HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/15 dt s oalled meeting of the Bonrd of Commiesionera, held in the W'
Counoil Chamber 1n the C1ty Hall, Pnduaah, I{y. on September 83, 191b,.upon ~,,,,,,~
oall of the roll the Yollowing answered their names; Berne, Hazelip, Marton, ,
' ,~~ c/.~~ Walleoe and Washington - 6.
• ~~~ On motion by Member Burna,Osat the request oY i[r. W. D. Thomas ~
~.~.,.-,_,_~ j Yor a transfer oY saloon lioense Yrom 434 Norton ~ltreet to 786 S. Third Street
. ;• t~+^~~."~ be denied, oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns. ~:
i Hnzelip, Merton, Walleoe and Washington r b.
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~~ On rrtotion by Member Walleae, the following Resalntion was
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~-e ~ adopted : g
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~ :Ga-`+G- }YIiEREdBs- By the will of lire. W. J. :,brame oY Louisville,
' Ky., provision wuci srwdo for the erootion of o momarial Mountain, in memory of F''
her Mather lion. Osoar ".'urnor, and ~"
' WHEREaSs- The library lot 9th and Broadway was aeleoted ae ;a
the best site. and the Yonntain there ereoted, and
IIHEREdS:- The ereotion oY the fountain at that point '~_
nooeaeitated the re-laying oY the oonorete wolks at nn eapenae of {~4b0.00, and
• _ t7HEi?EdS:- Mr. W. J., abrama has donated towards the payment
• .of the walks the sum of X160.00, leaving a balance oY y300.00, and
NiiEi2EeS:- The Library Board has agreed to pay the "v"300.00,
THEREFORE, BE IT 1?ESObYED that it is the sense oY the Board of
• .
C1ty Commiaeionere,'that in view that the fountain was a gift to the City of €: I .
~`' ~.:,_ Y,~
'• Paduanh, tsnd ereoted upon the library lot, the title of whioh is vested in .
~ the City oY.Paduoah, the City should reimburse the library board to the aciount ~"
u 9t'; a
-' ary
oY x300.00 Dither Yrom fluids yet to Dome.into the treasury before Jan ~i;,~
.. ,: ~iret', 1~16,.or to be provided Yor iri the neat year's tax apportionment ~s ..
ordinanoe. '. ', ~
upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Burns, Hazelip. iSarton,. y
Wallaoe and Washington - b~_
On motion the Board adjourned upon sell oY the roll by the `F
-' following voter Yoas, Burns, Hazelip,.L'arton, Wallace and Washington - b. ~~.`
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