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~ No.~ - Aup_uat 13th 1916. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah - ~a: . ?~ ' :, ' At a oalled meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held is the } ,~ ~ ~ Counoil Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, $entuoky, on August 13th, 1916, ;- y ~i a ~ ~L upon oell of the roll the following answered their names: Burns,. Harelip, 1 ~. ~1 Marton' Wallaoe and Waehin ton - b. ~ $ ;i COI,.. ~ C3 /' y~~~ -cc~rc/ 1 oommunioation/presented to the Board oY Commissioners by s~:, ' ~ Commissioner L. A. ~aehin~toa. notifying thorn oY the feat that he had awarded -j the oontraot to Winston Broe. Yor the oonatrnotion of Ontfall Sewer in the. ~ t ' ooatemplated Sewer Diatriot 2to. 3 oY the City of Paduonh, as they were the r,j ` ~~~ ~CJ~-~~o© r~~ lowest and best bidder. i(o notion wee taken. i >: . ~ ~~ On motion by Member Baras;:that'it be the sense of the Board s oY Commissioners that the outYall sewer in the propoaed.Sewer Distriot ~3 ~. - be built oY brink, the Yiret eeolion thereof, with ooaorete foundation, the ', " ', ~~ ~ oontraot to be awarded to the lowest bidder - no aotion taken oa the above. • ~ a~ ~!~-~~-~~. On substitute motion by Member Wallaoe, that °OFING i0 THE SERIOUS . r :fin n-~~+J DII~`FEREWCE OF OPIitIOIi REGbRDING THE }.tERITS OF BRICK tliTD COIiCRETE 3EGER3. and . i ;`• ~, REALIZYNG THAT THE BUILDING Or^ THE 1tAIN 3EC;EP. FOR ItO. 3 DISTRICT DEPENDS _ UPON THE ISSUE OF SECIER HOND9, AND FEARING THAT THE ACCEPTAiiCE OF EITHER BID ~~ ` FOR BUILDING THE PROPOSED SECTION OF 3E7rER MIGHT DEFEAT SAID BOND I33UE, AND ' WHEREAS, A3 IT NOW APPEARS IF SAID BOND ISSUE SHOULD BE DEFEATED SAID 9BQ^aION ~`. ? WOULD NOT BE.AYAILABLE FOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE BItD WOULD AMOUIIT TO THE SINKIN4 ~" x ~°--, • OF NEARLY SI%TY THOU3i,ND DOLLARS OF THE PEOPLES MONEY..FITHOUT AITY CHANCE OF i ~ i OOhSPLETION, I THEREFORE MOVE THAT ALL BIDS BE REJECTED AilD THA! A BOND ISSUE ± ~i'~ BE 9UBLtITTED TO THE VOTERS OF PADUCAH AT THE NEXT GE[iEReL ELECTION", oarried - ~f ~,,.+ non oall of the roll b the follows P y ng votes Yeas, Harelip, Weslleae sad s ~: .. Washington ~ 3. N$ye, Bnrne and Marton, 2. ~' ; On motion the Board ~dfonrned, upon osll oY the roll by the ry • ~• ~ • following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Wallsoe and Washington ~ 6. ?': -~ r: _ AUOP' .A.P S~`'ED ~ City e - j/ _ Y ;'' ' • ,. • - i;< ,.. ' . ~s= ~. ~~ ' ';~' ~ ~.! t ~-. ,~. ,~ .. ', 's ` .. ,. ~' .:. . - . .. ~, • _ . ' ,. ~~ r