HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/15 .. ~::.a aN Yt 4 .,, - .. ,. .. ~ ~.. ,. M .-~ .....+~-.d.,~3s-.+•...v~...-t~.r.u ~ ..wwr_.~=i1.w.,v--.`.°.u~SLwL. «,ui __a...._ ...~ .. _ ..._.. .-.'h~ ~:~ „,a i ' '~,.J of Paducah auRaet end ~gla No._ Lt a regnlar.mestin6 of the Hoard o! Oommiseionsre, held in the !~~ !, Connoil Chamber of the City Hall, Padnoah, Kantuoky, on ~ugnet P.nd, 1916, upon oall I r of the roll the"following.anewered their names Hazelip, aelleoe end Washington-8., _ i, On motiiri the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted se i ready upon oell of the roll by tho following vote: Ysae, Harelip, Wallaos and ~ 1Pashingtm~ 8. ~~y~-+~~ On motion by Member Washington, the report of the Commieeloeur o! j' . C~~ U '' "Finanoe, of reosipte and disbursements, was reoeived and filed and ordored published i' _ ~ upon call of the roli.by the following votes, Yeae, Hazellp.,Tlalleoe and P~aehington-8, ~,,,,~,_.,.~~ On motion by the above, that the statement of Commiealoner of ? ~"""""""'`'~ P'inanos be allayed anQ a warrant drown Yor same, oarried upLn oell of the roll by + " ,. _ the following vote: Ysae, Hazelip, Wallaoe and aeehington - 8. as-+~u ~ On motion by itemLer Gallsoe, that permission bs g7rented Harry t~ '`'~ / ~: ltoAughan to transfer hie saloon lioenee from Tenth and Husband street, on the North i~ ~ _ seat earner to the South-east oarner of same stroat, oarried upoh oall of the roll U y the following vote: Ysae, Hazelip, Wailaee and Washington . 8. I _ n, On motion by ldember Washington, the report 9f th• Chief of Polioe ; ~ [_~_ l%~" ®~~ for the month of July, 1916 was reoeived and filed upon pall of the roil by the ' following vote: Yeas, lieaellp, T'allaoe and Washington - 3. On motion by the above, the request of Jsnnis and Baby Dunlap I.• Q~„~t ¢~ / to oonneot with Sewer Diatriot No. H was granted, sod the Dtayor we-s inatruoted to j • ~/p~~s~~J, sign oontraot, upon oell of the roll by the followin; votes Yeae, Harelip, Wallaoe _ __..- and Washington - 3. ~ i ,~ Gr~~,P On motion by the above, the pay roll oY the street department Yor (. ~/f~°~`_ the weak ending July 81st, 191b, not oovorod by ordinunoe, amounting to w198:60, ~!. paid by oash order, some wse reoeived and filed upon oall of the roll by the Yollow. { • _ 1ng vote: Yeae, Harelip, Walleoo and Fashington - 3. ~' !''p, 1 ~ ~i. On motion by Ltembar Wallaos, a oommuniontion fran 1+. J. Hill in p s ~is,~ wi-a~~ regard to transportation of employees of the P. & I. RaiTroed from the approeoh of ~ . '" ~ the proposed bridge to Paduoah, was reoeived and Piled upon onll of the roll by the " (~, ~.-. ~ ; following vote: Yoae, Harelip, Walloon and Washington - 8. i sari »ca ,~pp On .motion by Mayor Hazelip, AID ORDIN6NOE PItOHIHITINQ .THE 1~deINTENdNOW C~.Ji~~~cR- ;: ~~-t-c~~t-~ .~;' OR EREQTION OF 3URF4CE CLOSETS OIi TOIIET9 CrITHIN SEl`~ER DISTRICT NULiBER TP~`0 OF THF. OIT7~ ~; OF PaDUOdH, KENTUOKY, dND PROYIDiIiG PEit..LTY FOR YIOLaTION HEREOB, oarried upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hnsalip, Wuilooe and Washington - 8. i' On motion tl:e Hoard adjourned upon nail of tho roll by the following ' d 4 unto: Yeae, Hasolip, Wallaoe and 1ashington - 8. r ;::~I'~OFT~I~ APP _...~ .~.1.u~r ii ~~ YU1 OitY Oler~ • ;. w ~' ' ,. • ;. L. .. ( . ,~~ i 1, „ , Y: ;LL ~' ;'. ,. '',. i,` ,: •; ' ~~.~ _,,_. ~, - . { ;l. . . _,,. ..---- - -„err 7,. ~~~,>~ ,-, ~. i~.... , ~., r :.. ~, .~~T..... ~ , ~ ... .T~~a... ~a~.r-- ,: ~-, i~.., ,.-. i