HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/15 & 09/16/15~~~..- ~r t.,, . .
s Proceedings, City of Paducah 4egtembar za^ 191-g-
At a aalled meeting of the Board of Commisaionera, held in the
Council Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, 8entuoky; on September 14th, 1916,
upon call of the roll the Yollowing answered their names: Burns, Harelip,
L4arton, Wallaoe and Washington - b.
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~~, ~~t An opinion of Bagby 8o Ltartln an8 Oeo. 0. DiYigiud was presented •
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in written form.
~~~!!%~iF-~ On motion by Ltember Burns, that the ordinanoo providing for the
construction of a municipal water works be plaoed on passage ae petitioned,
was amended by Liayor Hazelip ae follows That the ordinance as submitted be
.submitted to the people, and that the City $olioitor be instructed to prepare
' said proposition in legal form ao that. eamo will be plaoed upon the ballot,
carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Burns, Hazelip,
Marton, Wellaoo and Washington - b..
~ On motion Dy Liember Hurna, .that the watorero;ka ordinance be plaoed
'y- on its passage as petitioned, lost upon call of Lhe roll by the following
~~ votes Yeas, Burns .and Marton - 2. Nays: Hazelip, Wallaoe and Washington - Se
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll .by the following
votes Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6.
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$EPiEI.tHER 16th. 1916.
Ai a called mooting of the Board of Commisaionere, held in the
Council Chamber in the City Hall of Paducah., Kentucky, on Sept. 16th, 1916, upon
Dail of the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Liarton,
~ Wallaoe and Washington - b.
~"~'"`~-' ~~ On motion by liember Martoa, the amount of $5139.49 wea allowed
• and checks ordered issued for same for. payroll, etc., carried upon call of the
roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns, Harelip, btarton, Wallaoe and Washing-
ton - b.
• ~~~~~~ i On motion by tho above, that the deputy assessor be allowed ~G0.00
. '~%~i-L~~
G par month during aeseasing time, carried upon call of the roll. by the following
' vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, 1~nllaoe and~Waehington - 6.
~/ On motion by Member Burns, that tho Fashion Show being promoted by
~ the Retail 14erohante assn be allowed ~+2b.00 for advertising the pity, to the
end that a'large number of visitors slay be attracted to the City daring the Fashion.
$how week, carried upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns,
Hazelip, Liarton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of .the roll by the following
~• voto: Yeas, Barns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Stsahington - 6..g]~ VE
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