HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/15. IYO~~( ~ s, Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduaah sonnet Leh jgj~ '~~~~ ~_~ ,i '' ~, ,~ ' At n regular meeting oY the Board oY Commiaeionera of the C1ty oY Paducah ,~ E heid in the Council Chamber of the City Rall, Paducah, Ky., upon cell of the roll ~ the'.Yollowing answered their namoe: Burns, Razelip, Liarton, Wallace and '~, ~'~ ~ ~ ~~. e 1~ashington - b. ~ ~ '_~ } On motion the minutes oY tho previous meetings ware adopted;aq read, upon cull of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yana, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Walleoe y ` ~ and Gaehington - 6. j ~~ , ~~~~~ ~ t- • ~. On motion by itember Bums, a transfer of a saloon license was granted .~~~-c~.~~k ~. Yrom F. 5. Burtaoi to H. L. Burton. at 134 S. 4th St., - lir. 3iurton oifored ae ~ bond the Fidelity Lepoait Co. -upon cell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, ~ I •~" ._ Burns, Razelip, Liarton, 4~ellaoe•and &ashington - b. ~ -G~~ ~ ~ '' On motion by the above. the Equitable Suroty Co. was released.oYf of the Vi w,' o C:~ ! baloon.bond of J. L. Potter, upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing votes Yane, B=rns, Hazelip, tSarton, Gallaoe and 4teahinEtton - b. •. ~,~..-..,.~~ On motion .by Liember ?Barton, the finenoial allowance for aalariee, etc. } G~-GGr«'-+~+"~ amounting to X5'33??.49, was allowed, and checks ordered drawn for same, upon pall • ~ . of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ?Lorna, Hazelip, Liarton, Wulleoe and • -- I Washington - 5. • i ~lr-lie-~~GC ~~~ On motion by the above, Liitohall Liaohine & Electric Oo:.wae allowed , ~ ~~'`~ ~~ ' • new rooms. upon cell oY the roll by the I X13.50 Yor wiring the Commiesionera fallowing votes Yeae, Bume, Hazelip, Liarton, Gallabe and Washington - b: QQ ~ ' ~~ //JJ '' On motion by the above, Dr. J. B. doree was allowed i~2.00 for night visit • ~ ~7"- ~-y o to lira. Groeaaway, upon call of the roll by the Yollowing votes Yeae, Burns, ..' ~ } t - Razelip, bierton, Calleoe and Llaehington - b. j k ,. .. .----.- ~ ~ ~~ On motion by Liember Washington, the payroll for the Street. Dept. ending I ~2~~ Saturday august 14th. 1916, amounting to y1b4.80, not,oovered by ordinance, paid • } ,, by oeah order, at3me was received and filed upon call of ti,e roll by the following. {. a p -'~ /y, vote: Yeea, Bums. Razelip. Liarton, ti+alleoe and Washington - 6. ~~~~~~ U" On motion by the above, a oomnunioation in regard to installing new ~ arc light,and suggestions in regard to the piecing of other lights, wen received 1 , • i . and filed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Harelip, ; . ~ ~ ~-.-.~-~ ~ Ziarton, Eallaoe and Ueahington - b. ~ ~ [~~~ ~"` On motion bq Liember Wi:].laoe, report ending July 31at,•oY the Gomaa'e Club ' was received and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeap, Burns ~i~~-~W' Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washington - 6. . On motion by L;ember Burns, the City Solicitor was instructed Lo bring !n ~ an ordinance condemning ihurmen Street,npon call of the roll by the following 4 vote: 4eea, Burns, Razelip, Liarton, Gallaoe end W&ahiagton - 6. ~. ;'~ } "t: ~~~r*i ~ On motion by Ltember Ulnshington, the C1ty Solicitor was instructed to ~~~'~ bring in nn ordinance for the improvement oY }Monroe St. Yrom where the preaeist ~ j. """~, - gravel street ends to a point 100 it. Went of the Eaet property line of E. R. y grading end graveling eac,e, carried upon cell of the roll by the ,•--{`'!) Bradshaw b i • }~. =~~~ ' ; ~ ... ---- following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Gallnoe and Washington - b. }, •~.` . •• On motion the Board ad~ourned,•upon call of the roll Dy the following i