HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/15 & 07/21/15Commissioner's r ~ ,,~I, ~A {. ", h'. 5' ' . • ,~, k ~. ;• . ,: f. _, ;~'ro; ;% ;~~; City of At a regnlat meeting of the Boezd of Oommiasioresa of the Oity o! Padnoah. Hy.. hold is the Oonnoil Ohambsr of the Oity Hall. Psdnoah, Sy., oa July 19th, npoa oall of the roll the following answered their names s earns, ,: . ~: Harelip. Marton, Waileoe and Washington - b. J` On motloa the miantea of the previous meetings were adopted as read, upon 1 h • '~ oall of the roil by the following toter Yoas, Hama, Harelip. Marton. Wallaoe an4 ~ ©'~ ~ ° ~ 1Peahingt am 6. ~~"~~~ ; Oa motion by 8ember Buena, that $E60.00 bs donated to make osrtain the i ' holding o! oar anausl Bair, to the Psduoah Bair Aeaooiation, oarrisd npoa Dail of 1 F, ~ : ;~ the roll by the following votes Yeae, Busse, Harelip , ][artoa, Wallaoq and Bashing. ~ ton - b. ~ ~~~~~~~~ G~~~11=+~~...4~s!. On motion Dy Member Marton, that the oontroverey between Jim Ohambers and ~ ~~~,celrr ooatraotor Evans, in regard to said Evans' horses running at large sad destroying the • ~ meadow of Ohambera, rams wen reierrad to the Oommittee ea e'whole to investigate, to prevent lose snit, oarrisd upon Dell of the roll by ths.following vote: Yeae, Barna~! i Marton, Washington - S. Nays, Harelip and Wallaoe, E. I • p~.~z~,~~' On motion by Mayor Harelip, the Gity Solioitor was instruoted to bring in J .a~*.•~t,~,;f' L ea ordinanos to prohibit the nao of eurtaos oloeote in Sower Diatriot No. E, oarried.J npoa Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Bursa, Heselipg Marton, Wallaoe E /~' ~,~,~- and Washington - b. ~;~~~ Dew On motion by Member Surna, Dr. bins was empowered to employ another ~ . ~• '. ' sanitary oftiosr to devote hie entire time ridding the Oity of weeds, until snob tiara i ae hie servloea may bs diepended with, in tho judgment of the Health otlioes, oarrisd i •, npoa Dail of the roll Dy the following votes Yeea, Surne, Harelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~ •~ ~~~~~' On motion by the above, a transfer of a saloon lioenee st 9EE Bindlsy ~ • ~~' street from b. M. Tanner to Columbus Hilmantolor at the aeaxe loastion, oarrisd upon ' „~ N~ Dell of the roll by the following votes Ysae, Surne, Harelip, Atarton, Wallaoe anb i 1ashington - 6. ,:~~.. y~ ', .; .'4/ x ,l yM1, ~ri . ,~. r On motion by the above, a transfer of the saloon 13oenss from J. L. SSS~ _ •~, ~~ ~~ Fottsr, looatad at 900 N. Eighth street to Will T. Miller, at 789 Harris street, 'i;, .`~," oarrisd, and Miller offered ae his bond Equitable Surety Oo., which was.aooeptoQ, ~~~y~~ npoa Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeae Hoene Marton end Waehi ton • E~~ Naye~ Harelip and Wallaoe E. ~. ~ ~ On motion by Member Marton. the Oity 01esk was instructed to mail oertitied ~3~'~T- ' .0,,,,Q.....,~- Dopy of the ezpsneea la the snit against the Feet Tennessee Tel. Oo. with the Oity of j ,~.'p s~ i • ~~''"~'" ~ Paducah. oarrisd upon osll of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Harelip, Martor~ ~ ~-~ Wallaoe and Washington 4. Barns sot voting. i ''~ ~~~ / O~n motion by the aDovs, Oeo. H. Goodman wen retarded on pereanal aeesssmsat~ ,` ~~y~,^„~.~Ebb.00, npoa Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns Hnaelip~ Martoa~ Wallaoe and Washington . 