sari .d„,. «. .w.~,~~;.ar~.~t"i.x:.-~~u:.~u.~.es~ir~d mdd~mn~ee.-c~rnd~~.,_n :.,......~.,.r.,~d-m~,-~~~;... ,. ' ' "+~.': 6rA• .+aG:i~~h'.+JrNia:urvWN~ww,. r~.a•i y. ~ .y.::J~wyh%I .....e.... •.r .~. .r.. ~aa/wr..w,~.aw~ y(..,.i..w.;:.: . - , w 1 , .y ~: ., ~ . .. • :, . r„ .. .~ .. No. ' /o Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Nov. ath 191 b aontinned ; ~-^'~ . - ~ ~ "State of gentuoky ~~ i I ~~{~~ ~ ~Connty of MaCraoken - ~ ~ ~~i :; ~; TO WHOM I T MAY COIdGEI?Ii I, James M. Lang. County Judge oY bioCraoken Conrity, do oertiYy ~ . .that the following offioera eleot of the City oY Puduoah, have pre- ~.. '` sented to me aertifioatea of their eleotiona roaveotively, and have 1 ' ~ qualified.sooording to low by eseouting bond in the sum of .=10,000.00 i ' ' u. eaoh,.for the fr~tthful performanoo oY their duties ea auoh, and have ii token the oath presoribed by the aonatitution and that suid bonds. together with the surety thereon have been duly sad regularly { • ~ ,• uPProved and sooepted. Said offioera eo presenting auoh oertifioatea of eleotioa were ~ ~. . ~ ns follows, f . >;rneat Luokey for the ofYiae of biayor, from the first Monday in ~' a daauary, 1916,. to the first bionday is January, 1920, ~. Ooor~e C. Welleoe, as oommiesioner Yrom the first ltoaday in •. I' January 1916, for a term of two years. . C. L. Yan bteter, as Commissioner from the Yiret Monday in January 1916 for a term oY trvo years. is ~i Thoe. N. 3iaaelip, oa oommiaaioner,from the first bioaaey in ~ E Januory 1916, for n term of two years. 2 ` Oiven candor my hand this November Bth,, 19ib. { ,~ (Signed) Jug. bt. Lan2' ~ •.~: County dodge. , ~ . .. , " ~ ~. ii ~: same oorried npoa oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Hoaelip, '? y; Wallnoe and Washington - 3. .Borne no • '•'-!~~. { ~^ On motion the Board edjonrned upon oall of the roll by the ~ `~ following votes .Yeaa~ Boras. Heaelip. Wolleoe end Woshington - 4. ti„_,,,,' ~, ._,.. .. ~; ~ ~ ~: ~ ~• ~~ vet ' a - i ~:i~ ~_ ; .~ ' . ~~ . i i ~ r.rr.. Wi ..~. _ t t