HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/15 & 08/27/15...-..Yd ~. ~ ..~«.~i .ate ~-:: i . .:_ ... rye : 'r~. ~ ~ 4,.v • _ . w '. w ~ i. - ,c - _ .`~ n f ^~. , r ~~ ~~ 1 ' • ~ I I ~.~ t! y No, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of 1?aducah Avauat sad 191st ~: r~~ ~{ ~; . . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesionsre, held in the Connoil ~ ~ Chamber in the City Hall of the City of Paducah, $q. xuguat 83d, 1915, upon Dell P . of the roll the following answered their namess Hurae, Hasslip, Marton, Ysllaoe ~ , ~~-; and Neahington - 6.' J . , °~' ~~ On motion the mimttes o2 the revione meets P ng were adopted ae read, upon 'i °. i call oY the roil by the Yoliowiag vote: Yens, ]carne, Harelip, Barton, Nalleoe ands ~:: E;; • Naehington - b. ~;.', ~~~ ~ %LCryi r sv On motion by Member Burma. .AN ORDINANOE PROVIDI2tG FOR THE CONDELOTATION ~ ~ -u-~+^~ OF OERTAIH PROPERTY IDT ^aH8 CITY~OF P~IDUQAFi, KEtiaUOKY FOR THE E%TEI~3IOH OF THURBACi ~ ~ ~ STREET FROM POWELE STREET TO MEYER9 STREET IN THE CITY. OF PADUOdH, KEN NCHY, was 'J. ;: . ~y C~ ,given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns. I: Harelip, Marton,. Nalleoe and Washington - b. ~ ;~ ~y~n s-~*-'- Member Burns introduced AN ORDINANCE PaOVIDYZtG FOR THS GRADIHO AND ~ ~ ~ GRAVEbING OF MONROE STREET FR ~ ~; ~ OM THE PRESENT WESTERN TERMINAL THEREOF TO A POIDiT ONE ) HUNARED (100) FEE^e WEST OF THE EeLS^a PROPERTY LINE OF 8. R. BRADSHAN, IN THE CITY 0! _ ~~~~~ PADUCAH, SfEDiTUCHY, xhiah laid over Len days. • .,, ~ Oa motion by Member Marton, the report from the Paducah Nater Co. is re ar ' C~ /~. D h ~~ to extension oY water mains oa Ninth street between Clark and Adams street. sad one ' 6~ ~ fire plug was ordered placed on the rental list. same wee reoslved and filed upon , • Dell of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeea, Burma, Heaelip, Marton, Nalleoe and ., ~~~ Washington - 8. On motion by the above a oo i ti ~' , ~'• . . mmua oa on from the PARIS Clesaeera and Dyers, ~~~u-T,..,~.,^-•• in regard to overaeaeeement oa personal property, scats was referred to the Assessor •, #j and Oommiesioner of Finance, upon sell of the, roll by the following vote: Yeea, ~'~ Barns, 8azelip, Marton, Nalleoe and Neahington - b. On motion b M b y em er Nalleoe, an offer from J. S: Bettie to the City of ,,it, t,~~~,e,e( Paducah for a lot at lEth end Caldwell street wea received and filed npoa sell oY the ~° _ _ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Barns, Harelip, Marton, ir'allaoe and Washington- 6. yf.~ ~~~ On motion by the above, the City Solicitor wea inetraoted to prepare and ~, ~j ~ present at the neat regular meeting of this Board an ordinance authorising the ',- • extension qY sewer system in the alley between Third and Fourth street Booth of the '"` present terminal oY District No. 1, ee per plane and epeoifioationa, carried upon _ . Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Harelip, Merton, Nalleoe end ~ p ~ Neahington - b. ~~~y/ ~•"cG~ On motion by Member Washington, the payroll of the Street Dept. ending Sat. August Elst, 1916, not covered by ordinance, paid by Dash order, amounting to X136.86, same was leoeived end filed npon.oell oY the roll by Lhe following votes ' ' Yeas, Borne, Hase.lip, Barton, Nalleoe and.Neehington - 6. ~~~ri~j d~ O ~ n motion by Bayor Harelip, the report from the Civic Department oY the p ~~ ~t..