HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/15 i ~ ... _ ~ L • }. ' - ~ ~ • - ~ ". .. .. Na .~l ,' ~i~ ~ ~ ~. carried upon Dell of the roll. by the following vote; Yeas, Hezellp, Ltnrton, Yallaoe ~ .. and l'raehington - 6. • ~ On motion the IIoard adjourned, upon call of the roll by the Yolloering vote; f j Yeea, Harelip, L:arton, Wallaoo and Washington - 4. ' ,A.UO~ ., APPF' ~V'ED ~ . . i 1tY Cter , Yul ~ 1 ' /~ . %/~~ On motion Dy Liembar Nulluoe, that the matter of the bill from Oounty (1-Gtrr s.a-Gt.l~, :. Judge for Loading prisoners sent to the Oounty Jnil, be defarrod until the ~ xt ~ • ~' regular meeting, and that the Clark serve notice on County Judge Lnng, County Ja11er ~ ' I is Chittemore and ex-county Jailer, Houser, requesting their ettandanoo at avid roosting, . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_.__~Ruet stn 191 s At s,rsgmar"meeting of.the Board of Oommlasionerb of the Oity of Paduoab {{ held in the Oounoli Chamber of the•Oity He11. Paduoah, Kentuolcy, on r-ugnet 8th; 1916, E " upon Dell of tho roll tho following answered their names; Heaellp, Llarton, Wallace f . '~ and Rlaehington - 4. .~: Oa motion the minatea of the previous mestinge were adopted ae road, upon " . ` Dell of the roll by the tollowing vote; Yana. Hnaolip, Ltnrton, Wallnos and i . //'' ~ E3lc ~rn/ ~ Washington - 4. i ., , .~w ,~3 ' f Oa motion by Ltayor Heaellp, a oommunioation from L, a. Washington in re- , ; ~ ' : i gard to sewer bide, was reoeived and filed, upon Dell of the roll by the following i I .~,_ , i . ' III wote; Yeas. Heaellp, Ltnrton, Vlellaoe and keehington - 4. ~~~- G C.~ ~ On motion Dy Ltember Ltartan, that the petition in favor of brink for sewer I ~.•. Q ~ distriot Iio. 3, be seoelved and filed. ourried on Dell of the roll by the following i I, votes Ysne, Heselip, Ltnrton, G"allnoe and Washington 4. '~'°"'"~ ~~~`~ On motion by Liayor Harelip, that notion bo deferred on oontrnot for Sewer ~ , Dietriot No. 3 until Friday morning at ten o'olook, until Ltr. Hums arrived, lost ' upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yene, Heaellp and l~elleoe S. Nays,. { i; i. ~~ Liarton and Washington ~ 8. ~ ., ~ ~ p' / ~ ~ On motion by Ltember Wallaos~s Heeolutlon in regard to holding the Cwnberiand; D / p ` / ~ /O,/ iClii; .G` (car fit-! ( Telephone 8o Telegraph Oo, harmless from all ooata or damage which may be sustained by j ' { reason of pay garnishment proooedinga to attach the sum of y600.00 paid the 01ty ae I ' attorney tea of Hal 3. Corbett, ewes was given its passage upon Dail of the roll by ,,,,; ' the following vote ;. Yeas. Hezelip, Ltnrton, Wallace and Gaahington - A ~ ~ ,, ;!~.i ~. ~~ ,. j~ .r .::._...r.., _..,. ..~.,~..,, ~. ,..;. ._ .~ ..,.,:.,,,~.,~i .,tea, ~ w,~,,.~...,......e..~.. ~.,.~..w.. .. ~ w .~,..~ ,~,.,d.,~.~,..... ~ ..~~.«~r..~. »~...~ ., ..,...,.,