HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/15i ~ ~ _. .._„t-.-,.. ' lies - , '....,;,. -+w.:....;..-•+.:.....: .c+~.w+ v~ '~:a.Yr ry 4^ ,.. ~ ...:.,.,n. ' ~ N~'-~- Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofP~ducah oat.. a 191.E ' 3. 4t a segnlsr westing of the Board of Qommiesf.onera, held ia.the y " Oonnoil Ohambes of the Oity Hall, Oity of Paducah, 8y. oa October 4, 181b, npoa ' Dell of the roll the following answered their rimes: Burae, Hassiip, Berton, '. , Wallaoe aaa iashingtoa - b. ~'D~,~~~~+f Oa motion Ay ?iembar Hurna, the lotion taken Dy the Board at the . lest meeting is regard to bill of Dr.°:W. H. Parsons, amounting to X90.00, bras re• soinded npoa Dell of the roll by the following Totes Yeae, earns, Hasellp,-ltasttla~':.. --__ '. pallaoe sad Washington ~ 6. - k ' On motion by Member Nallaoe, the minutes of the meetlag~of 8fpt. { t0, Sept. 83 and Sept. P.B, as amerced. were sdopted ae read, upon osll o! the'roll ? R ,; by the following Tote: Ysae, Surae, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ' • ~F~ Oa motion by Member 1Qarton, the fineaoiel report for the month of t ~°''6t"~`~ September was received and filed upon call of the roll by Lhs following vote: Yeas. ~ Herne, Hazelip, Barton, Wa]leoe and Washington - 6. ~ ~'""~"'~"~ Oa motion by the above. the amount of $14,410.47 from the general Ccy2es,-~s..se., fund ewd $100.00 from the special sewer Iliad bo allowed and checks issued for same, ' i oarried npoa sail of the roll by the following Tote: Yeas, Buse. Hazelip, Merton, j , • ~~~-J Wallaoe sad Washington - 6. " ~°~~..1~~C as motion Dy Bember Walinoe, a deed of transfer was granted to • Bd Weatherford, of lot 16 in Hlook "E", Osk Grote Cemetery, eub~eot Lo say right, claim or interest which the heirs of Bra. B. 0. Weatherford (formerly lire. Hattie Dnflout) hale !a said property, upon Dell of the roll by the following Totes Yeae, __ saran, Hazelip, Barton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. O ~~.~ Oa motion by llemberWsshiagtou,the payroll for the week srciag i. . ~~~ Oot. ffid, 191b, for the Street_Departmsnt, amounting to 186.10, not covered by ' ordinanos, paid by Dash order, was received sad filed, upon Dell of the roll by the __, following vote: Y~ne, Hurae, Hazelip, Barton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. •, ~~*~''~-~/ On motion by Member Barton, that owing to 9swer M strict #1 being ,~c/ , overtazsd, that no further ezteneion be permitted- Oa motion by Bayor Hazelip, that the above motion be amended by . iss'f~ A L~ ~~ ~ ~ • deferring notion until Counsel oa other side sea be heard. oarried neon call of the •. roll by the following vote: Yeas,~Burns, Hazelip, Wallaoe and Washington - 4. ~ ~. Bay: Marton - 1. i • ~ On motion by Bember Washington, a petition from property owasse, ,q`~~,p , ;i~l~lrv ~ tenants and coal dealers to open 19th street from ldonroe to Badieon street, w8e ~Jj~r~c~p~ seoeived and filed npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burn., • Hazelip, Berton. Wallsoe and Washington - b. (- ~,y~j ~,'~~','.,`,'~'~,"[ _ ~ Oa motion by Mayor Haselip, s oommuniontion from the bsague of ~ . ' ~ ~ ~/`fl.~~r 4meriosa Bunioipaiitiea wss reoeiTed end filed upon call of the roll by'the folio*!ag rote: Yeas. Borne. Haselip, Barton, Wnlieoe and Washington - b. • Oa motion the Board adjourned npoa call of the roll Dy the following Tots: Ysae, Barns. Hazelip. Barton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ' • ,~ Gifi' vtdl.~1'y: ... i r --- ...,k r,-rr..a~.