HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/15~.•d.YA .+xv~..._,,m¢-: ~.cWtl':~.~rm.,w ...rre.L~ -~r.ls' d ~ppM1.~^A~e1 ~:IA..e.. .....»- M~1 ~.I I:I ~~,: i .Y f i ,. .. %._ , j No. ~G - , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ Augaet..3oth 191 b ~• x ,. Ab a regular mooting of the Hoard of Ootnmieeionere, held in tho Oounoil • , Ohamber in the Oity Hall in the Oity of Paduoah, Ksntuaky, August a0th,. 1916, i npon oalh of the roll the following eneNered their names: Horne, Heselip, j. i „Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. j Oa motion the minutes of the previone meetings were adopted 8a read, i upon Dail of the roll by the !allowing vote: Yeas, Burns, H8se13p, Marton, i Wallaoe and Washington-- b. ` ~~ ~ `...r On motion by Member Burns, that bide in regard to lot at 12th & Oeldwell! -P.~~w~~ 9t. be referred to the Oommiaeioner of Publio Property, oarriei upon Doll o! the ,/ roll by.the following votes Yeae, Butne, Heselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington -6 ~ii~~ On motion by the above,that rules be suspended to require oopiea of -~-~., ordinenoee to be furnished three days prior to the meeting with respeot to Merit Ordinenoe, oarried upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, ~/liac~r~`-e~ Marton and Washington -.3a^Nay:_ Heselip-and Wallaoe - 2. C~ On motion by the above, that the amendment to Merit Ordinanoe be p~~~ed- same lost npon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns end Marton - 8. A , Nays Heselip, Wallaoe and Washington - 3. j -~~~~S~C~rr- that ...tie On motion by the above,/saloon lioenee of Harry MoAUghaa be transferred iC+:.,:. " to Bondurar~t do Ma}arrigal at 932 Husbands Street, - anQ ,that the Equitable Surety ~~y~f-~.: ~ Oo. bs eooepted ea their bondamea, oarried npon osll of the roll by the following '! 9~''~tiy ~' votes Yeae, Burns, Hase7.lp, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ~ -----~C for the week ~~~ Oa motion by Member Washington, the pay roll of the Street Dept./ending , ~~/j ~,,( Saturday august 28th, 191b, not oovered by ordinanoe, but paid by oeah order, '"'~" amounting to x169.00, was reoeived sad filed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Bnrne, Heselip, 3isrton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. On motion by Mayor Heselip, a petition in.regar8 to eztenaion of Thniman ~.-~u-~l.~~,e-%~~a~?, attest from Meyers street to Powell 9t. wsa reoeived sad filed upon Dell of the ~~/ roll by the following votes Yeea, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington- b. ~~~s,e On motion by Member Wallaoe the tollowtng deeds were granted to lots in. ~°'~~~`' Oak Orove Oemetery Y Lot 61 in Blook 3, sew addition to Ophelia Head - Lot 61 is ; Blook 1 new addition to Mre. Sarah Bailey -Lot b4 in Blook 1 new addition to Mra. Dora Roes, same oarried and deed ordered granted, npon Dell o! the roll by the ti. ~~~~~ following votes Yeae, Burns, Heselip, Marton, Wallaoe sad Washington - b. ~i.~~.~-e ~ Liember I~ushiilgton introduoed ~1i OBDIN:l2iCT FOR ~Id ELECTIONi BY THE QU~iLIF`IED .+ 0~~ ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PGDUCI~Fi, ]{ENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE RECULbit ELECTION D6Y, ' F'~ NOYET.4BER 2nd 191b, IIt THE~CITY OF PiiDUC.1H, KENTUCKY, TO DETERISINE idE 'dUr"S.TION ' S~HETiiER THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHAL2 IS5UE ellfD SELL BOIiDS OF Sa:ID CITY TO ^II3' Ei.TENT OF THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (x300,000.00) DOLL~'tS, FOR THE PU3POSE OF' COI4STRUC'i'Ii4O THE I,tAII4 OR TRUNK LIiJE SEDERS I14 Sh'6'E:3 DIS^aRIOT NUI.IBER THRE:: OF THE CITY OF PaDUCr.H,' KENTUCKY, AND TO PROVIDE P`OR THE PAYMEI(T OF II4TEREST ON SeTD BOI4D3 Ai4D TO CREAaE A ' /,_/~ , SINKI246 FUND FOR THE PAYLD;i4T THEREOF A^a Lte.TURITY, to lay over ten days. . On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following~• '. ~ ..a I • votes Yoaa, Burne,~'Hasslip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~a..t~01'T:EJS? ,~ .81~P b /~pt~ r YO M' '~-. ~. ~,c, ii ~; i 4 ~; ~,; d ,. .: fr c z~ 'r. ;~: Y,., . ~: Y' ~~:~~+ 7 i ~