~l'"/L ~/ ~~lL' Nomea'eClub and invitation to attend eaeroises at Eolb Park was raoeivedand tiled ~ ' ~ and aooepte3, npoa Dell of tha roll by the following vote: Ysae, Burns, Heaelipo ~ °': '~L ~. Marton, Nalleoe and.Naehingtoa - 6. .,~ On motion by Member Burns, that an amendment to the Function Ordinanae and ~~i~k~~~~•.~. Merit-ayetem ordinance, be 6ronght,.tn, eo,se;to enable,-tha:~olSoe.Depestmeni to stay ~-?~ •~~ 'r~ , M thin:ite apportionment, and giving the Chief oY Police the power to dispense with t~. essvioae of such men in the department ae it appears may be diep9need with ooneisteat pith the necessary protection requirements, the above lost npoa call of the roll by ~.. "~~. ' . tha following votes. Ysae. Barre eo Marton- 8. Hayes HYSelip, Nalleoe and Naehiagtoa- 8. ~;, ~; i r. ,.. .- .. ~... ~~ . f • No..~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ot"Padtre~alr o~•t asd ~ IQLoontinned " ~-~ i !/~ On motion Dy Nayor Harelip, that tEe above merlon of Member Horns be emended by inetruoting the Oity Solicitor to bring in Ba ordinanoe repealing the ~ ~"~`"'~""'~ Merit Ordinenoe.and else repealing that part of the fnnotioa ordinaaos fizirg the number of msa.ead smpowering the oaamiaelonera on rsoommandatloa of the Commiaelone; of Safety to employ snob cumber of men ea aeoseeasy, to et npan oell of the roll by the tollowing votes Yeaa. Harelip & flallaoe • E. Nays: Burns. Marton & i Washington 8. On motion the Bosrd ad~onrned. upon oall of the roll by the following i vote= Ysae, Burney Harelip. Marton. ielleoa and Miashington b. 1 ~, ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ 4! ..-......... .... il1AY~ ~ . City Cler,~ ~ ~' i . ~UIiUST R7th. 191b k n , ' !~ `t • called meeting of the Board of Oommieaioaere, held in the Oounoil '~ ~ Ohambes la the Oity Hali of the Oity of Paduoah~ Sy. on .wguat 87th, 1916 npoa .. " call of the roll the following answered their nsmes: Horne, Harelip, Marton, ~ Nellaoe and iashiagtoa b. ~~~/ On motion by Member Nellaos~ the Oity ao11o1tor is hereby instructed ^d~ to b o d ring Sa an r innnoe submitting the quoation.of voting bonds for the ooa- ,. struotioa of main trunk sewers 1a sewer Distsiot Number Thtse, to the voters at ;; the serf general eleotioa; Bald bonds to snn thirty yearn end to boas intereet• at the rats of 4•~ per coat per annum from date, and for snob amouttt ae may be I', determined by the Oommiasioner of Public biorka, onrried npoa cell of the roll bg "~ the following votes Ysae~ Hurne~ Sarelip~ Marton. iielisoe sad Washington b• • { On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by bho following ~~ vote: Yeea~ Burney Harelip, Martoa~ Wal3aoo ea4 Washington 6. ~:. ~, -~- - 1 ~!%~?~~~ - ~j.:t'r ". ''4'.;7_:7 / ~; City Clem ~ ~~~Y.. u !• ` ~• .. ~. fi i ~. .t 'z ~ 4 . . .. ~. ~' H 1 !f s ., ~.~ , i i ~.. ,- r -:~... ~:~.- ~ .~ ~.: ~,r.,,,-., - ,-, ir- ,~.-T .-=-"-~I"'~°1T'-'.~I~`"TM'1-i,.~`''~'"Q~.,xR~T'r--r err ~,~-~„-~. -r ~. ,R..rmr,. mrnp~ r ,. -. ,.r.T-~'rr-"