6. i( ~/~~- Oa motloa by Member Washington, H. B• Orawford waq granted permlesioa to ` oonneoL with Hewer Diatriot No. E., ea pas contract, and the Mayor was anthorlrsd to '~ ` °O~-~`-~2. sign same, npoa Deli of the roll by the Yollowirg voter Yeas, flume, Harelip, j ~-+ Mastoa, Wallaoe and Washington b. [/ O~'-C/ On motion by the abors, the pay roll of the Street Dspt, ending the west ~~~~i/Gf o! Sst. July l7", not oo~esed Dy ordinance, and paid by Dash os4er. amounting to (((( ~, ' g1E9.7b also pay roll for the repairing of the.bltulithio ayreete, ending the name a ;•,-, .,. ~ .y No:~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City o#'Paducah J,:le l~t~ 191~ooatinnea. £'-~ • week, no.=Hovered by ordinance and paid by Dash order, amounting to ~16b.b0, same; were reoeiv+ed and filed npoa call of the roli by the following vote: Yeas, Barns,; Hazelip, Marton, Welleae and Washington - b. '~? r'~'1~'~!//~ on motion by Member Wallace, the desk formerly in the Oonnoil Ohamber Gx~`~~ O .wee donated t.o the Oarnegis Library Board, for nee in branch 1lbraryr, carried npoa ~~~/'~~''~~. Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace end E~~x~Ge e ~ Naehingtoa - b. . ~~~ On motion by Mayor }Iaaelip, that the report of safe of Franchise to operate •fd a telephone system in Yaduoah, end sold to the Cumberland Telephoned Telegraph Co, bs received, approved, concurred in and filed, sad written into the minutes - ae I. . .. .• lollows.: ' • " " TO. THE HON. MA7[OR AND COMIiISSIOBT&RS OF TH8 CITY OF PADUCAH, !i ~~ • - REBTUOKR I, Thamae N. Hazelip, the undersigned Mayor oY the City of Paducah ' beg to report that under and pursuant to the terms oY an ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky on the 2b^ day oY May, 191b, providing for the sale of a Yraaohise or privilege to erect maintain and operate lines oY telephone and telegraph in the ~ity of Paducah, Kentucky, I adver- ' tieed the time, terms sad piece oY eels, together with a Dopy oP ' f" .y said ordinance providing Yor the sale oY said fraaohise, for Your .. oonseoutive issues oY the Paducah News-Democrat and The Paducah Evening Sun, daily papers published in the City of Paduoeh and having a general oironletion therein, in the issues oY June lb", 22d, 29^ end Jnly 6^, 1915 oP the Paducah.itewa-Democrat, and in issues of June lb^, 22d, 29^ and July 6^, 191b oY the Paducah Evening Sun, and on the lbth day oY July, 191b at tea o'clock A. M. offered the i- said Yranohiee for sale at public out-ary at the City Hall door o! Paducah, Kentucky to the highest and beat bidder, whereupon the • Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, incorporated, publicly bid Yor said Yranohiee the sum oP Five Hundred (~rb00.00) Dollars. i The Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, incorporated, being the highest and beat bidder, the same was struck oYY'to it, and . said Cumberland Telephone do Telegraph Company, incorporated, gave to me the sum of Five Hundred ($b00.) Dollars, receipt oY which ie eahaowledged. .,~.:... ~a~ ' ,p,~` All oY which !e reported this 18^ flay of July, Y91b. ,I Thos. N. Hazelip, Mayor o! the Oity of Padnoah~ i Oarried upon Dell oY the rail by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazel~p, 1Sarton,' Walleoe and Washington - b. • Oa motion by the above, that the aooeptanoe oY the Cumberland Telephone 8o Telegraph Co. be received and Yiled and incorporated in the minutes, as foliows :- ' ^ TO THE HON. MAYOR AItD COLIMISSIONERS ~OF THE CITY F CAH y. ',, .. ~I Jiytw ~ . { ~ .. ~~.., moo, 0 PADU , OENTLEF,~N The Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, Incorporated, on