HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/15~~ ", ~,. ~ ,;~ .,, :; ., . ~- ~ ~ - ~r '. x~ _. I ~ ~ .. .. ' ' sL t _.. •~ No. ~0 ° ~ ''`~ ,~ ~,.~; Commissioner's of Padueafi Oeteher , Hth 191 AL s regular meeting oY the Board oY Commiseioners,oY the City oY ~ Padnoah, held in the Connoil Chamber, 1a the City Hall,•Padnoah, $q., on Oot. ~ i', ' 18th, 1916, upon oall oY the roll the Yollo9ring answered their names: Barns, j u I ' Hazsllp. Marton, Yelleoe and Washington - 6. 1 ' On motion, the minutes oY th• previous meeting were ad.optsd as resd,~ i upon oall of the roll by the following •ote: Yeas, Bnrna, Hazelip, Marton, ! Wallaoe and Washington - b. i On motion by Member Burns, the Fidelity & Dspoait Co. oY Maryland was released off oY the bonds oY F. S. Barton and J. D. Rothrook, retailer ooftee house dealers, provided surety bonds have been exeanted by ,their ~ i evooeeeore, carried upon call oY ths.roll by the following vote: Yens. Barns,l $naslip, Marton, Yelleoe and Washington - 6, V On motion by Member Marton, the amount oY $382b.10 was elloxed for salaries, eto., and oheoke ordered issued Yor same, upon pall of the roll by th• following vote:. Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Barton., Yelleoe and Washington -.b,~ On motion by Member Walleoe, that the ohallengera at the Primary eleotion be paid",~E.00 eaoh, the inapeotora be paid X1.00 eeoh, sad where one party sots ae both ohallengsr sad inepeotor he be paid j2.00, parried upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, YalIaoe and Yaahingtoa - b. On motion by Member YaehingtQa, the pay roll Yor the week ending gat. Dot. 16, 1916, emonnting to X146.76, not oorsred bq ordinanoe, and paid by oeah order; was reoeived end filed upon sell oY the roll by the following •ote: Yeea, 8urne, Harelip, Marton, Wallops and Washington- 6. On motion thu Board ad~onrned, upon Doll of the roil by the following vote: Yeae,.Bnrns, Heselip, Marton, Yelleoe sad Yashington- b, ~i~lo .__._...... ~C..~fY(dR. I; QIEy Ol ;. ;. ",, '~ b - i. ~,, ~ ~:, . I~ ~; ' ~ • ;~. , ~..,, , y ._ ._ . y~.T .. ~~ i~"w^