HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/15~~ , ..' r • "No..~_ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah $entemDer la^ .191.E ' At a regular meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners, held in the ' Counoil Chamber is the City Ha11, City of Pnduoah, Ky., on September 13, 191b,,. , t i upon oall of the roll the following answered their names.: Burns, Haaelip, Idarton, ~ ! Wnlleoe and Washington - 6. ,. Om lotion the ffinntea oY the previous meeting were adopted as read,' .-+ ~. -, upon oall oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, ~ , i. " Wnlleoe and Washington - 6. f ~ ! ~,,~~:~~ , ' On motion by Liember Wallaoe, the following Resolution presented by.} ~n~'~~,Q~+~ Hr. B• W. Bagby was adopted and. ordered spread upon the minutes.: j ~w^C - •. Gi ~ RESOLVED, by the Liayor and Board oY Commissioners, oY the City oY Pnduoah, on behalf oY said oity, that its thanks , are hereby extended to 1,Sr. ~(. J. abram, of Louisville, Ky., Yor the elegant end appropriate fountain end statue reoently presented to and naoepted by the Carnegie Publio Library of Pnduoah, as a memorial aommemorntive of the , Honorable Oaonr Turner, who, Yor many years, was the diva- • tin,zuiahed representative Yvom this oongreasional dietriot ' • in the House of Representatives in the oongresa oY-the United States, whose eminent ohernoter and illustrious aerviooa will forever endear his beloved memory to the . ' oitizens oY Pnduoah and state of Kontuo}y, and entitle him to nn honorable reoord in the history oY his oountry. ~. RESOLVED, that the mayor oY this oity, on behalf of the oitizens oY Paduonh, appoint u suitable oommittee oY oitizena to eat in oon~unotion with a oommittee Yrom the ~Cnrnegie Public Library, in nrrmging n suitable time and plnoe, to. be fixed by auah oommittee, for a public reaoption of the fountain, and appropriate oeremoniee ` -- to be observed, at the unveiling oY the beooming and' • beautiful bronco bust of the Honorable Oeoar aurner, whioh have been so generously donsted to the oitizena oY Pnduoah. RE30LVED, that a aopy.of these resolutions be furnished •` LIr. Abram by the olerk of this body, and the press oY the oity be requested to publish the same. • dPPROYED: T. N. kazelip, ATTESTS Liayor. R4aurioe lSoIntyre; Oity Olork. n upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Hazelip, Liarton, Wnlleoe and Washington - b. ~~~n-~~r On motion by Liember Hurna, the matter of payment of the walks. around :. ~/ the fountain nt the Oarnegie Publio Library De taken ender e>:viaement and notion ~~~ " ~ be postponed until the nntioipated. revenue 1a paid into the oity, carried upon ~~~~. oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. C~~~~ On motion by the above, the transfer oY a saloon liaenao was granted CnGtZC.~~I.~ from Ernest Yarbao to Jeff Toles, looated nt 116-118 Kenttiaky avenue, upon the i~ "~~}/°~ furnishing of uauol bond,"eame oarrled upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Burton, 4ialleoe and Weahington - b. ~„~„~_t " On motion by the above, aPi ORDIiivTiCE PROVIDIItG FOR THE GRi,D1NC ATiD ~-~f~+~ r~ .~.~y~ 6RAVELIIdG OF Li0NR0E STREET FROLi .THE PRESETi^a, vJESTEP.Ii TERI,IINdL i2ir.REOr TO a POIIi.T ~~~~~~~r?-T~'y~/l - OIiE HUTIDRED (100) FEET WEST OF THE EtiST PROPERTY LINE OF E. R. BRe.D$}idYr, Ili THE ~'~~~~"~" `4'% CITY OF P.~DUCeli, KENTUCKY, wue gvem its paseBge upon gall. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, 1Sarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ,' ~r ~~~'L°O'"'//~ On motion by Idember Liarton, a bill presented by Dr. W.. H. Parsons. , ~~Gut~~euG, amounting to X30.00, for servioes rendered Wylie 1loCormiok, same wen referred.to• "~ the Commissioner of Safety Yor investigation and recommendation upon gall oY the /~!~ roll by the following vote:' Yeas, Iiurne. Haaelip, linrton, llallsoe'end Weahington- b. ~~j~'~~~ On motion by Member Wallaoe, deeds were granted to lots in Oqk Grote a Demeter to Laura Smith, lot,6a Blook a, Virginia Huffman, Lot 69 Blook a;.and y ,; ,,.:: `... .,~-*~ ~ " i "``-" ~+ l ~I I~ I F1'! I lVo-.-~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padueeh• 9wnte,nher ~ sth j91~ oontiauelC / Sumner ~~~"~""' B J Lot ES Blo k 1 ll i N dd . . , o -a ew a s ition, osrrisd npoa oeli of the roll by • !the following vote: Yeas,. Hurna, Hazelip, kSarton, Walleoe and Washington - 6. i i On motion by the above, 6 I'cESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR. THE COIISTRUCTION.OF ~( i ~~'nL~^ei~'~f-~-+ 36NITdRY SE'i:ER3 IN THE CITY OF PdDUCaH, KENTUCKY, eND DEFINING T$E PROPERTY- WRICR ~a.~.:.,~ ~ PtILtr BE SUBJECTED TO THE PAYI?EtIT OF THE COSTS THEREOF, 'wsa given ito peseage upon ~ • I oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hurt, Hazelip, Merton, Wallaoe and ~ , ' __ _ Washington - b. • ( ~ Oa motion by lfember Gaahingtoa AN ORDINnNCE PROYIDIII6 FOR aN ELECTION. BY ~4; ~"~/ THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PADUCaH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON 1HE-REGULAR `` k~.~ ~!~ ~ ~ ?ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 191 b. IId THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETERLiiNE THE ; • ' C~i-+•.s.~ce.~,,~, QUF9TION WHETHER THE CITY OF Pe1DUCaH SiidLL ISSUE d?iD SELL BOItDS OF SisID CI'T'Y TO THE ~~~~, ffiTENT OF :Ii.REE HUND.TiED THOUSAND (~p300,000.00) DOLLARS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF COIf3TRVCT- IIiG THE LS:iI2I OR TRUNK LINE 3Ei7ER3 IN SEf'ER DISTRICT NUIfBER THREE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, dDTD TO PROYIDE FOR THE PAYb~EiIT OF IIiiEREST ON RAID BOiVD3 AND TO '' CREATE' A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF AT I.4ATURITY, wen given its peeeage upon ,~ oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Msrton, Walieoe end i I + Washington .. b. I f-~ ~ ,f` f ~~u On motion Dy the above, the pe~proll for the Street Department for the week f = - ` c c kJ' ~~~; ending Saturday, Sept. 11th, 191b, amounting to X166.16, not covered by ordinance but paid by cash order, wen received sad filed upon call of the roll by the following • ;vote: Yeea, Hume, Hazelip, itarton, Gallsoe and Washington - 6. Oa motion the Board adjourned, upon cell of the roll by the following votei `~ Yeea, 8urna, Hazelip, Marton, Gallsoe and Washington, 6. i, ,ATf3PT~3D APP ~V':G;:D . 'L ~ ~~. `•~ ~ •- L' ~~'7~~ 1 r ~ v u . t ' {; T c;:cf~t Aar ~~ f ~, i } •. '+ k :} li .• y - }; ti ~ . ~ ~. I .. ~ •I . .._ •. • ~, . _ i._ .. ,~ ' • i .. ... n 4 ~ . . r .. . , i 9,-,~,. ~ _ .. _. _. _ .-_ . ,. _- .... ,-~n. t '~-,_