the lbth day oY July, 191b, purchased at public sale tho Yranohise sold by the City oY Paducah on said date to erect, maintain and operate a telephone and telegraph system in the City oY Paducah, as provided in an ordinance passed .by the i;ayor end Commissioners oY the City o4 Paducah on the 2bth daq oY Eiby, 191b, and it has paid to the L',ayor oY the City of Paducah, Five Hundred ($b00) Dollars, the amount bid for snob Yranohiee. -You arc hereby notified that the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, Incorporated, accepts said Yranohiae and the terms and. conditions therein, and agrees to erect, maintain and operate a system ot, telephone and telegraph lines in the Citq of Paducah ender the terms and . oonditiona of said ordinance. This Jnly 16th, 19ib. • J. M. B. Hoses Second Yioe President. • Attest: d, Chem in '" (Seel) sore cry .. w sates carried npoa calf of She roll Dy the following tots: Ysae, Burns, i li,",~ fi ~, x. r~ _ Commissioner's. Proceedings, Ci of.Paduoah ° 191 oontinuen ~ ~. , i Raseiip, Marton, Wailaoe and Washington • b,~ ~ ' ~ '# ~ i~ On motion by the above, an latitatioa from the OiKO DspsrtmenL of Lhe • _ ° rA ~~-~•+.-v c:~u.F , Woman's O1uD for the Board of Oommieeionere to attend Lhe ring raining aL Yo1D e . e/s ^ / ~ Park on July 80th, wen eoospted aaa`osdered flied and asoh manber requsatea to a - ~ ,~ attends oarrisd upon oell of Lhe roll by the following voter Yeea, Surae, Raalip, f ~ Marlon, 1Palleoe and Washington - 6. ~ f( ~ L~~ ~ ~~ On mbtion by thq.above, that Lhs report of the Phileathropio.DepL. of. f th s i d ll b Lh d m ' ~, ~ ~ - /tisr c-a o ame oarr e upon oail o e To y s Olnb be reoelve end flied, ,the Wo an e r - ~ `' ~ > L~~i.~.~ fOllowin$ Totes Yeea Bnsne, Hazelip~ Ltartou~ Wailaoe end Washington - 6. ,• .. ,. ~ On motion by Member Washington, the Oity So1loiLor was inetruoted Lo . *: . dGt41i/ .r bring in en ordinanos or resolution authorizing oontraot for Sewer Distriot No• s I( "~ and Lhs e~enditnro o! the eooumulated Sowar Fnaa, set aside for 9ewsr D1etrlot No.st ~. , carried upon osll of the roil by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Bazsiip, Marton, ~ • `h "' ~ Watiasa and Washington • 6, ' ,• ~ i On motion the Board 4d'oumed, upon oall of Lhe roll by Lhe following ~ .. ' voLsis Yeas, eu;ne, Rauiip, Marton, Wailaoe and Washington . 6. ! , . ~' _ ~b~~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~f , ~ . ~ i fly ~ Y: ~ '' ~.S ~~ , ~~ ' ~ ' ~+ i; J II L Y 81st. x,916 ' • ., r ' ~ dt a osiled meeting of the Sosrd of Oommiesioners, held in the Oonnoil j ! M1 ~ Ohamber of the Oity Hall, Paduoeh, Sy., on Jniy SisL, 191b, upon oeli of the soil ~ :; . ~' (~~ ' ~++- ~ ~ Lhe following answered their names s Hezelip, Marton, Wnileos and Washington • 4, { a. . - 's..+•+es. ~ L~a~ ~ ~ On motion by Etsmber Washington ".W ORDIRdHOE AUr~RIZINO TBE BOARD 0! ~ , ~ -~~~ ! OOMMISSIONERS OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH TO LET A CONTRAOT FOR THE OONSTRUOTIOt~ OF THS • ~~~; OUTPACE 98CER IN THE CONTEMPCdTED $EP'ER DISTRICT NUMBER THREE OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH ' ~ BENTUCBY", said ordineaoe was instrnoted to ley over seven days from thlo dale. On motion the Board ad~onrned, upon oall of Lhe roll by the following I ~ 1. ~ votes Yeea, Hazslip. Marton. Wailaoe and Washington - 4. .. k~ .~: {, i~, i 1 ~ ' ;~; ;;, ~ ~, ,: ~ ~' .i . ~ ~, ; ,~ ~ ,~; • ., . ~ + :. a ., . ~ .